The fens of Canmoor

The Never Ending Quest - episode 237

With a strange and unfamiliar wrenching feeling that shook them to the marrow, Lord Frederigo D'Honaire and Astra of Aquilaria found themselves cast into deep, sucking mud, unaware of their surroundings completely.

Slowly, caked in grime and mire, they righted themselves. Astra was the first to get a glimpse of where they were.

Towering above them were trees, immense and overgrown with vines. Some were bigger around than a small cottage. Their large roots reached out into the fen they were standing in, forming strange shapes, like cages, ribs, and far more chilling things. Moss the color of an old hag's mane adorned them.

The fen beneath them was the color of things gone, things dead. It was a sickening grey, and occasionally, unsavory things and worse would bubble up from the choking mud.

However, something was very, very wrong. Frederigo hadn't stood up, yet. He had managed to lift his head, but for some reason he didn't get up... 

  1. Frederigo suddenly began to scream, tugging frantically at his foot. 
  2. Frederigo's face took on a rather curious expression, just before it flopped back into the mud. He began to sink deeper. 
  3. As Astra approached, Frederigo made a motion to her to stop moving immediately. "Any movement could set it off," he whispered... 
  4. Fred turned over... 

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