Forbidden Mysteries




Enoch the Prophet


“The name of the son of Cain (Gen., iv, 17, 18), of a nephew of Abraham (Gen., xxv, 4), of the first-born of Ruben (Gen., xlvi, 9), and of the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah (Gen., v. 18 sq.). The last-named patriarch is the most illustrious bearer of the name. At the time of the birth of Methuselah Enoch was sixty-five years of age, “and all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years” (Gen., v, 23). Instead of the clause “and he died”, added to the sketches concerning the other patriarchs, the text says of Enoch: “And he walked with God, and was seen no more: because God took him” (Gen., v, 24). The inspired writer of Heb., xi, 5, adds: “By faith Enoch was translated, that he should not see death.” Ecclus., xliv, 16, and xlix, 16, intimates the same truth about the patriarch. The Epistle of St. Jude (14, 15) shows us Enoch in the light of a prophet, announcing the judgment of God upon the ungodly. Some writers have supposed that St. Jude quoted these words from the so-called apocryphal Book of Enoch (See APOCRYPHA); but, since they do not fit into its context (Ethiopic), it is more reasonable to suppose that they were interpolated into the apocryphal book from the text of St. Jude. The Apostle must have borrowed the words from Jewish tradition.  (quoted from the Catholic Encyclopedia)

Enoch is known as a prophet in Jewish tradition, and Christian apocrypha.

Although the book of Enoch is not listed as canonical in the Christian bible, the book is quoted many times in the new testament.  Jesus himself was thought to have studied the book of Enoch.

The book of Enoch goes into minute detail about the sinful angels who fell from grace and cohabitated with the daughters of men.  Listings of their names, and the things they taught to humanity are recorded.  The eventual punishment of the fallen angels is also given much attention.  The book also describes the different heavens that exist, and who or what is kept there.  Enoch himself visited the different heavens escorted by an angel, the results of his journey are recorded for all to see.

The book is very interesting, and very different than traditional views on God and the angels.  The strange quote from the bible (Genesis6:1-4)  “when men had begun to be plentiful on the earth, and daughters had been born to them, the sons of God, looking at the daughters of men, saw they were pleasing, so they married as many as they chose.  The Nephilim were on the earth at that time, when the sons of God resorted to the daughters of man, and had children by them.  These are the heroes of days gone by, the famous men.”  The book of Enoch is concerned with angels who are fallen and live in the flesh, marry mortal women, and father children.

The children of these angel/mortal unions are giants according to the book, and the flood of Noah, was sent to cleanse the earth of their race.  It seems the children of the angels were eating mortals out of house and home, literally.  Judgment day is also covered, but slightly different than we are used to ; it explains that on judgment day, the fallen angels and their offspring will be judged for all eternity, and condemned to a fiery pit in hell.

I have included a list of books, that make for excellent reading on the prophet Enoch.  If you are interested in angels, Enoch is essential reading!


 The descendants of Cain, Adam & Noah



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