
What Is New? Betta Gallery Spawning History My Fish Room Stock Shop Interests Link Page


What Is New?
Betta Gallery
Spawning History
My Fish Room
Stock Shop
Link Page


Other than keeping bettas, I have a diversity of interests. All these hobbies keep me very busy when I am home from work.

  • Photography Armed with my SLR (EOS 50), I was able to travel around the world and take snap-shots of all the beautiful memories that have occurred in a foreign land. Recently I have also took into photography using my newly acquired digital camera (Fujifilm 6800).

  • Coin Collection Being fascinated by items with historic values, I started my collection with coins that have dated back to the earliest dates of the British Settlement. The collection eventually also include Bank Notes, Stamps and Antiques.

  • Bonsai This craze lasted for a short period of time when I went around Singapore looking for quality plants that are suitable to be sculptured into Bonsai.


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