Abode/Terra Prime (As The Fur Flies)

Ti'mma D'Honaire - This is a special elfin child who experienced the disorienting events of memories coming back from another life on her eighth birthday. Her name is Ti'mma D'Honaire, but back on the World of Two Moons she was also known as Timmain, attributed to being the mother of the Wolfriders. Indeed, she considers all elves from that now vanished reality her children.....and in a real sense....they are.Indeed, even the Rules and Agents agree with her views on this matters, so all of her "children" are able to become Champions as well.

But that aside, her getting back her memories was a gut wrenching experience for her. When her memories of being Timmain, resurfaced. She'd cried for hours in fright and grief....remembering the betrayal of those troll creatures......

For those not familiar with Elfquest (Timmain and other characters from Elfquest copyrighted to Warp Graphics) you can find a bio of this character at the website at www.elfquest.com.

But there's a decided difference here!


Basically, back in episode 10232 we get a hint of things to come:

Kethiani notices the odd look her daughter gives the picture....as if she almost remembers something....only to see the look seem to melt away as the infant starts to giggle and smile at the two humans.

"There seemed to be a sense of oldness and wisdom within our daughter....along with a mixture of newness and innocence," Feir-dalen says, patting his daughter's hand fondly. "Mayhaps she is one of the elves who were somehow spared."

"Maybe," Probe smiled, "I think the fact that the Rule said that they had been born anew here has something to due with the two of you, Fred and Astra," Probe says slowly. "Something to do with the fact that they where near beings who's origins were from out of their own. A wild theory, I know, but I think that your presence created some type of paradox shield, let's call it, and brought this about."

Okay, several important facts about her. First, despite her being adopted, the Rules and Agents gave Ti'mma a body that has genetic material from both Feir-dalen and Kethiani. Another important fact is that she is two-year older than the rest of the displaced elves. This is because SHE was already out and about as an infant while the others were still fetuses within their new mother's wombs. Gestation period being, for an elf, two-year (and the fact that due to a little bit of deus ex machina) all the other displaced elves were born on the same day. Being that the elven people were blessed with unheard of reproductive results (long story in and of itself), this otherwise odd happenstance was buried and hidden by the medical mages and such who take care of helping with birthing were being rather overwhelmed when the other products of coupling came about (i.e. the displaced elves weren't the only one's getting born here....there were relatively mundane babies as well).

Upon Ti'mma's eighth birthday, her mostly suppressed memories (they sometimes were half glimpsed at odd times by this special child) came forth. Now, the displaced elf that Ti'mma had been was very old and wise....but despite the disparity of years of experience between old and new, there still is very much of the child in Ti'mma. At times she can be quiet, reflective, and wise....and at other times giggling and laughing like the young child she is now. She's a blend of old and new.

Now, as for what her name had been it is a form of her new name (somewhat ironic). Timmain was what she'd been originally called. I've sent a biosheet of the Elfquest character that this new elf is based upon. However, this Timmain that Ti'mma is based off of is the one that had just arriving the OTHER Palace that Rayek had attempted to merge with (with disastrous......universe killing.....results). This Timmain had done none of the things mentioned in the bios I'm sending but she (and the others in the OTHER Palace) had been attempting to look for others from the world that they'd abandoned so long ago. In the original, undisrupted timeline, servants of theirs....trolls.....made a bid for freedom through treachery (instead of using more reasonable....peaceful means). Timmain and the other dwellers inside the OTHER Palace had changed their features from their original (conehead alien) bodies to that of elves when disaster struck. The Trolls disrupted control of the OTHER Palace at a critical time, and it got thrown back in time to crash land...and the dwellers of the OTHER palace (who'd reworked their bodies to mimic the elves of legend to approach the medieval humans below...to ascertain if the legend and myths of their were in fact signs that others of their own kind had visited in the past)..... Well, to be blunt they stumbled into a causality loop where they became the basis of those human legend and myths. Their descendants were the elves that we find in Elfquest, the comic book.

The Timmain that we are dealing with was turning to see what the trolls were doing....just as they were about to disturb the pilot of the Palace....when Rayek got prodded by interference via Randall Flagg and merged his (the older version) Palace with it's newer self. The resulting disruption caused extreme injuries and burns to the elfin woman, but she'd somehow survived(albeit in a broken....burn shell of a body). The Agents and Rules took her (before the pain could hit her) and transformed her into the young elfin girl infant that her parents now love and cherish.

Ti'mma and those who knew of her special nature didn't broadcast it far and wide. They didn't wish the disruption in her life it would cause. Ti'mma, however, is waiting for the day that the other elves regain their memories to help ease them into their new world and lives.

Last note, the "magic" used by the elves in Elfquest isn't the same as in Terra Prime. Elfquest "magic" is more of a psionic thing (as some would say). The difference is moot, since the Elfquest magic talent has been replaced by "real" magical potential. That and the thing about Soulnames(similar in nature to the Truenames of Manimals) is no longer in effect...due to the displaced elves now being of an entirely different species than before. Now, considering that the possible fact being public domain as it were......that's actually a good thing!

They quietly discuss all that, wondering just what would....er...pop up when memories come back. Most on their minds is how many and just who will come forth. Who survived that most odd and disastrous merging of two object in one place.....something that tore a universe apart.

She soon was involved in a quest to save some special elfin children who'd been trying to save the life of an elf named Rayek. She and her friends succeeded.

Right now, she's helping her fellow reincarnated elves adjust to their new selves and lives here on Terra Prime.

She considers all elves from the now vanished World of Two Moons as her children. The Rules and Agents agree and as such all those elves(with the exception of Rayek) are eligible for becoming Champions. Because Rayek is not allowed to become a Champion, this opportunity fell to Eric Jones....

Due to the mystical nature of the realm some Dark Elves had hid her and her friends away in during some kind of "recruiting drive" to gather forces for some kind of War of Shadows (a war between good and evil off on another reality) has aged to age eighteen by the time she got rescued, safe and sound. Was able to be unaffected by the mental torture attempts by her capture due to the fact that though she is elf, her mentality is of a different species than what they were used to dealing with!

During that time, was the heart and soul of the imprisoned. Was their leader under adversity and came through with flying colors....thus sealing even tighter within "her children's" heart her high place as a "High One" (transformed or not).

Has become a Champion and, like so ALL other elves who haled from the now vanished Elfquest reality, also finally married their soulmates!

Religious Affiliation- Christianity
Marital Status- Married (Grailing)
Race - Elf

The Children of Ti'mma - The ex-Wolfriders ( including Nimi'aia,Solik'trilJones, and Hathar'ruil), the ex-Sun Folk, the ex-Go Backs, the ex-Gliders, Jenny Elf, and Rayek

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