Sam's Betta Colour Rendezvous

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---------- Welcome To Sam's Betta Colour Rendezvous ----------

Special Announcement:

2nd National Betta Competition 


1st Asian Betta Competition


To access to the forms for registration:

- 2nd National Betta Competition Registration Form

- 2nd National Betta Competition Rules and Regulation Form

- BCS Membership Registration Form

- BCS Membership Renewal Form

First of all, let me welcome you to Sam's Betta Colour Rendezvous (SBCR). This is my first web site and it is dedicated to my new found hobby .... Show Betta!!!


It was by chance that I came across the first Crown-Tail betta during a visit to a local fish shop (LFS) in August 2001. It was that particular fish that strike me ... little did I know that betta has transformed itself from a $1 fish, that we used to know, into such a beauty. That was how I got acquainted to the world of show-betta and the craze has been unstoppable since.

I first started off with a few specimens of red Crown-Tails that by today's standard can almost be passed off as culls. After that I went to Thailand in search for bettas. With limited contacts, the trip was an unfruitful one. At the end of the trip, I was only able to find some Veil-Tails although I can safely say that their Veil-Tails are much better quality than what we normally see in Singapore.

Soon, through the use of internet, I got to know about the betta community in Singapore and eventually be a part of the BCS (Betta Club Of SIngapore). That is the time that I started seriously getting involved with quality show-bettas. My interest in betta soon developed from Crown-Tails to Delta and eventually Half-Moons.

Just a little bit about myself ...

I am born and brought up in the year of Rats (1972) in Singapore. Fish keeping has always been my favorite hobby and have been in it since I was a young boy. It was my father that started this hobby for me and ever since it has always been very much a part of my life.

So far, I have successfully bred guppy, discus, sword-tail, gold-fish, angel-fish and chiclids. Currently, I am also trying out with the Flower-horn (a.k.a. Luo Han) which is actually a hybrid form of chiclids. For pictures of them ... visit My Fish Room.

Beside fish keeping, I am also into collectibles ranging from Stamps, Coins, Bank Notes, Antiques, Coke Bottles to DVDs.

After graduating from Nanyang Technological University in the year 1997, I am currently employed by a multi-national IT company working as an consultant to products that cater to the financial sectors, specifically the banks.

A member of:    

The rest of this web site is dedicated to all my bettas that are either purchased from fellow breeder or breed by myself. Take your time to browse through the site and appreciate the glamorous beauty of the betta splendens. Any comments are welcome.

[email protected]

This page was last updated on 11/11/02.

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