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Lab Texts Out of the Ordinary

By Simon Foston

The rules provided in Ars Magica 5th Edition and Covenants assume that, when Build Points are used to gain Lab Texts, the spells and effects are ordinary in every way. Another possibility is that the Lab Texts are the product of experimentation that had unusual effects. Depending on the exact nature of the effect these Lab Texts can be either more or much less valuable than usual.

When spending Build Points on Lab Texts, consult the Extraordinary Results chart if you want a spell or effect to be an experimental version. These Lab Texts will include Side Effects, Modified Effects, or even both, and they can be either beneficial or detrimental. To determine the Build Point cost of experimental texts, consult the chart below:

Result of ExperimentationBuild Point Cost Modifier
Minor Side Effectx 0.9
Major Side Effect or Modified Effect (Roll of 9-10 on Modified Effect table)x 0.75
Minor Side Benefit or Modified Effect (increased range, duration, target or potency)x 1.5
Major Side Benefitx 1.75
Minor Flaw or Modified Effect (reduced range, duration, target or potency)x 0.75
Major Flawx 0.5
Fatal Flawx 0.1

It is also possible, although highly questionable, for magi to write copies of experimental lab texts in such a way as to hide unusual effects. The deception required is much more time-consuming - such texts can be written at a rate of Latin x 10 levels per season. The inevitable result is that the first time a magus casts a spell that he has learned from the lab text it will not work as expected - unless he realizes what has been done. The storyguide should note the relevant Lab Total of the original writer and make a secret stress roll for the reader as he studies from the lab text, adding his Lab Total as a bonus. If it equals or exceeds the writer's Lab Total the magus will realize what the spell or effect really does. As writing a deceptive text like this potentially violates the Code by seeking to deprive a magus of his magical power, the quaesitores will doubtless be interested to know what it does as well.

Apprentices learning spells from lab texts may also be affected by this sort of skullduggery. On the other hand, they may benefit from the innovations of magi who have gone before them and recorded their works for posterity. This is reflected by the new Virtue and Flaw listed here:

Improved Experimental Spells

Hermetic, Minor Virtue

30 levels of spells chosen during character creation have beneficial modified effects or side effects as a result of the experimentation undertaken to invent them. Roll a simple die for each experimental spell to determine how it is affected: 1-4 minor side benefit; 5-8 increased range, duration or target; 9 major side benefit; 0 roll twice more. See the Extraordinary Results Chart in ArM5, page 109, for more information. In addition to their practical applications, the lab texts of such spells are valuable commodities in trade with other magi. This Virtue can be taken more than once.

Flawed Experimental Spells

Hermetic, Minor Flaw

30 levels of spells chosen during character creation have deleterious modified effects or side effects as a result of the experimentation undertaken to invent them. Roll a simple die for each experimental spell to determine how it is affected: 1 exaggerated sigil; 2 minor flaw; 3-4 reduced range, duration or target; 5 minor side effect; 6 restricted use; 7 major side effect; 8 major flaw; 9 fatal flaw; 0 roll twice more. See the Extraordinary Results Chart in ArM5, page 109, for more information. While such spells may be limited in their effectiveness, you do at least get a similar spell bonus (see ArM5, page 101) if you choose to reinvent any of them. This Flaw can be taken more than once.

Text copyright © Simon Foston 2007.

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