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what is aviation? :

Aviation is a word or term that includes all the activities involved in building and flying aircraft, especially airplanes.

Influence of aviation :

The first successful airplane flights did not take place until 1903 AD. Yet today, airplanes affect the lives of people almost everywhere. Airliners carry passengers and cargo from and to places either big or small. They convey goods and humans from one destination to the other. Interestingly, they do so in a matter of hours relative to the destination of choice. Planes and helicopters rush medicine, food aid and other supplies to the farthest islands and deepest jungles. I will not forget to mention that these planes and helicopters aid police patrol(surveillence), fire servicing and also dealing with emergencies. Farmers use airplanes to seed fields, count livestock and spray crops.

So what makes the plane fly? :

The plane like the human has many parts. Each part performs a specific function and the unity of individual functions takes the big machine to the skies.

Let us have a quick look at the parts of a basic aircraft:

basic parts of the aircraft.

Four basic forces govern the flight of an airplane:

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