June 29, 2004: Ah! Finally! An update! Gomen na minna, I haven't updated much because we now have classes and another is that my internet connection is on the fritz... anyway, there are some updates, but most are minor ones, just check on the updates page for the details ^^
Minna! I am currently asking for donations of your fanart, fanfics, wallpapers, information or even some suggestions! The site's traffic had been dying recently so I decided to ask for some help, you can e-mail me for further discussion... arigatou!!!

Updates Archive - March 2003 (Online)

Konbanwa minna sannnnnnnnn~! Hee hee! ^^ Thought the site isn't alive? THINK AGAIN! This site is MUCH ALIVE though it has been RECENTLY [people! Take note of the word! ^^;] inactive, due to frantic schedules of stupid schoolwork - -;; [but hey! This project of mine aced me up some good grades and I'm proud of it! ^^] anyway! I am very much happy to say: THE SITE IS ONLINE!!!!!!! At last! Now I can show it to the world! Tee hee! [I got carried away! ^^] demo... the site online has got some bugs... [I should've guessed the internet is VERY case sensitive! >_<] demo, I'll fix them right away~! That way, everyone can enjoy my site! ^^ that's all for now!!!

Oiya! Konbanwa once again minna! I have worked on some of the bugs... but it seems that there are relly a LOT of bugs in the site... [dunno why though... It worked REALLY well offline... I swear! >_<] anyway, gomen nasai but due to these 'bugs' and this 'hell-like'school, I couldn't make any new pages for you... demo, I'm stocking up some fanarts to show off in fanworks~! [coming soon! ^^] sou... minna... that's all for now... ja ne!

Ohayou gozaimasu minna san! Wonderin' why I skipped Saturday in the updates? One reason: I haven't worked on the site so there's nothing to update!! >_< It's all because I was in our store... >.>;;; anyway, back to updating ^^ ... I have started making the page for the Geneiryodan... [little muses in my head: yay! woohoo! *cheers*] demo... [muses: what the--- *cheers die down* SS: >.>;;] It's still offline... no online deveopments... [muses: wahhhhhh~! why?! SS: shut up will ya?]...yet... [muses: oh... so it's coming soon! Wheeeee! *cheers again* SS: I can never handle this.. >.>;;] so, any further developments... I'll just type it in... ja neeee~! ^^

Okay! I know minna san! I skipped Monday... same reason I displayed last Sunday... [actually, it IS a big drag...] Gomen but... [muses: uh-oh... this is not good... SS: please keep your mouths sealed... I'm doing an update here... muses: what? we're telling the truth!] gomen... these muses in my head keep poppin' up in there... I'm not a baka yaro ne? or a bakemono... >.>;; anyway, construction of most pages are still on-going... OFFline... and I'll just upload them... I'm still working on the Geneiryodan page... and when I last visited A Hunter's World [which was an hour ago...] I just got a bit of fresh information while I was searching for Phinx's photo... [muses: it's... it's... SS: *gags and ties up muses* you're spoiling the info people!] anyway... don't fidget in your seats~! I'll upload them as soon as possible... maybe along with my POV's for Kurapika and Leorio AND the fanart for the fanworks section... hey~! You can send your fanart and fanfics too~! Just place an attachment and e-mail them to me~! ^^ ja ne~!

Minna sannnn!!!!!! Hee hee! Gomen again if I didn't upload anything new... demo, I placed some things new! ^^ There's the new not-very-ordinary colored scrollbar ^^ [a thing I learned today from Deacon-niichan hee hee... also picked some tips from Astraldream web kit [check that out too!] and also... got a new hit counter [courtesy of digits.com, link's in the thanks section ^^] but so far, no uploads yet... gomen!!!!!!! Once summer vacation's here I can focus on doing the site! No prob! ^^ but I'm still doing some work offline so don't worry~! [muses: actually the work she's doing was school work... SS: *glares*]...that's all for now, ja ne~ and arigatou for being patient!

Gomen ne minna... I was really busy... I haven't uploaded anything... gomen again... but I DID get a new more accurate and trusted hit counter from Bravenet and also a guestbook~ ^^ but I will be having a lot of time once our exams are over so please be patient again... ok? That's all for now... gotta run! Ja ne minna~!


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