Hi, I'm Santy. Welcome to my place !





 Hi! I'm Santy and welcome to my  place . I'm married heterosexual crossdresser. I'm working in day time as a man and I'm only  attract to a woman not a man (Sorry guys).  Yes, I'm a crossdresser, transvestite sounds too clinical and I have no desire to change my sex. I'm so lucky person who is richly blessed with an very understanding wife and live in Jakarta - Indonesia.  Being a man in female clothes has forbidden quality that is appealing. I said, if I had to do it everyday, I'm afraid it would become way too normal but she accepted and supportive of this side of my personality and helps me look my best.  We're partners in life and glad we found each other over 8 years ago and happiness together ( I hope).

I've always been a big admirer of women. I love the business woman look, smarts skirts and tops, suits and dresses and  I enjoy modeling and once I get dressed up, I just love the camera to make my own photos.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy them!

Make yourself at home while you check out my various pages. I hope you will find that this site offers you some support as well as enjoyment. Come back and visit again soon. Thank you for stopping by and best regards for all of you... CD/TV/TS/TG especially from Indonesia...don't worry because we're not alone anymore, don't hesitate to sign my guestbook or to e-mail me. 


I'm, sorry, only in Indonesian language.

Hallo, teman-teman CD/TV/TS/TG di Indonesia khususnya, "Open up your mind" dan kalian semua tidak usah takut dalam melangkah. Mungkin kita bingung apakah kita termasuk normal atau sehat manakala kita mau berdandan, memakai gaun atau rok sehingga kelihatan aneh atau abnormal. Tetapi memang seperti itulah keadaan kita adanya, karena komunitas kita sangat terbatas dan karena tradisi ketimuran kita serta budaya kita yang kurang mendukung.  

Hilangkan jauh-jauh perasaan tersebut, mari berpikir bahwa kita ini sehat, normal dan bisa bekerja lebih baik lagi dengan itu dan mungkin lebih kreatif. Banyak lho, yang seperti kita ini bisa bekerja, bahagia dengan keluarga dan pasangannya dan saling mengerti dan menerima. Dan mereka sukses dalam usaha dan pekerjaannya.






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Last Updated June 30, 2005

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