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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 43141

Jarlath 2

"Jarlath 2 and friends," I call out. "Well met!"

"Shade and sweet water," I call back, giving one of the more flowery (but still nice) greetings that one of the Sunfolk elves would have given.

Have rather grown even MORe fond of these displaced Elfquest citizens over the course of the Quests I and the others have gone on with them.

"Say what?" our unwelcome guest almost shrieks, still shocky from all she'd seen and done in the ever so realistically short (but ever long seeming) time we'd spent together.

Actually I've got mixed feeling over the last world/reality we blasted (almost literally) through. As delighful as some of the television shows I have consumed over the years are, some had definitely either I loved or loathed.

Bewitched, was one that falls between the two extremes. On one hand the main character, the male lead who played "Darrin" was the constant butt of every magical joke and vendetta of the magical world (re: http://www .users.globalne t.co.uk/~zap /Bewitchedintro .htm). Could see how that could sour one's opinion on the use of magic and all that. On another, Darrin also had at the offset forbid his wife (the witch) named Samantha ( http://www. users.globalnet .co.uk/~zap /Bewitchedintro .htm) upon finding his wife being a witch forbidden her using magic. Yeah, didn't feel like "cheating" by relying on his wife's powers to get ahead but then again to be so . . . medievalist in attitude. Then again, Samantha had wished to see and act how mortals live . . .

No, definitely of two minds on that TV show.

The speaker is neither Samantha nor Darrin. No, rather it�s one of their more observant (and nosy) neighbors, Mrs. Gladys Crabitz. She and her husband sometimes provided comic relief . . . but were almost never the target that Darrin made himself be in that show.

Well, anyway Mr. Abner Crabitz was our target. We�re just waiting for the Rules and Agents. Being that beyond comic relief (a relatively safe occupation compared what Darrin Stevens went through), apparently some Demon had it in it head that THIS guy was the perfect place to stash this one Key Component.

Won�t bore you with the details (read misadventures) getting that Quest done, but it�s done now. Still, wish we could have done it without having to drag Mrs. Crabitz along . . .


"It�s a greeting," I tell Mrs. Crabitz after staring at her for a beat or three.

  1. Gee, wasn�t like my brother there was using some of his more esoteric lingo there . . .

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