What you are about to read here has come from multiple sources.  It seems angels have done a lot more

Than just protect and guide humanity.  According to these different works, magic itself finds it’s

Origins in religion, angels good and bad were bound to do the bidding of a magician powerful enough to evoke them.

Fact or Fiction, doesn’t matter much, I find it amusing and interesting.


The following symbols and signs belong to the angels of the week.  Ancient magicians called upon the angels of the week to protect and guide them accordingly.  The largest of the symbols is called a sigil, it is the angels signature.  The other symbols are representations of the planets, and Zodiac sign of the corresponding angel.  To find out more about angelic script (written language of the angels) and angel magic, check out the book review page on this site, it has reviews and books of interest.

According to the bible, and other Christian, Jewish, and Islamic sources, Michael ranks as the greatest of all angelic princes.  His name means who is as God.  He is chief of Archangels, Ruler of the fourth heaven, chief of the order of Virtues, Prince of the Presence, angel of repentance, angel of mercy, angel of righteousness, and the angelic prince of Israel.  In Islamic writings he is known as Mikhail.  Michael is also known as the angel who announced to the Virgin Mary her approaching death.  In the year 1950, Pope Pius XII, declared Michael to be the patron of policemen.

To the right is a painting of Michael subduing Satan, in his role as Conquer of Satan.


Gabriel is know to all three major world religions; to the Christians he is the angel of the annunciation, to the Muslims he is Jibril, the angel who recited the Koran to Mohammed Surah, by Surah, in Jewish tradition, he is the angel who destroyed Sodom, and Gomorrah. His name means God is my strength. 

This is a representation of the archangel Gabriel announcing to the Virgin Mary, that she would give birth to Jesus.


Camael he who sees God.  He is said to be chief of the order of powers, and one of the holy sefiroth.  In Druid mythology, Camael was the god of war. According to Eliphas Levi, his name personifies divine justice.  There is a legend concerning Camael, stating that he was the comforting angel who appeared to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.  This title is usually given to Gabriel.  Another legend claims he was the angel who wrestled with Jacob.




Raphael means God has healed.  Raphael has been identified as one of the three angels who visited Abraham before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.  He is said to be ruling prince of the second heaven, and guardian of the tree of life.  His most famous appearance is in the book of Tobit, a canonical book in the catholic religion.

This is a picture of the archangel Raphael, walking along with Tobit.



The name Sacheil means, the covering of God.  He resides in the first heaven, and is the presiding spirit of the planet Jupiter.



This angel is definitely a strange one, his signature is as strange as his name.  He is said to be prince of the archangels, and one of the seven angels of creation.  He is ruler over Friday angels.  Anael is also known as the governor of the second heaven, and of the planet Venus.






Cassiel is one of my favorites.  Sometimes he is referred to as the angel of solitudes, temperance and tears.  Sometimes he appears as the angel of temperance.  He is one of the rulers of the seventh heaven, and one of the rulers of the planet Saturn.

The following chart is the alphabet of angelic script or celestial writing.  Angelic script is said to be the writing used by angels, this information is mainly found in occult literature, and ancient Jewish mystical texts.





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