(March, 2001)



(We invite your articles, devotional messages, features, stories, poems, Bible references etc. Please e-mail it to the address of:   [email protected])



Do you want to be healed?

(Rev. Shebaly, Chennai, INDIA)


Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. If sickness destroys our health, means it is not from God. Bible reveals that sickness is coming from Satan (Job 2:7; 1 Jn 3:8).   Job cried out to God for his deliverance and was healed (job 42:10-12).


Christ, Son of God came to save us, deliver us, preserve us, heal us, give us life and make us God's children. Removal of our diseases is included in Christ’s redemptive work, along with the remission of our sins ( Is 53:4-5).


If Christ has borne our sickness why should we bear with them? Christ healed all that were sick ( Mt 8:16-17).  Devils were all hateful in the sight of Christ.  He rebuked and was manifested to destroy them all.


“ Whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life  ( Jn 3:16) ". When we are sick we seek Gods will for us in our case.  In the mean time we are doing all within the power of human skill to get well. If it were not Gods would for us to be well, it would be wrong for us to seek recovery even through medical means.


King Asa died in his sickness because he sought not to the Lord, but to the Physicians (2 Chr 16:12). But Hezekiah lived because he sought not to the Physicians, but to the Lord (Is 38 1-5).


It doesn't mean that Physicians are wrong; but that our health source must be recognized in the Lord God.  Jesus healed the demon possessed boy in whom the disciples could not heal. Jesus assigned the failure of the disciples to cure the boy not to Gods will, but to the disciples (Mt 17: 19-20; Mk 9:17-18).  If sickness is the will of God every hospital would be against Gods will.


Christ came to do the Father’s will and He healed them all ( Mt 8:16, Mk 6:55-56, Lk 4:40 ).  Isaiah clearly  prophesied the mission of Christ ( Is 61:1-4 ).


God says: I AM THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU (Ex 15:26).  Yes! Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the Word of Lord shall never pass.  Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb13: 8).


Whatever good we ask in the name of Jesus, He will do it (Jn 14:14)."So if anyone trouble among you, pray with faith; Lord will heal that person from sick and deliver from every evils.


Stream of Salvation

(Bro. Ciniraj Mohamed)


I just got up from the darkness of sin

Not really aware of the mess I was in

Forgive oh Savior Thee I’d forgotten

Cleanse me bt Thy blood only begotten


Ch:  Stream of Salvation from Thee Lord Almighty

I stooped to wash all my sins unsightly

My skin though ugly, my heart is unclean

I know I am washed by Thy blood unseen.


Here in this world I was burning with fans

My very own weakness ruined my plans

But due to Thy mercy my hope is sure

Thy stream of Salvation has made me pure.




Emergency numbers may be dialed direct. No operator assistance is necessary.

All lines to Heaven are open 24 hours a day !

(Collected by  Mr & Mrs. Viji & Leni Viji, Dubai, U.A.E)


When in sorrow, ………………………   John 14.

When men fail you,………………………   Psalm 27.

If you want to be fruitful,……………..…………   John 15.

When you have sinned,……………..………   Psalm 51.

When you worry,………….............……….… Mathew   6:19-34.

When you are in danger,…………..............………   Psalm 91.

When God seems far away,……….....………   Psalm 139.

When your faith needs stirring, ...……………   Hebrews 11.

When you are lonely and fearful, ...……………   Psalm 23.

When you grow bitter and critical, .………..... call   I Corinthians 13.

Paul's secret to happiness,…………   Colossians 3:12-17.

For understanding of Christianity,   II Corinthians 5:15-19.

When you feel down and out,………………   Romans 8:31.

When you want peace and rest, ...…   Mathew 11:25-30.

When the world seems bigger than God,………….... call   Psalm 90.

When you want Christian assurance, .………   Romans 8:1-30.

When you leave home for labor or travel, …………   Psalm 121.

When your prayers grow narrow or selfish,………… call   Psalm 67.

For a great invention/opportunity, .....………………   Isaiah 55.

When you want courage for a task, .....……………   Joshua 1.

For how to get along with fellow men, .…………... call   Romans 12.

When you think of investments and returns,………… call   Mark 10.

If you are depressed, ...............………………………   Psalm 27.

If your pocketbook is empty, .........…………………   Psalm 37.

If you are losing confidence in people, ……... call   I Corinthians 13.

If people seem unkind, ..............………………………   John 15.

If discouraged about your work, .......………………   Psalm 126.

If you find the world growing small and yourself great……call   Psalm19.


Alternate numbers :

For dealing with fear, …………………..................... call   Psalm 34:7.

For security, .......................……………………...... call   Psalm 121:3.

For assurance, ......................……………………….... call   Mark 8:35.

For reassurance, ....................………………….... call   Psalm 145:18.





Like any good mother, when Karen found out that another baby was on the way, she did what she could to help her 3 year old son, Michael, prepare for a new sibling.  They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in Mommy’s tummy. He was building a bond of love with his little sister before he even met her.


The pregnancy progressed normally for Karen, an active member of the Panther Creek United Methodist Church in Morristown, Tennessee.


In time, the labor pains came. Soon it was every five minutes, every three ...every minute.  But serious complications arose during delivery and Karen found herself in hours of labor.


Would a C-section be required?


Finally, after a long struggle, Michael’s little sister was born.


But she was in very serious condition.  With a siren howling in the night, the ambulance rushed the infant to the neonatal intensive care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital, noxville, Tennessee.


The days inched by. The little girl got worse.  The pediatrician had to tell the parents, “There is very little hope. Be prepared for the worst.”


Karen and her husband contacted a local cemetery about a burial plot.  They had fixed up a special room in their house for their new baby but now they were planning for a funeral.


Michael, however, kept begging his parents to let him see his sister.

"I want sing to her," he kept saying.


Week two in intensive care looked as if a funeral would come before the week was over.


Michael kept nagging about singing to his sister, but kids are never allowed in Intensive Care.


Karen made up her mind, though.  She would take Michael whether they liked it or not! If he didn’t see his sister right then, he may never see her alive.

She dressed him in an oversized scrub suit and marched him into ICU. He looked like a walking laundry basket.


But the head nurse recognized him as a child and bellowed, “Get that kid out of here now! No children are allowed.”


The mother rose up strong in Karen, and the usually mild-mannered lady glared steel-eyed right into the head nurse’s face, her lips a firm line.

“He is not leaving until he sings to his sister!”


Karen towed Michael to his sister’s bedside. He gazed at the tiny infant losing the battle to live. After a moment, he began to sing. In the pure-hearted voice of a 3-year-old, Michael sang:

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray."


Instantly the baby girl seemed to respond. The pulse rate began to calm down and become steady.


“Keep on singing, Michael,” encouraged Karen with tears in her eyes.


“You never know, dear, how much I love you, Please don’t take my sunshine away-” As Michael sang to his sister, the baby’s ragged, strained breathing became as smooth as a kitten’s purr.


“Keep on singing, sweetheart!!!”


“The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping, I dreamed I held you in my arms...”


Michael’s little sister began to relax as rest, healing rest, seemed to sweep over her.


“Keep on singing, Michael.”

Tears had now conquered the face of the bossy head nurse.


Karen glowed.

”You are my sunshine, my only Sunshine.  Please don’t, take my sunshine away...”


The next, day...the very next day...the little girl was well enough to go home!


Woman’s Day Magazine called it “The Miracle of a Brother’s Song.”

The medical staff just called it a miracle.

Karen called it a miracle of God’s love!






Oh my soul!

May today there be peace within you?

May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be?

May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith?

May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you?

May you be content knowing that you are a child of God?

Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow the soul freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun.  It is there for each and every one of you.  Amen

(collected by: Anil Kurian Punnaparambil, Dubai, U.A.E)



God’s Promises


Man: It is impossible!

God: I can do things that are not possible for people to do (Lk 18:27).


Man: I’m so tired!

God: I will give you rest (Mt 11:27).


Man: Nobody loves me sincerely!

God: I love you with a love that will last forever (Jer 31:3)


Man: I can’t come out of this problem!

God: My grace is enough for you (2Cor 12:9).


Man: I do not know what to do!

God: I will guide you and watch over you (Ps 32:8).


Man: Why this happened?

God: For the good who loves God (Ro. 8:28).


Man: I am good for nothing!

God: You can do all things through the strength which I give you (Phil 4:13)


Man: May I get forgiveness?

God: I will forgive your sins and to cleanse from unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9)


Man: I can’t meet my need

God: I will supply all your need according my riches (Phil 4:19)


Man: I don’t have faith

God: I have given you the faith (Ro 12:3)


Man: I fear everything

God: I gave you the spirit of power, love and self control; not of fear(2Ti 1:7)


Man: I am fed up with sorrow

God: Cast all your care upon me (1 Pe 5:7)


Man: Everybody scoffing me as a fool

God: I give you wisdom and knowledge; also wealth and honour (2Chr 1:12)


Man: I live as an orphan

God: Your father and mother may forsake, but I will take you up (Ps 27:10)


Man: I won’t be healed from this disease

God: You are healed because of my wounds (Is 53;5)


Man: Death hunters me

God: I am the resurrection and the life (Jn 11:25)




(Mrs. Aleyamma Samuel, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia)


A priest passing through his church in the middle of the day decided to pause by the altar and see who had come there.  Just then the back door opened, a man came down the aisle the priest saw the man who haven't shaved for a while. His shirt was shabby and his coat was worn and frayed. The man knelt; he bowed his head, then rose and walked away. In the days that followed, each noontime came this man, each time he knelt just for a moment with a lunch packet in his laps.


Well, the priest's suspicions grew, with robbery a main fear, he decided to stop the man and ask him,


"What are you doing here?"


"I stay only moments because the factory is so far away.     As I kneel here talking to the Lord, this is kind of what I say: I just come again to tell you, Lord, how happy I've been, since we found each others friendship and you took away my sin. I don't know much of how to pray, but I think about you everyday.  So Jesus, this is Jim checking In.":


Said old man named Jim. It was just half an hour, factory allowed him for lunch, but he made it as his prayer time, finding strength and power.


The priest felt foolish, told Jim that he is welcome to come and pray at any time.


"Time to go,”Jim smiled and said, "Thanks!"


He hurried to the door.


The priest knelt at the altar, which he'd never experienced before. 'Priesthood is a profession and all the sacramental ceremonies are just a service. Because of the human weakness they call   it as divine'. The priest had a thought upon it.


Constructing big buildings and institutions, celebrating grand festivals, making groups to show strength, running cases   were the real missionary works according his point of view.


But now his cold heart melted, warmed with love, wanted to have a personal touch with Jesus.


As the tears flowed, in his heart, he repeated old Jim's prayer.


I just come again to tell you, Lord, how happy I've been, since we found each other’s friendship and you took away my sin. I don't know much of how to pray, but I think about you everyday.  So Jesus, this is I checking in."


Past noon one day, the priest noticed that the old Jim hadn't come. As more days passed without Jim, he began to worry. At the factory, he asked about him and learned that Jim was ill.


At the hospital, Jim had given the staff a thrill. The week that Jim was with them, brought changes in the ward. His smiles, a joy contagious changed people in his ward. The head nurse couldn't understand why Jim was so glad, when no flowers, calls or cards came, not even a visitor he had.


The priest stayed Jim's bed; he voiced the nurse's concern. No friends came to show they cared. He had nowhere to turn.  Looking surprised, old Jim spoke up and said with a smile.


“The nurse is wrong, she couldn't know, that all the while everyday at noon He's here, a dear friend of mine, you see, He sits right down, takes my hand, leans over and says to me:”


I just come again to tell you, Jim, how happy I've been, since we found this friendship and took away your sin. I always love to hear you pray. I think about you each day, and so Jim, This is Jesus, checking in."



Projects of “Salem Voice”:

*Education for the poor children   *House for the homeless   *Mobile dispensaries for slums, interior villages and hill places   *Medicines, clothes and food for the poor and needy   *Win muslim world unto the Salvation   *Bible schools and correspondance courses   *Cross cultural training   *Mentoring successors   *Increasing cell groups   *Publishing leaflets, literature, journals   *Intercessor Prayers

Send your donations in the A/c of “SALEM VOICE” to the following address:


Director, Salem Voice,

Baseelia, Devalokam(P.O),

Kottayam, Kerala-686038, INDIA


Telephone:  0091 481 573532;  Mobile:  00 98470 51532.





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