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Welcome to my webpage...              I hope you would find things that might interest you in here ...                   This webpage is a mixture of my personal profile and information and is also a place where you will find information on reptiles and other animals .............                  Check my latest activities, I update it almost every week!       Enjoy...

Did you know that: Fish use their

mouths and tongues in pretty much

the same way that we use our hands?

To build nests and catch food for


Did you know that: Fish

aquariums have a soothing

effect on human beings, and it

was proven with experiments?





All the fish below are from the same kind (Aulonocara). They belong to the cichlids family.

I like this kind of fresh water fish more than any other kind because when they are young they have no color what so ever. And as they grow they start developing beautiful colors (males only for sure).

It is a very nice experience to mix these kind of fish and to get new color mixtures.



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