Information on this page was organized for you by Joe Marley. Joe is the operations manager of the Russian River Ferry in Cooper Landing, AK. For questions, concerns or for further information about the Russian River Ferry you can reach him at [email protected] or call (907)522-TENT.

Photo Taken 6/16/99. You see the Skipper Joe Marley with Deckhand Gary Brooks on the front.





 Alaska Dept of Fish and Game

This links takes you to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Although the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has little to do ferry operations, they are responsible for managing the fishery. This link will be very helpful in explaining more about the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and fish and game regulation.

 National Fish and Wildlife

This link takes you to The National Fish and Wildlife Service. Alaska Recreational Management is a concessionaire operating the Russian River Ferry for the Fish and Wildlife Service.This site has a wealth of information about The National Fish and Wildlife Service and I'm sure you'll enjoy you tour.

 Ferry Operations Information


How does the ferry operate without an engine or sail? Want a job working on the ferry? Why do fishermen want to get to the other side? Does the ferry go to Russia? Find out the answers to these and more questions here.

  Kenai River Sportfishing Association


The Kenai River Sportfishing Association spends a lot of time and effort keeping the Kenai River an excellent resource for humans and animals alike. You can follow this link to find out more about the organization.





 Fishing Regulations

Don't let Alaska's fishing regulations confuse you. This link sends you to the exact information you need to fish in the waters near the ferry.

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 Pictures From the 1999 Season

The summer of 1999 was a great fishing season. This link sends you to pages of pictures of beautiful scenery, wildlife in their natural habitat, and of course fishing in the combat zone. If you visited the ferry you may find yourself in one of these photos.

 Bear Saftey

In the summer of 1999 we had several bears visit the area. With more and more people enjoying Alaska's premiere site for red salmon fishing human bear contact is inevitable. Click here to learn more about how you can avoid contact or reduce the chances of a bad human bear encounter.

Online Licenses


Although licenses are available just up the road in Cooper Landing you may want to have everything prepared before you leave on your trip. You can purchase a license online just follow this link.


More on Cooper Landing

Other Campgrounds in the Area

 Bertha Creek  Crescent Creek  Primrose Creek  Russian River  Trail River
 Black Bear  Granite Creek  Ptarmigan Creek  Russian River Ferry  Whittier
 Cooper Creek  Porcupine Creek  Quartz Creek  Tenderfoot  Willowaw

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