
The Never Ending Quest - episode 232

Lord Fred exulted briefly as the hellhound wizard-dragon shivered and lay still.He had achieved his quest...

Suddenly the earth shook around them in the dark,and a voice spoke."You have destroyed my loyal disciple!You shall pay!"

As the quaking continued,Fred nervously hoping the tunnel would not collapse,the princess spoke again."The greatest risk we take in killing an evil wizard is that it rouses the attention of a yet more powerful master!My great-aunt,when my great-grandmother was queen,slew Horkus the Wicked,only to be ensnared by Zerm the Unspeakable,who had trained him...and may hold her yet!"

Suddenly both Fred(still in his armor but without his pack) and the Princess(still wearing only chains) found themselves transported to

  1. The middle of a vast desert waste. 
  2. An overgrown jungle. 
  3. A dangerous swamp. 
  4. A rugged mountain valley overlooked by an ominous dark tower. 
  5. A luxuriously appointed...locked...bedroom. 


2/14/99 12:37:42 PM

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