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(Quotes From Resolutions Given Below)

Israeli Violations Of General Armistice Agreements as per UN Security Council Resolutions: 93, 106, 111, 228, 332, 337, 467

Full-Text Versions of all UN Resolutions Pertaining to the Middle East, on the UN Website --> Welcome --> Peace & Security --> The Palestine Question --> Resolutions

Resolution 93 (18 May 1951) –  Despite UN resolutions and the General Armistice agreements, all parties continue to make complaints against the other for violations.  Thus the Israeli corporation, Palestine Land Development Co. has been requested many times to stop building in DMZ and Israeli aerial action on 5 April 1951 was in violation of Armistice agreement and UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 54, and the UN Truce Supervision Organization and the Mixed-Armistice Commissions to consult with them about all problems and disputes.  Civil administration in DMZ will be localized - each village will manage itself.  Also Palestinian inhabitants of DMZ evacuated by Israel must be allowed to return to their homes.  Also requires all parties to allow freedom of movement to UN workers.

"Noting that the Chief of Staff of the Truce Supervision Organization, in a memorandum of 7 March 1951,1/ and the Chairman of the Israel-Syrian Mixed Armistice Commission, on a number of occasions, have requested the Israel delegation to the Mixed Armistice Commission to ensure that the Palestine Land Development Company, Limited, is instructed to cease all operations in the demilitarized zone until such time as an agreement is arranged through the Chairman of the Mixed Armistice Commission for continuing this project,

(a) Aerial action taken by the forces of the Government of Israel on 5 April 1951, and

(b) Any aggressive military action by either of the parties in or around the demilitarized zone, which further investigation by the Chief of Staff of the Truce Supervision Organization into the reports and complaints recently submitted to the Council may establish, constitute a violation of the cease-fire provision in Security Council resolution 54 (1948) and are inconsistent with the terms of the Armistice Agreement and the obligations assumed under the Charter;

Noting the complaint with regard to the evacuation of Arab residents from the demilitarized zone:

(a) Decides that Arab civilians who have been removed from the demilitarized zone by the Government of Israel should be permitted to return forthwith to their homes and that the Mixed Armistice Commission should supervise their return and rehabilitation in a manner to be determined by the Commission;

(b) Holds that no action involving the transfer of persons across international frontiers, across armistice lines or within the demilitarized zone should be undertaken without prior decision of the Chairman of the Mixed Armistice Commission;

Noting with concern the refusal on a number of occasions to permit observers and officials of the Truce Supervision Organization to enter localities and areas which were subjects of complaints in order to perform their legitimate functions, considers that the parties should permit such entry at all times whenever this is required to enable the Truce Supervision Organization to fulfil its functions, and should render every facility which may be requested by the Chairman of the Mixed Armistice Commission for this purpose;"

Resolution 106 (29 March 1955) – Noting report by Mixed Armistice Commission about organized Israeli attack on 28 Feb. 1955, condemns this attack as violation of UN Security Council Resolution 54 and the General Armistice Agreement and the UN Charter, and calls on Israel to stop it.

 "Noting that the Egyptian-Israel Mixed Armistice Commission on 6 March 1955 determined that a "re-arranged and planned attack ordered by Israel authorities" was "committed by Israel regular army forces against the Egyptian regular army force" in the Gaza Strip on 28 February 1955,1/

1. Condemns this attack as a violation of the cease-fire provisions of Security Council resolution 54 (1948) and as inconsistent with the obligations of the parties under the General Armistice Agreement between Egypt and Israel 2/ and under the United Nations Charter;

2. Calls again upon Israel to take all necessary measures to prevent such actions;

3. Expresses its conviction that the maintenance of the General Armistice Agreement is threatened by any deliberate violation of that Agreement by one of the parties to it, and that no progress towards the return of permanent peace in Palestine can be made unless the parties comply strictly with their obligations under the General Armistice Agreement and the cease-fire provisions of its resolution 54 (1948)."

Resolution 111 (19 January 1956) –   Recalling the reports and letters concerning the conflict, including the complaint by Syria that Israel had conducted a military attack on 11 Dec. 1955, and reports of Syrian interference with lawful Israeli activities near Lake Tiberias, judges that this interference does not make the military action justified, which thus is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 54, the General Armistice Agreement, and UN Charter, Calls for Israel to obey, and for UN to clear up conflict near Lake, and arrange for exchange of POW's.

 "Taking into consideration the statements of the representatives of Syria and Israel and the reports of the Chief of Staff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine on the Syrian complaint that an attack was committed by Israel regular army forces against Syrian regular army forces on Syrian territory on 11 December 1955,

Noting that, according to the report of the Chief of Staff, this Israel action was a deliberate violation of the provisions of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Syria,2/ including those relating to the demilitarized zone, which was crossed by the Israel forces which entered Syria,

Noting also, without prejudice to the ultimate rights, claims and positions of the parties, that according to the reports of the Chief of Staff there has been interference by the Syrian authorities with Israel activities on Lake Tiberias, in contravention of the terms of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Syria,

1. Holds that this interference in no way justifies the Israel action;

2. Reminds the Government of Israel that the Council has already condemned military action in breach of the General Armistice Agreements, whether or not undertaken by way of retaliation, and has called upon Israel to take effective measures to prevent such actions;

3. Condemns the attack of 11 December 1955 as a flagrant violation of the cease-fire provisions of its resolution 54 (1948), of the terms of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Syria, and of Israel's obligations under the Charter of the United Nations;

4. Expresses its grave concern at the failure of the Government of Israel to comply with its obligations;

5. Calls upon the Government of Israel to do so in the future, in default of which the Council will have to consider what further measures under the Charter are required to maintain or restore the peace;

6. Calls upon the parties to comply with their obligations under article V of the General Armistice Agreement to respect the armistice demarcation line and the demilitarized zone;"

Resolution 228 (25 November 1966)  – Noting the Secretary-General’s report (S/7593) on Israel’s military action against the Southern area of Hebron, the Security Council censures Israel for this action as a violation of the UN Charter and the General Armistice Agreement between Jordan and Israel of 1949, and emphasizes that actions of military reprisal will not be tolerated and if continued will require further action by the Security Council.

 "Having noted the information provided by the Secretary-General concerning this military action in his statement of 16 November 1/ and also in his report of 18 November 1966,2/

Observing that this incident constituted a large-scale and carefully planned military action on the territory of Jordan by the armed forces of Israel,

Reaffirming the previous resolutions of the Security Council condemning past incidents of reprisal in breach of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan 3/ and of the United Nations Charter,

Recalling the repeated resolutions of the Security Council asking for the cessation of violent incidents across the demarcation line, and not overlooking past incidents of this nature,

Reaffirming the necessity for strict adherence to the General Armistice Agreement,

1. Deplores the loss of life and heavy damage to property resulting from the action of the Government of Israel on 13 November 1966;

2. Censures Israel for this large-scale military action in violation of the United Nations Charter and of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan;

3. Emphasizes to Israel that actions of military reprisal cannot be tolerated and that, if they are repeated, the Security Council will have to consider further and more effective steps as envisaged in the Charter to ensure against the repetition of such acts; "

Resolution 332 (21 April 1973)  --  Gravely concerned with the deterioration of the situation from the resolution violations, the Security Council expresses deep concern and condemns the violence and loss of life, condemns repeated Israeli attacks, and violation of Lebanon territorial integrity and sovereignty, which are in contravention of the UN Charter, Armistice Agreement, and the cease-fire resolutions, and calls upon Israel to desist any further attacks on Lebanon.

 "Recalling the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Lebanon of 23 March 1949 and the cease-fire established pursuant to resolutions 233 (1967) of 6 June 1967 and 234 (1967) of 7 June 1967,

2. Condemns the repeated military attacks conducted by Israel against Lebanon and Israel's violation of Lebanon's territorial integrity and sovereignty in contravention of the Charter of the United Nations, of the Armistice Agreement between Israel and Lebanon and of the Council's cease-fire resolutions;"

Resolution 337 (15 August 1973) --  Gravely concerned that the hijacking is serious interference with international aviation and violation of UN Charter, and recognizing the action could have jeopardized lives of passengers and crew, and violates international conventions safeguarding civil aviation, the Security Council condemns Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity with hijacking, and considers that these actions violate 1949 Armistice Agreement, cease-fire resolutions, provisions of UN Charter, and international conventions of civil aviation, and principles of international law and morality, and thus calls on International Civil Aviation Organization to reference UN Resolutions when planning measures to protect international aviation, and calls on Israel to desist from further violations of Lebanon sovereignty and territorial integrity, and endangering civil aviation, and if Israel does not, then the Council will consider steps necessary to enforce its resolutions. Adopted unanimously.

 "Having heard the statement of the representative of Lebanon concerning the violation of Lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the hijacking, by the Israeli air force, of a Lebanese civilian airliner on lease to Iraqi Airways, 1/

Gravely concerned that such an act carried out by Israel, a Member of the United Nations, constitutes a serious interference with international civil aviation and a violation of the Charter of the United Nations,

1. Condemns the Government of Israel for violating Lebanon's sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible diversion and seizure by the Israeli air force of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanon's air space;

2. Considers that these actions by Israel constitute a violation of the Lebanese-Israeli Armistice Agreement of 1949, the cease-fire resolutions of the Security Council of 1967, the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, the international conventions on civil aviation and the principles of international law and morality;"

Resolution 467 (24 April 1980) --  Confirming that the UN Interim Force (UNIFIL) is only a defensive force, and condemning all violations of Lebanon's sovereignty and territory and political independence, the Security Council condemns Israel's "military intervention" in Lebanon violating the General Armistice Agreement (1949), its support for "de facto military groups", its interference with the UN Truce Supervision Organization, and its violation of the above resolutions, its violence and obstruction against the UN Interim Force. The Council condemns the shelling of the UNIFIL headquarters and field hospital, and requests the parties convene a meeting of the Mixed Armistice Commission to reactivate the General Armistice Agreement.

 "1. Reaffirms its determination to implement the above-mentioned resolutions, particularly resolutions 425 (1978), 426 (1978) and 459 (1979), in the totality of the area of operations assigned to UNIFIL, up to the internationally recognized boundaries;

2. Condemns all actions contrary to the provisions of the above-mentioned resolutions and, in particular, strongly deplores:

(a) Any violation of Lebanese sovereignty and territorial integrity;

(b) Israel's military intervention into Lebanon;

(c) All acts of violence in violation of the General Armistice Agreement between Israel and Lebanon;"

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(C) Israel Law Resoource Center, February, 2007.

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