Sansei Goju Ryu Lineage Chart

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Chojun Miyagi
Gogen Yamaguchi
Peter Urban
   |__Manny Saavedra
           |__Alex Saavedra- New Jersey
           |__Charley Gonzalez-Florida
           |__Alex Odio
           |__Carlos Montalvo-Puerto Rico
           |__Miguel Montalvo-Puerto Rico
           |__James Vermaak-South Africa
           |__Ozzie Alvarez-Pennsylvania
           |__Richard Packard-New York
           |__Steve Malanoski-Florida
           |__Phil Davis-Georgia
           |__Jose Munoz-Venezuela
           |__Bernie Tabares-Minnesota
           |__Arthur A. DeBuc-Double Dragon Sansei Goju Ryu
           |         |      
           |         |
           |         |__Frederick Yarid
           |         |   (Pennsylvania)   
           |         |
           |         |__Milton DeBuc
           |         |    (Ohio)     
           |         |
           |         |__Michel Powell
           |         |    (Florida)  
           |         |
           |         |__Estella Atalay
           |         |    (Florida)  
           |         |
           |         |__Andrew DeBuc
           |         |    (Florida) 
           |         |
           |         |__Andrew Lowe
           |            (Maryland)
           |__Russ Rogg-Shendo Goju Ryu


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