One of the most rewarding experiences with this game is interacting with the creatures you raise. You can do everything from teaching them to talk, giving them food, playing with them and even disciplining them when neccessary. This tutorial starts with teaching your Norn to talk, which makes Norn raising a whole lot easier.
Being able to communicate with your Norn is essential. You can't teach her unless she understand what you're saying. And you can't respond unless you know what she wants or needs.

That said, there are two ways to teach your Norn her vocabulary. Remember the Holistic Learning Machine? This is the easiest, and best way to teach your Norn. Using it is easy. It's time to learn another Norn care trick.

control/shift and click on your Norn. This will pick up your Norn so you can place her anywhere you wish. Neat trick, huh? Be glad you didn't have to suffer through Creatures 2 without it.

Go ahead and place your Norn at the base of the Holistic Learning Machine. She has to activate it herself, which she should do without any trouble. If she doesn't, just keep picking her up and placing her there.

Some Norns will immediantly go over and activate the machine. If your Norn is proving resistant (and some do) it's time to learn another little Norn trick.
When your Norn is selected you'll see a little red arrow above its head. You'll also see a green triangle above whatever your Norn is focused on. Example: if she's looking at a carrot, you'll see a green arrow indicating that carrot.

We want your Norn to pay attention to the machine, so that she is compelled to go over and push the button to activate it.

There is a way to tell your Norn "yes" and "no" without the means of words, and that happens to be tickling and slapping. Hover your mouse over your Norn's nose, and you'll see an angel icon appear. Click to tickle.

If you hover your hand over the Norn's rear, you'll see a devil. Clicking now will give your Norn a light slap - and they'll immediantly stop what they're doing.

If your Norn is currently focused on the Holistic Learning Machine, (check the green arrow) go ahead and give her a light tickle. However, if she insists on going after the lift button, give her a light slap to tell her no. After she has activated the machine, you'll be able to tell her "yes" and "no" with words.
The Holistic Learning Machine will teach your Norn every word there is to know.  To talk to your Norns, simply type your commands and they will appear in a bubble above your hand. Pressing enter speaks the words to all the Norns within ear shot. Try a few of the actions listed below:

Norns and Actions:
Push/Pull: Perform an action on an object. Similar commands
Approach/Retreat: Walk towards or away from an object
Hit: Hit an agent. Use this to defend against Grendels.
Get/Drop: Pick up or drop an object.
Yes/No: Reward or punish action just taken. Tickle and slap do the same thing.
Look: Look at object
Eat: Eat certain type of food.
Express: State current desire and needs
Left/Right: Go left or right
Norns can't learn every word for every object in the game. Instead, Norns divide their words into categories. So for instance, if you have two toys, a ball and a slinky, a Norn will know them both by one word only: Toy. A Norn's language is very simple, so don't expect it to go much further than subject-verb-noun.

Look: Type in "look food" or "look toy"
Get: "Get gadget"
To find out what they're doing: Type "What"
To find out why they're doing it: Type "Express"
Ask them to do something: Type "Cheryl push Toy" or "Cheryl open door"

Small Note: When you only want a certain Norn to hear, type the Norn's name in the beginning of your command. Example: "Cheryl eat seed." Only Cheryl will hear me and eat the seed.
When you're done testing out the new commands, we'll go onto
Norn Diet and Energy.
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