Israel Military Order No. 92 Concerning Powers
for the Purpose of the Water Provisions
By virtue of the power vested in me as Commander of the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank Area, I issue the following Order:
Powers of the Officer in Charge
2. On the publication of the Order appointing him, the Officer in Charge shall
be entrusted with all the powers conferred by the Water Provisions on any
person or the occupant of any post.
3. The Officer in Charge may act by virtue of his appointment, as above, and he
may confer on others his jurisdiction and powers, either permanently or
temporarily and with or without conditions, in all cases as he deems fit.
· Special Reports
4. The officer in Charge may appoint any person within the boundaries of the
Area to perform any of the tasks set out in or arising from the Water
Establishment and Operation of Water Entities
5. The Officer in Charge may authorize the continued operation of any entity,
organization, corporate entity or establishment that operates or is permitted
to operate by virtue of the Water Provisions (hereinafter 'Water Entities'),
and order the cessation of the operations of Water Entities, and re-establish
Water Entities, whether or not they were operating before the Prescribed Day,
determine their organization and appoint their directors.
Annulment of Appointments and Powers
6. Any of the above-mentioned appointments or powers that existed by virtue of
the Water Provisions are hereby annulled unless revalidated by the Officer in
Charge on the strength of the powers set out in this Order.
7. The provisions of this Order are also effective as regards any amendment and
change made in the Water Provisions.
8. Any of the above-mentioned operations covered by the Water Provisions, which
were carried out during the period between the Prescribed Day and the taking
effect of this Order shall be considered as having been carried out by virtue
of the provisions of this Order.
Date of Commencement
9. This Order shall be effective as from 22 August, 1967.
10. This order shall be referred to as `The Order Concerning Powers for the
Purpose of the Water Provisions (West Bank Area)(No. 92) 1967.
15 August 1967
Uzi Narkis, Aluf
Aluf of the Central Command and Commander of the Israel Defence
Forces in the West Bank Area
Return: to the TOP of this Military Order.
SOURCE: Shehadeh, Raja. "From Occupation to Interim Accords: Israel and the Palestinian Territories". Kluwer Law International, Boston, MA (1997), p. 235-7.
(c) Israel Law Resource Center, February, 2007.