Tell Me It's Madness - Part 6
=+Part 6+=

"Anna-Maria? Where did she come from?" whispered Darren to Daniel and Leonie. He couldn't believe his back-up singer was actually going to testify in court.

"We called her up and asked her to testify," whispered Daniel. "She has proof that you weren't at the crime scene." Darren had to watch.

"Anna-Maria LaSpina, you are the back-up singer for Savage Garden, is that right?" asked Mr. Amblin. Anna-Maria nodded in agreement. "So where were you on the night of November 10th 1999?"

"I was with Savage Garden and the rest of the back-up band practising for the promo tour of the new album," explained Anna-Maria. "The next day, I heard from Daniel and Leonie that Darren was identified as the killer and was placed in prison!"

"Do you have any proof that Darren Stanley Hayes was present?" asked Mr. Amblin.

"We record all our practice sessions on video with a tamper-proof camera," answered Anna-Maria. "Each video has the date and time imprinted on it."

"No further questions, Your Honour," said a satisfied Mr. Amblin, returning to his seat. Mr. Pichard then rose.

"Anna-Maria LaSpina, where is the videotape of your practice session?" asked Mr. Pichard, a bit rudely.

"It's at the RoadShow Music studios," said Anna-Maria. "You may obtain it from John Woodruff, the manager."

"No further questions." said Mr. Pichard, and Mr. Amblin proceeded to call upon his next witness - Alex Ingrain, the forensic artist at the Brisbane Police Force.

"So Mr. Ingrain, you were the one who drew the potrait of the killer according to Miss Jacks' you have the potrait with you?" asked Mr. Amblin.

"Well, I have to confess - the potrait is not even finished," said Alex, to the amazement of everyone in the courtroom.

"But if it wasn't completed, how could the suspect be identified?" asked Mr. Amblin, slightly confused.

"Well, I had just completed the outline of the suspect's face when one of the other police officers came and placed a magazine that he just completed reading on the table where I was working," explained Alex. "The cover of the magazine had the faces of Savage Garden on it. The eyewitness just picked up the magazine, pointed to the dark-haired one - I believe he's the singer - and said "Oh yes, he's the one, he's the killer!" rather happily. Frankly, I was surprised."

"And why was that?" asked Mr. Amblin.

"My daughter is a huge fan of Savage Garden and she plays her music non-stop at home. I think their music and lyrics are meaningful and bring messages of peace - it would be very unlikely for one of them to be a murderer." said Alex. "She was devastated when she heard that the singer was accused of all those murders - she's still on their side, praying that he would be proven innocent." Tears came out from Alex's eyes as he said that last sentence.

"Now don't cry, Mr. Ingrain - everything's all right," comforted Mr. Amblin. Then he turned towards the judge. "No further questions."

"That's okay," said Judge Haydin. "Mr. Pichard, do you have any questions for Mr. Ingrain?"

"Just one, Your Honour," replied the defense lawyer. "Mr. Ingrain, do you have the uncomplete potrait of the suspect with you?"

"Yes I do," said the forensic artist, displaying a piece of art-block paper with the outline of a face drawn on it. The face was a little ugly - cheekbones were jutting out and the chin was unusually thick. Mr. Pichard then took the potrait out of Alex's hands and displayed it to the jury.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that this does not look much like our suspect today, but this man has had so many image changes that it's difficult to pinpoint him!" said Mr. Pichard. He then proceeded to show everyone in the courtroom various photos and posters of Darren throughout his years in Savage Garden - he did have a multitude of image changes.

"This man is a master in disguise and a master in murder," said Mr. Pichard. "Please convict this man with a taste of his own medicine - death." He then left from the courtroom, together with his witness, Harlet Jacks.

"The trial will continue next Monday, 15th November 1999 at 0900 hours. Please be punctual!" announced Judge Haydin. Everyone left the courtroom - thankfully no papparazzi were around.

"Oh man, that Pichard guy is winning," said Darren worriedly. "How am I going to prove my innocence?"

"Don't worry, Darren - I'll do my best to make sure you're not convicted for a crime you definitely did not commit!" assured Mr. Amblin.

"The judge seems to be on your side - what with the non-conclusive evidence the prosecution seems to be producing," said Leonie. "Even the artist is surprised to hear that you're the suspect - you did hear what he said about Savage Garden's music, and about the effort his daughter's putting to make you win!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Darren. "Oh, do I get to stay home?"

"Yep - thank God the police officers were nice," said Daniel. "Or else he might have not let us visit you at all!" Darren just smiled. How lucky I am to have friends such as them... he thought, as the trio made their way towards the apartment while Mr. Amblin walked off to his home.

Part 5
Part 7
A Dose Of Prose
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