Ah, but let me tell you about it!! (Part 2)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 24358


They found that out down in the crypt, as well as several other things as well! They were a wormhole AND Farscape One!

After a quick chat with somebody named "Merlin" (guy I gather is somehow important to this "King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable" business, but have yet to learn about besides what little I've garnered so far by snatches), the Champions, the Brig, and Ace pile into the TARDIS and fly through that wormhole into my reality, and land the thing right in the very room that Crichton had been strapped down into the Aurora Chair, getting his neuron's raked for all the information inside them!

Now, you must probably wonder what all he (and I for that matter) were doing in a Gamak base, of all places, risking our neck? Well, could tell you...most of it. I will, however, just let it go at directing you here:


Now, by now you should well know that when the Champions make the scene, things tend to, shall I dare say it, go rather quickly....in a different path than what might have been. In other words, as some say, we took a detour from the "script". But, things were going in a totally fahrbot direction even before they arrived, you see.

See, due to some rather fine....manipulations....from what I gather done by some fahrbot barkan of Inquirer's world (some leader of a mega-Company), technology and hints were planted or something which seemed to lead Scorpius in a direction that lead to....

Something weird.....

Now, the planted data ( a deep insertion spy type planted into Scorpius' team, with some means of disguise to avoid detection, maybe?) The tech runs in and gives Scorpy news that he's been looking for, finally a break in his quest for creating wormholes! This tech then fake another interesting twist that looked like yet another promising step towards Scorpy's dreams (just in time to draw Scorpy away from John before certain memories could be plucked by the Chair). A few adjustments made to Scorpy's prototype wormhole thingy, and.....all hezmana breaks loose!!

From speculations by both Inquirer and my husband, Sigin, later on the subject, they figure that this is what and why things went the way they went. Scorpy's device drew and jammed together into one place what amounted to three "reality bridges" into one place, landing together in the same place and same time. That jammed them open and good. Can't turn them off or anything. Stuck, you see. Then, an old "Torg" trick used by the bad guys of that "game" would happen, in a way. See, the reality that I have in my universe doesn't run off of this axiom and possibility dren. Yeah, see this place for what Torg is about:


Now, with my reality flooding and replacing Torg physics with something else, things will get...interesting. Oh, nothing fatal will happen to those natives of Core Earth and the invading Cosms from this, but now instead of their axioms changing the very physics of Core Earth (making the Core Earth natives more substantial weaponry ineffective), things will snap back to where....Core Earth is going to start clobbering the invaders because they can use their weaponry. Thing like "jets" and "atom bombs" now work again in the invaded lands, you see.

More to the point, this CEO and company is going to come in and clean the floor with these High Lords (after they take something from them).

Heh, here, let a recap from my husband tell you the details:

Inquirer then gathers herself (after a few mentally "whispered" words from the Doctor) and basically sums up what I have told and seen (and shared). Fact, as it turns out from what she can see....it appears that the very CEO of the Company itself....from her own reality!.....is actually not FROM there. Rather, he is a native from Marketplace.....a reality that mirrors nothing less than one of the "cosms" found in our favorite role-playing game! He is a....er....relative of that cosm's High Lord. Or rather is a clone decoy of that High Lord (and had not known it until it was revealed to him). It happened to play out that way whilst this decoy had been attending a promising, but rather unorthodox scientific endeavor of one of his company's R&D branches. It had discovered a strange Cosm that at first to be none other than what I and the others know as Core Earth! The work had much promise in that it looked like a Malestorm bridge could be inserted in such a way, invading, without the risk of the sudden "backwash" of possibility energy destroying the invader. In other words, a lone High Lord could just walk in and "take over" without his peers being the wiser. Before, if such an attempt was even seriously to be contemplated, the Dark Lord would need a bit of...er...aid in his invasion. Indeed, something like a grand total of six or seven Cosms needed to invade what would turn out to be the "real" Core Earth (home of the highest single source of possiblity energy). That aside, as it turns out, it was none other than one of the researchers had been turned by an operative under the pay of Modius himself (tricky chap) allowed a hit team to storm the laboratory in an attempt to either sabotage it or capture it. But something went wrong and disaster (as it is in it's habit) struck unexpectedly. See, the Earth they saw in the scanners or whatever wasn't Core Earth. Rather, it had the same level of possibilities as what one would find there but things worked....differently there from anything that those poor researchers and that decoy were familiar with. See......


Bottom line is a "Torg" invader would be both disappointed in any quests for sucking up any possibility energy....because such energy does NOT exist there. No axiom....nothing like that at all. The entire basis of reality works in a foreign way, contrary to "known" and "accepted" cosm theory. What happened was that the place got sucked in through the malestorm bridge. All but one person appeared to have died in the disaster and the experiment was pretty much written off as a total "flop". However, whilst it appeared that there had been only one, there were two. The decoy had survived! Survived and got marooned on an Earth that would become known as Home #3 (Inquirer's place of birth as an AI....as it were).

Having learned too much for comfort and ego, the displaced (and marooned) clone swore vengeance on not only Mobius, but on his "father" as well. And this mania (though well hidden) grew to include any High Lord he could get his hands on!

Decades away from what would become known as the Night of Blood (the beginning of the Enemy/Alliance war), he set about in setting up...slowly but surely, a Company that would rival...and then eclipse his "fathers" corporation. Through means that I hadn't been privy to during my spying session (but Inquirer conjectured from this and...other data she'd come across over the years in her ...er...line of work), he was able to obtain through industrial espionage the technology being salvaged and studied from an alien crash sight in a nice little place called "Area 51". Using that, he soon was able to set up business in 13 nearby parallel worlds....eventually forming the Company Inquirer and the Military had grown to know....and hate.

Plans of vengeance delayed first by unexpected aliens, war, and such.....this clone decoy (still alive and healthy due to some longevity treatments garnered from some of the darker tech of the Area 51 spaceship) was finally getting around to the business of vengeance. It was all made possible by this strange....entity in a bottle....who had this thing about....chess.....

The decoy, being rather immune to manipulation through...whatever technology that had made him (something in the vat....I guess), was still able to work out an....agreement of sorts. Using advice and insights, this bottle became something akin to a Darkness Device, I see.

In the end the entity would get what it wanted and so would the decoy.

The entity had predicted that a scientist from this reality would be using an old “friends” technology to create something like a malestorm bridge....and would also use it in the exact time and place where other factions from other realities (like the now defunct Kane of the “Command and Conquer” universe and the High Lords of the Torg universe). What the result was....was utter disaster for those High Lords, it was.

Once put down, the Bridges can’t be ever disengaged. The Nile Empire cosm is being flooded, as it were, with the reality of the Farscape universe. It was....choking and replacing the axioms of that reality with Farscape’s physics (which in turn mirrored Dr. Who’s reality and Star Trek’s universe). Oh, it wouldn’t change the mentality and such of the human beings there. Weird tech and all that would still work and the constant action and adventure...the pulp fiction reality would be as it was....but that would be more due to human culture and mindset than due to axiom.

Ah, don’t ask. I am just too tired right now to explain more in detail if you still do not grasp it. Maybe later, but not now.

Another little side effect of this flooding was that it was hazardous to a Darkness Device’s existence. So hazardous, in fact that.....a mere touch of this “flood water” as you might call it.....was lethal. So when the decoy (in a sense of “turnabout” justice) had one of his Nile Empire operatives (a Gadgeteer of sorts) use a Weird Science raygun to shrink (then steal) Mobius’ Device....and thus now the crumbled remains.

Later, we shall be rather....surprise and chagrined to find out that the Nile Empire Cosm has invaded “Core Earth”. Might even laugh a little bit when a joke later on about Rifts Earth having been a better target, perhaps, for the High Lords with all those Ley Line and magic . . . . and the resulting HUGE explosion that would happen if an invasion had happened there instead of “Core Earth”.

That and up until that point things there reflect how things were going in OUR game. . . .

Now, what of the other bridge? The one not leading into Core Earth? Well, Inquirer thinks that since there was evidence that it had clues that some kind of stuff from a "video game" called "Command and Conquer" was going on there, what with some kind of fuel source called "Tiberian" there (also called Tiberium in the Military reality or "Jethrik" in the Whoniverse)..... Well, let's just say that she thinks that the CEO has sent some forces there to secure a mine or two to fund this....vendetta of his.

Tiberium is, after all, the one source of energy for the Alliance, Military, and the Company. Fuels their war machine AND (since their money system/economy is based on some kind of energy unit called the BTU) this secretive operation of revenge....which will eventually lead to revenge on the Military as well.

Somehow, it has something to do with that wormhole equation in John's head AND some kind of dark energy or whatever that got lodged into each High Lord as their Darkness Devices died. Probably some kind of superweapon, I guess. That or a great tatical advantage over his enemies, Inquirer tells me.


Frell, I think about what she's said and told me about what might come of this if we fail and it....chills me.....

"And now we are racing against time," I finish up, "We've got to save these Frelling High Lords from capture or death, get whatever they have in them to deny it to this CEO. That and we need it and that wormhole data for the Doctor to do something about the runaway wormholes created by those jammed malestorm bridges back in the 'Farscape universe'."


Not sure how I feel about my home reality being named after John's clunky ship, but.....it does well enough for now. Gods know alone just how I felt to discover that what I thought as true about myself.....


Let us just say that that snurching expedition on the TARDIS and running into Sigin (still deathly drained from his battle with Morgaine), lead to.....love....and...




Right, it also lead me to becoming a dragoness and a Champion. Kind of....like how this worked out, really.....

"There's more but let us leave it off at that for now," I finish, looking at Andrea in the other side of the mirror.

We soon break contact, agreeing that if nothing else, neither is having a easy time of it all....

That's when whatever came over me (Sigin later tells me it was something called Chaos Energy), wears off and I'm wondering if I suddenly had become Fahrbot for telling a total stranger so many things....

  1. But she's not. Later....
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