You stand on the cobbled stones of Chain Alley. To the north is the Slave Quarter, while just to the south is the bustling Great Market, the greatest trading centre on this world of Ea. The squat fortress-like mansion heaquarters of the Iron Ring slavers' consortium looms over the north side of the street. It's said that within its walls are held beautiful women in untold numbers, vast wealth, even gateways to other worlds... Only a few know the truth. The heavy iron-bound double doors of the mansion are shut tight, but there is a brass knocker on one. To the east Chain Alley passes by the Well of Tears on it way towards the Docks Quarter. To the west it reaches a junction with Tarkane Street, where the Slave Quarter abutts the Great Market, the Artisans' Quarter, and the University District.

Knock on the door of the Iron Ring

Head south into the Great Market

Travel east along Chain Alley.

Go west to the crossroads with Tarkane St.


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