Welcome to Ea!

This is the portal through which new characters can enter the world of Ea. You will arrive in the great city of Imarr. With a population of more than one million, Imarr is the largest metropolis on the planet and the main centre of human civilisation. To maximise your enjoyment of the game, you should create a player character (PC), your in-game persona, according to the following rules.

New Characters

Your PC is a human adventurer, aged around 18-30. You may be male or female. You begin the game with normal clothing, and some money: 50 gold pieces (gp), 5 silver pieces (sp) and 5 copper pieces (cp). 1 gp is worth 10 sp, 1 sp is worth 10 cp. This money may be used to purchase items during the game, such as weapons (see below), and during the game you may also acquire more money and equipment.

The game uses Fighting Fantasy-based rules, with the Willpower stat replacing Luck.   Willpower is not reduced when checked.  You have the following stats:

Your  starting Character is Skill 9 (instead of 6+1d6) Stamina 18 (instead of 12+2d6) Willpower 9 (instead of 6+1d6).  You start with a longsword (1d6+2 damage) and light armour (1 point).


Skill: 9

Stamina: 18

Willpower: 9

Armour Points: 1 (leather)

Damage: 1d6+2 (sword)

Gold Pieces: 50

Experience Points: 0


Ability Tests: If it says "Test your Skill/Stamina/Willpower", you must roll equal to or less than your ability on 2d6 to succeed, if you roll over you fail.


Combat: Each turn, you rolls 2d6+ Skill for yourself and your enemy, the higher roll wins.  Damage is equal to base weapon damage plus any bonuses, reduced by the target's armour points. A roll of '12' on 2d6 that hits is a critical hit and does x2 damage.  On a tied roll neither side wins (hits).

Special rule: Multiple attackers: any attackers beyond the first roll 2d6+their Skill vs your Skill WITHOUT your 2d6 bonus and do damage normally on a hit.  This makes battles against multiple opponents very dangerous.

Armour Modifiers to Skill in combat

Heavy/Full Plate: -3 damage (AP3) . Movement is halved.

Medium/Chainmail: -2 damage (AP2) . Movement x3/4

Light/Leather armour: -1 damage (AP1)

No armour: standard


Weapon Modifiers to Skill in combat

weapon & good shield: +1 skill, takes no damage on tied roll.

Single weapon (1h or 2h): standard, takes no damage on a tied roll.

Small weapon: - 1 Skill

Eg: character armed only with dagger is -1 Skill in combat.

Unarmed: -2 Skill


Weapon Damage for normally strong characters

Greatsword, Greataxe: 2d6

Longsword, Battleaxe, Mace: 1d6+2

Shortsword, Spear: 1d6+1

Dagger (small), Club: 1d6

Unarmed: 1d6 & damage is non-lethal.


Missile attack:

Attacker makes Skill check to hit.

Heavy Crossbows do 2d6 damage

Longbows do 1d6+1 damage

Shortbows, throwing daggers & hand crossbows do 1d6 damage.


Experience Points

You begin with 0 experience points (xp). Keep track of experience points gained during the game. Also keep track of your equipment, and how much money you have. 

You may spend points equal to your current maximum Stamina to increase it 1 point, so raising Stamina 18 to 19 costs 18 points.

You may spend points equal to twice your Skill or Willpower  to increase them 1 point, so raising Skill 9 to Skill 10 costs 18 points.



You can carry up to 10 items (plus gold) at a time.  If you have a slave or other bearer with you, they can carry 10 items each.  Excess items must be left behind.

Now, enter the world of Ea...


Arriving in the mighty city Imarr by ship, you have wandered northwestward from the great docks of the Sea District towards the Great Market.  Currently you stand near the market, on Chain Alley.

Go to Chain Alley.

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