
Donations can be deposited at the office or directly to the following bank account. Donations through bank accounts need to be included in the name of "Rumah Anak Yatim Darul Izzah".

Bank Islam

  • Account No: 1202 9010 0161 14

  • Maybank

  • Account No: 5622 6301 0212

  • Rumah Anak Yatim Darul 'Izzah need support from the public to volunteer in the program that have been manage. Darul 'Izzah manage a number of programs that can help improve skill and spirit of the children to be successful in the future.

  • IT tutorial classes

  • Counseling sessions

  • Besides that, Darul 'Izzah also welcomed the sponsorship from individuals or corporations for the cost of operating a program.

  • The construction of futsal court

  • School holiday program

  • Study visits
  • Address : 6441, Jalan Makmur, Kg. Teras Jernang 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia.

    Tel/Faks: +603 8925 7263


    "Putting bright and shiny smiles on orphans all over the globe. A smile can shine as bright as sun."