Sara-Marie Fedele
Nickname: Sem; Scarey-Marie
D.O.B: 18 August 1978
Height: 155cm  
Weight: 75kg
Star Sign: Leo
Occupation: TV Presenter
Favourite Artist: Ben Harper
Fave Film: Titanic
Favourite Book: The Book of Shadows
Fears: Not being able to breathe
Can't live without: Friends, tweezers
Who or what do you love?: Family, cat, friends and seafood
Family: 3 sisters, the two youngest are twins
Agent: Harry M. Miller
Email: [email protected]

Biography! from
Big Brother


Other Information

Click Here to buy Sara-Marie's book, 'The Sara-Marie Guide to Life'.

Click Here to buy Sara-Marie's debut single, 'I'm So Excited (The Bum dance)'.

NEW 30 September 2002
Harry M. Miller
Personality Management

22 July 2002
Big Brother Watches the Celebs

The biggest crowd screams were unleashed when Big Brother I star, Sara Marie Fedele was given a second set of keys to the house.

"I thought Big Brother was a once in a life time opportunity and to do it again is out of control. I can't say no," she said.

21 July 2002
8th Celebrity Housemate to enter the BB House.

18 July 2002
Meet the Housemates

Why we�ll watch: She was the best thing in the house in the first series of Big Brother � will she do it again this time around?
Sparks could fly: If no-one will do the bum dance with her.
Can�t wait to see: If she still keeps the other housemates awake all night.
Why she's doing it: "I would never knock back the opportunity of being in the Big Brother house with a bunch of new and interesting people. I like to be challenged and hey, I'm used to being nominated!"

3 June 2002
What have you been up to? Last year was a big year for me - I had my book, a CD and pyjamas to promote, so I was doing appearances all over Australia. This year I've signed up with Network Ten to be a reporter on Totally Wild and I'll also be popping up on Cheez TV - I'm totally happy about that because I love kids and animals. I want to do lots of stories on crazy animals, but I'll wait and see because I'm grateful I got on the show so I'm not going to start saying what I want to do! There'll also be some other TV projects in the pipeline. I'm also doing something called Famvoice, where I've done voice recordings for special occassions which you can text message your friends from your mobile phone. Plus, I'm an Ambassador for Canteen For Kids and will be doing a weekly column during Big Brother 2 in NW!

What's the best aspect of fame? It's all positive - I can't complain although if I'd been kicked out in the first week I'd probably be saying something different. I get emails everyday, saying how I've helped make people feel confident about themselves. I reply to nearly everyone.

Are you seeing anyone now? No, I'm happily single.

19 December 2001
Good, Bad and the Awful

Sara-Marie Fedele

The star of Ten's Big Brother, Sara-Marie won lots of fans with her bunny ears, bum-dancing, PJs and confidence. She stayed loyal to her co-inhabitants, became an instant role model for many young women and continues to handle her fame with aplomb.

- Six week stint as an agony aunt with Sydney's Confidential daily newspaper.

August 2001
Not surprisingly however, the shortest debrief session they had to do was with Sara-Marie. When she was jumping up and down too much to concentrate on what they were saying, they debriefed her mum instead.

- Nominated as one of the 10 Most Influential Women on TV for 2001.

- Has 2 pet rats.

- Former beautician and park ranger from Bunbury, Western Australia. Now a manager at The Doll House strip club in Perth.

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