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Biphase Flow Calculator

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This program was made to perform biphase flow pressure drop calculation, liquid hold up and flow type. The pressure drop calculation uses the following correlation:


VDI - Horizontal and Vertical case

Duckler - No Slip and Constant Slip case

Beggs and Brill

Lockhart Martinelli

For liquid hold up the calculations were made using:


Lockhart Martinelli correlation



Beggs and Brill

To determine the flow type in the pipe:


Horizontal Configuration - Baker and Taitel Duckler

Vertical Configuration - Govier

The unit manipulation is as friendly as you can get including all the units used for each magnitude with the possibility of configurating the program in English or International units.

The diameter selection can be performed thru another feature the "diameter selector" with which you can choose among all the pipes standard size

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Biphase Flow Calculation Download

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[email protected]


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