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Liber Amicorum

Welcome to the liber amicorum! Please consult this page to find storyguides, players and sagas in which you might like to participate. You may also submit your own information to this site; please consult the Liber Amicorum Guidelines.

Note for those concerned about spam: The email addresses on this site are encoded to foil spammers. Thanks to Andrew P. Smith for his guidance in this matter.

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Individual Listings

Canada (BC):

Niall Christie [][i] is a mediaeval Islamic historian living in Vancouver. He has been involved in both playtesting and writing products for the game. (March 2003)

Canada (ON):

Sean Winslow [][p1] is a Mediaeval History student at the University of Toronto. He has been involved in playtesting products for the line. (June 2003)


Paul Hill [][a1] has recently moved to The Hague in the Netherlands. He is an experienced storyguide and player keen to join or start a saga. (March 2004)

United Kingdom:

Mark Shirley [][p1] resides in Newcastle upon Tyne, and possibly has enough time to play in a saga as well as run one (see saga listing). (March 2003)

U.S.A. (CA):

Rich Evans [][i] lives in Sacramento and has been playing ArM since sometime in the early 1990's (ArM3). He was an editor and contributor to Mythic Perspectives and is involved in playtesting official products for the game. (March 2003)

Angus MacDonald [][a1] lives in Concord. He has been playing AM for about a decade, but has not yet decayed. (March 2003)

U.S.A. (ID, WA):

Tyler Larson [] [p1] and his troupe are located in the cities of Lewiston, Clarkston, and Asotin (the area called the valley in the Inland Northwest). They would be happy to have any interested players contact them for a cameo appearance or more. (August 2003)

U.S.A. (MA):

Jeremiah Genest [][i] resides in Boston. Co-author of Kabbalah and The Mysteries. Currently alpha Storyguide in the Pax Hermetica saga. (March 2003)

U.S.A. (OR):

Arlo Horner [][a3] is located in Sweet Home, OR, and is an author with experience in running and playing in other systems who wants to connect with an Ars Magica troupe, preferably 5th edition. (November 2008)

Saga Listings

Canada (BC):

Location: Vancouver
Setting: Iberia, 1220
Contact: Niall []
Alpha storyguides (equal rights here!): Niall and Andy
Players: 6 [0]
Webpage: []
Description: The Saga of Falcon's Reach: A party of young magi has been sent by the Quaesitores to investigate the silence of a Winter covenant. They also have orders to found its replacement, if necessary. (August 2004)


Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Setting: Italy, 1220 and later
Contact: Yair []
Alpha storyguide: Amir
Players: 4 [3]
Description: We'll start as a particularly poor spring covenant on the Italian peninsula, and go from there. (April 2003)


Ars is the Italian Ars Magica portal, with links to sagas set in a variety of European locations. (April 2004)


Location: Kagoshima, Japan
Setting: Yorkshire, England, circa 1223
Contact: Simon Foston []
Alpha storyguide: Simon Foston
Players: 4 [1-2]
Description: The Saga of the White Tower: A young, idealistic group of magi have to deal with ambivalent faeries, a fractious Stonehenge Tribunal, a decidedly unfriendly baron and ghosts with scores to settle... (March 2003)


Location: Oslo, Norway
Setting: Novgorod Tribunal, 1200. The covenant is located in the Principality of Polotsk in a small village north of Borisov, west of Vitebsk.
Contact: Queries can be directed to the group [] or to Morten Halvorsen [].
Alpha storyguide: Marius J. []
Players: 5-7 [?]
Webpage: We mantain an MSN group for administrating our campaign: []
Description: We are a pre-spring covenant. We have worked out a long and detailed charter, through long, detailed and tiresome discussions, but we haven't sworn it in yet. We plan to do that next season, on the autumn equinox, and then cast Aegis of the Hearth. In practice we live by the charter, though, and have come quite a good way in trasforming our little village of Mir into a proper covenant. Next on the agenda is to have the charter and the covenant ratified in an extraordinary tribunal meeting next year. Some political wheeling and dealing might be required to pull that off. Most of the members of the covenant also have interests in the debate that currently splits the tribunal, between the Harmonists and Wilderists. But we are mainly locally-oriented, and work hard to make our covenant strong and vital. (May 2003)


La Comunidad de Ars Magica is a Spanish site that provides news, forums and more for Spanish-speaking players of Ars Magica. (July 2005)

United Kingdom:

Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Setting: Northumbria (Loch Leglean Tribunal), current year 1229
Contact: Mark Shirley []
Alpha storyguide: Mark Shirley
Players: 4 [1-2]
Webpage: []
Description: A ragtag group of magi clawing their way out of Spring. Caught between the formal Stonehenge tribunal and the rough Loch Leglean tribunal, this group of magi are gradually making a name for themselves. Quite high level of politics, but plenty of action as well! (March 2003)

Location: West Norwood, London
Setting: Novgorod, 1232
Contact: Richard []
Players: 4 [1-2, aged over 21]
Webpage: []
Description: A saga set in a fledging spring covenant that has slowly got to grips with its immediate surrounds over 12 years of game-time (2 years real-time). However the looming crisis of the invasion of the Mongols (1237), the wars with the Teutonic Knights/Swedes/Lithuanians (1240-1242), conflicts within the order, and a darker infernal threat are likely to threaten the covenant's existence.
We are looking for players who are sane, fairly chilled about gaming, not too hung up on rules and happy to do that role-playing thing. We meet weekly, tend to idle away an hour in general socialising till 9 and then play till 11. The game also runs with an email element, about one post per week each, and we're experimenting with having some email-only players. We like doing the admin bits by email. (November 2007)

U.S.A. (CA):

Location: Riverside
Setting: Poland, the Novgorod Tribunal, 13th century
Contact: Jason Tondro []
Alpha storyguide: Jason Tondro
Players: 5-7 [1]
Webpage: []
Description: The Covenant of the Broken Bridge is located on the former site of Grand Silesia Covenant, which was destroyed in the Schism War by magi of House Flambeau, Tremere, and Tytalus. The new covenant has been founded by young magi just out of apprenticeship, largely from the British Isles. Between fending off pushy Polanian lords, Slavic faeries, pagan priests, the Teutonic Knights, and vis-hungry Rhine Covenants, they feverishly prepare for the coming of the Mongol horde. (May 2005)

U.S.A. (ID, WA):

Location: Lewiston, Clarkston and Asotin
Setting: Loch Leglean Tribunal, 1215
Contact: Tyler Larson [], Matt Steele [] or Sheldon Adams []
Alpha storyguide: Tyler Larson
Players: 3 full-time, 4 cameo [1-2]
Webpage: Steelwolf's den is under construction and currently moving.
Description: The initial saga basis was of a covenant (Collegium Artiis Mercurii) dedicated to enhancing Hermetic theory by having all of the houses work together, so 12 masters (one for each house) with 12 apprentices (the PCs) working to strengthen the Order. Now the apprentices have passed their gauntlets and are beginning to form a new covenant. New players will create standard starting characters or begin play as apprentices. (August 2003)

U.S.A. (IL):

Location: Des Plaines
Setting: Southern Black Forest, Rhine Tribunal; current year is 1059
Contact: Danielle Ostach []
Alpha storyguide: Storyguide rotates
Players: currently 3-4 players + storyguide [1-3]
Description: Young covenant with good library sponsored by Durenmar, in return for a large vis debt, in the southern Black Forest. Mundane supplies other than food and wood are scarce. Covenant has enemy of HRE Count and a renegade Order of Hermes faction, ally of two HRE Counts (one is companion) and all sorts of weird fae. Currently 3 magi. (October 2008)

U.S.A. (MA):

Location: Boston
Setting: Egypt, 1263
Contact: Jeremiah Genest []
Alpha storyguide: Jeremiah Genest
Players: 6 [2]
Description: In the middle of the 13th century, magi of the Order of Hermes are faced with many trials, new and old: a growing mundane presence, fierce competition for resources, an increasingly fractious Order, and the rise of competing magical traditions. At the edges of the Order a long-running covert war with Islamic sorcerers threatens daily to explode into battle. The players in this saga are ambassadors, troubleshooters, and if need be, warriors of the Order. (March 2003)

U.S.A. (OR):

Location: Online (via irc)
Setting: Loch Leglean Tribunal, AD 1220
Contact: Arlo Horner []
Alpha storyguide: Arlo Horner
Players: 0 [4-6]
Description: 5th ed. saga, title: Heresy! The Pope is on his deathbed, and the truce between the Order and the Church could be upset when a new pontiff dons the Worlds Biggest Hat. What will the future hold for all of Mythic Europe if the balance of power is upset? Become a major player in determining the fate of the known world! Join now, at the beginning, to have a say in covenant creation. Covenant will be spring or winter, power level will be low, magi will be freshly-gauntleted, but the saga may take generations to reach a conclusion. (November 2008)

Copyright for the listings remains with those they concern.

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