Norns come in all sorts of colors, and types. They're complex creatures, and each breed is vastly different from the others. What works for one Norn breed might be horrible for another. Luckily, we'll be starting this tutorial with a fairly easy going Norn: the Chichi Norn, pictured right.
So, there's your egg. Norn eggs come in all sorts of colors and patterns; you can even download extra sprite for new designs from webpages. Norn eggs start off small, and slowly grow into their full size, until they hatch. Norn eggs in the incubator area will hatch faster than those elsewhere, and eggs in the water or your inventory won't hatch at all.
When an egg is about to hatch, you'll hear a loud cracking sound, and you'll see a shadow moving about inside. You'll only get a few moments warning before a Norn pops out of the egg and into your world.

So there's your little tyke. You'll notice she has no spots like the adult Norn pictured above; that's ok. Chichi Norns don't get their spots until they're older. You'll notice that she immediantly starts looking for something to do. This is because Norn babies are born with a high amount of boredom and hunger. It's time to learn your first Norn caring trick.

Take your hand pointer and hover it above her head. Press
Control/Shift/E, and a flood of carrots, nuts and lemons will fall to the ground. Your little Norn will immediantly start eating, which will keep her out of mischief while we name your Norn.
Remember this panel? Now you'll use it to name your Norn. Go ahead and click on the Question Mark to open a window all about your first Norn.
The question mark will open up a much larger window that looks like this (right). This is your Norn's profile. Here you can do everything from take pictures, name your Norn, write a summary, and even look up its birth line. Go ahead and type in your selected name in the blank line provided.

In this tutorial, I'm naming my Chichi Norn Cheryl, a simple name that is easy for her to learn.

Because Creatures 3 and the Docking Station are geared mostly for Norn raising, almost all of my tutorials revolve around them. But don't worry, because what works for Norns will almost always work for the Grendels, the Ettins, and the Shee. However, even certain Norn breeds are so different from each other, that raising Norns is a constant learning process. Here, I will teach you the basics.
Chichi Norns are great for beginners, because they're fast learners and good (often too good) breeders. So, remember the Egg layer we talked about earlier? Go ahead and focus on it, and click the male or female icons to pick your Norn gender. When you've decided, hit the small blue button so the egg layer will spit out your egg. It will come out to the left, straight into the incubator area.
Go ahead and get used to the Norn panel options. You can take pictures of your Norn with the camera, and write a summary. This panel will tell you a lot of interesting things about your Norn. Some of them are:

What generation your Norn is. As you breed more and more, you'll see that number get higher, and higher. There are some Norns out there whose generation numbers in the thousands!
What worlds your Norn has warped in and out of.
Who your Norn's parents are.

When you're done looking at all the interesting information, we'll move onto
Interacting with Your Norn.
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