Twist And Turn Where Angels Burn


"Ooohh what a hard day at work!" Lamina was heard screaming. She just returned home after a hard day at work and was feeling really grumpy. But then she always is. Since she was 16, her life has taken a turn for the worse. When once she got high grades, she now has low ones. She left school with a 'BARELY PASSED' grade. Her job wan't as good either. No matter how long she worked, she still doesn't get a raise, let alone a promotion. Her boyfriends all gave up on her, or should we saw she gave up on them. The one guy she was longing for was Darren Hayes.

"Oh come on, Lamina," said her workmate one day, "he's MARRIED for heaven's sake! I'm SO surprised to see that you, even though you're 24, still behave like a teenybopper...having crushes on someone famous. Oh, puh-leaze! Get real!" She would hear that rant day after day after day. But she still has a longing for the Savage Garden nightangle. Deep down in her heart, she knew that it's a zillion-to-one chance of even meeting him, but she still held some hope. Just maybe he would take her instead....sigh...

One day, instead of taking the taxi to her home - where she stays by herself - she decided to take the subway. Lamina usually took the subway only if the roads were busy, but this time they weren't. Somehow there was a feeling in her heart that told her to take that one train ride back home. It is faster anyway.... thought Lamina as she made her way towards the subway station. As she paid for her ticket, the feeling in her heart grew stronger and stronger, but Lamina took no notice of it. Probably the rush hour kicking in, she thought. As she boarded the ride home, she thought about life, love, work and Savage Garden.

Little did she know what was going to befall her.

When she walked home after dropping off at the subway station, Lamina had a strange feeling, as if something wasn't quite right. She just walked along, wondering why were the roads and streets were unusually quiet. The city during the night was rather noisy, and Lamina didn't like the noise at all. She longed for a night when the streets were peacefully quiet and the roads empty. Unusually that's just what happened. On the way, she saw a poster advertising tickets for the latest Savage Garden concert. She looked at the date carefully. It was on a holiday! Usually Lamina didn't get the chance to see her favourite band perform because of work, but now this was her chance. The only thing she had to worry about was if she was going to work overtime that night.

The biggest shock of her life, though, was when she reached her doorway. Leaning on the door was the guy she dreamt of every night - Darren Hayes himself.

"Hiya honey! You look tired tonight....been working hard? Aww...come in and let your darling hubby do the rest....."


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