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Smith Upcycled Goods
One man's trash is another man's treasure
Upcycled home decor handmade from recycled and natural material
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The intent and purpose behind this website is to provide a way for users to purchase handmade upcycled goods from a small business. I wanted to ensure that the user has a pleasant experience while using the website, using a color palette that is easy on the eyes is one of the ways I accomplished this objective. Another way I achieved this objective is the flow of information. The user is not bombarded with information but can find what they need quickly and easily.

As the developer of the website, I wanted to ensure the overall aesthetic matched the brand and was also easy to navigate. If a website is difficult to maneuver around, is not intuitive, or strains my eyes I am more likely to click off and not return. This is why I made sure to include the navigation banner on each page which allows the user to move around the website as they see fit. For the homepage, I chose to limit the amount of clutter or "flashy" effects that can be distracting or straining to the eyes. I did not want to bombard the user with a mass amount of information or advertisements which can be off-putting and overwhelming. I also chose a color palette that would reflect the brand but was also comfortable and clear to read from. Keeping with the theme of simplicity and elegance, each page matches the overall theme and allows the user to navigate freely between each page. The shop page is a straightforward way for users to browse what Smith Upcycled Goods has to offer. Each category photo is a link and leads the user to their desired product. The contact page is straightforward but provides pertinent information as to how to contact the store. It also contains an FAQ section with a video that explains what upcycling is for users who may not know. The checkout page also follows the overall theme with the colors and typography that is seen throughout the website. Each field not only is labeled but also gives the user an example of what information should be input.

In the future, I would like to add a drop-down menu for the "shop" tag that allows users to navigate directly to the product rather than redirecting to a landing page each time. I think this would enhance the usability of my navigation banner even more. I would also like to make the "add to cart" buttons functioning and have the cart populate with the added items. This was just a little too far outside of what I am capable of doing at the moment. I think I would also like to find a better way to display the products rather than in a table, I attempted this but was biting off more than I could chew.

Thank you for visiting Smith Upcycled Goods!