Ah, but let me tell you about it!! (Part 1)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24339

And now, that adventure...

"Ah, so you think you and the others are having a hard time?" Andrea smiles, nodding as if confident she could dispel such delusions. "Let me tell you about what we've been doing over here!"

"That will take some doing," Chiana says back, waiting.

"Alright," Andrea nods. "Well, it started when Cuthbert first started to brief us on the Quest we were to help him with...."

And so Andrea tells her fox tail...er....tale which is too long to conveniently retell here and now. That and it is rather besides the point, eh? This is, after all, another adventuring group's tale, and not Chiana's group.

Yes, let's get back to her tale....

"That is bad," Chiana admitted before launching into her story. "But then 'try this on for size', as Crichton would say!"


I twitch my long tail (strange how....natural seeming to now have an extra appendage like that I never had been born with to twitch with) before continuing....

Rather like that and....


Well, to the retelling!

Now, could bore you with the messy details, but let us just shorten it a bit by just saying that the tale I tell (the first part....the part that I wasn't in) mirrored in an episode Betty and Ragan went and shared with the rest of us.....later....

Basically, it sorta followed the "original" TV script retold here:


Interesting viewing, actually. The Doctor even enjoyed it, after getting over initial "willies" seeing what could have been his future....

Got to agree with the....bit of hesitation, especially when you remember that I am reflected by this.....Gigi Edgley.

Ah, remember, I do now have much....MUCH....better hearing. Interesting what I person can overhear while Betty and Ragan talk together in that....mishmash they sometimes fall into while together alone....while a soul listens around the corner.....

Ah, but that.....another deal.

Anyway, let us just say that things went much quicker in real life than what went on in the "TV" show. Things happened differently, you see. Quicker. Better. Things like no human casualties on either side. Things like the entire thing getting decided on a duel....of honor between my husband and Morgaine!


If somebody had tried to decide such a stunt like that in the Uncharted Territories I'd call them...wellll......well, I'd call them stupid. In this place they'd shoot down where he stood!! But....Sigin comes from another place with different.....

Let's just say I know that Sigin is the farthest thing from a fool. He and his friends, coming up with that plan to lead Morgaine on, down a path her culture said she must.....

Ah yes, much to learn and see. Much to experience. Much to....

Much to learn to trust.... But I do know that I trust him....and am....trying to begin to trust his friends.

Hard. So strange. Especially Ragan and Betty, who know....me....but not from actually....

Frell, you know what I mean!! You've been following this tale long enough, you should!


Yes, much to learn...and perhaps unlearn from living in the Uncharted Territories.


Well, where was I?

When the demon, this Destroyer, broke free from control (appearing to the others of Morgaine's allies as a cowardly attack on Morgaine's part), it was an unexpected....but useful "frosting on the cake" (as I believe Crichton would put it). It not only made for the looming war halt before it could start, but ruined any future chances of Morgaine rallying them behind her against Arthur (who turns out to have actually been alive at the time....but.....uh....).

Well, let's just say that instead of telling all about it....we shall leave it at this. He went to some place called Midworld (some world retold guy named Stephen King with a "Gunslinger" and a "Dark Tower"). He became the founder of the Gunslingers (and somebody's ancestor named Roland Deschain, by the way, guy I've yet to meet on Terra Prime) centuries ago, and with all the other "Knights of the Roundtable" going to his side there, the "Battlefield" emptied out real quickly.

Seems unlike in the TV show (where he was actually dead and his return just propaganda), you see....

  1. They found that out down in the crypt, as well as several other things as well! They were a wormhole AND Farscape One!

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