
SmS Me



September Pics


1st October: Sunday HuRRay. Woke up feeling great after sleeping for more than 12 hours! Yes I admit it I love my bed :-)
What A cool background eh!?Someone gave it to me*how sweet eh*!
Someone else said that I better change background cause I am no angel....well opinions!
Made the phone call finally.  I was afraid at first but ...everything went fine...I got my mobile back..and gosh I can't believe it we talked like two normal human beings and we where sober this time.......
Made me think again for sometime... Xej ma jigri ghal-xej..
Downloaded my two favorite songs at the moment one bye Vengaboys *from the new album* Chekaw Bow Bow!*
****************I saw you in the disco
last nite in san fransisco
the way you use your joystick
has really made my heart click!********************

and the other one from MoDjO-Lady

**Lady I just feel like I won't  get you out of my mind**

Afternoon Went to Oasis for a coffee..all by myself..just me my pensieri  and my mobile...smsing everyone I know!
Back home stayed online for a while...talked to the crazy girl..as if nothing happend BoH.
Planned our evening..Last nite at Alleys :-(  Where will I go now?? Where will I see my friends? Where can I find a place that plays the same music?! uffina de la merde!
Anyway ...looking forward to the re opeining of the new styled Alley..in about a months time.
Went out quite early my pal had a date...The Alley was almost empty..met other irc users from  #heartbreakhotel..drank Matteus...
Had fun loads of fun..went to Havana with the *guy* he's nice.I hate it when people think that all I say is Bible and all I do is correct. Anyway, I enjoy his company and he knows it..at least I think so.  MaGiC. 

2nd October:Monday! a.m.Work Gosh I hate to work on mondays......went to the officelooking like a Zombie...my brains and body where out of order....had no buzz to work...i only wanted to sleep...Went out for a coffee...at least I felt better with the help of caffeine and some decent conversation *wink*
Afternoon stayed online for a change! Evening went to Aerobics afterwards for a walk @ the front *1 hour and 30mins walking non stop talking about my favorite subject....MeN*

3rd October: Tuesday!a.m. Work...Uffina it's raining! AH How nice I can wear my winter clothes. In the office it's really cold I think my boss has the andropause,.........He's always sweating ugh! because of him I have to suffer..he puts the AC on 16* bloody hell!  Work was fine..enjoyed smsing my friends.  Oh Gosh I have a sore throat......oh sugar.
Back home downloaded some Mp3's from Napster *I love this proggy*
Some tracks from Madonna's last album very nice me like.
Chatted on IRC for sometime...felt really tired went to bed early.

4th October: Wednesday No WoRk *status sick* Today is my ex's Birthday.....what a dull day..loads of things happened since this day last year. 
Oh how nice it feels to be emotionally free,thanks GoD.
Slept till 2.30p.m. phew woke up feeling GrEaT.
Had a sort of a fight with a guy I met some days ago..silly How men get jealous between them...pity how a friendship can be ruined between guys cause of a girl.  Hopefully..I still have my dearest buddy/my special someone  *My ChIkO LaTiNo*
WeNt To HaVaNa....ThE ALLEY is dead :0(
Will Re OpEn sometime in November HuRraY!
Menomale there was ChIko Latino cause all of a sudden I saw someone at Havana  er yes my ex with his friends...politely I smiled at him and full stop I continued to enjoy myself .  He asked for this kind of treatment so now...enjoy it dear!   The best thing iI noticed is that even though we where in the same places, I still had fun / enjoyed myself well thanks to chicko..he's so nice/and has a character i really admire...so carefree....
Before I was like if he's there I can't go etc etc etc
But now I'm mature(?!!!!)...I'm Older and wiser....
Had plenty of  fun even though my serata was planned differently..

5th October Thursday: Woke up in a very good MoOd..thanks DuDe*
A.M. Work...Drank loads of espresso's at work to stay awake..infact I was so hyper ....
Aternoon went to pick my cousin from School *oh sugar I love that kiddo he's so cool I wish he was my son sometimes*But thinking about it...I am not even capable of taking care of myself...I mean it's such a big responsabilty to take care of a child...phew I can't see myself in that picture...for the next 8 years at least!.
Afternoon Shopping for some cool Boots...no luck....Nevermind had loads of fun talking about The Males of my life with my dearest cousin *in a coffee shop*
P.M.Went out..with ShArk** nothing was planned...Enjoyed myself, he's fun to be with and he talks ...no silent instances *ugh I hate it when someone is not very talkative*Me like the atitude that males take control of the situation. It's nice to know where you stand...no unanswered questions nothing to worry about, cool to live day by day...
"step by step"- *not my words* 
A Kiss from a Shark to  a catfish.......(hmm *  *  *   *   *)

6th October: Friday
a.m.work How come I woke up late? well probably cause I slept only 3 hours...ah yes that's why...
Office quite busy today...Vodafone system is driving me insane.......sms arrived today but was sent on Sunday..Imagine if it was something urgent ! Mid day went for my daily dose..*caffeine* with ShArK...poor guy he was tired today..avoided eye contact *arghh*
He's shy / he's not shy ....hmmm who knows!
In the afternoon stayed online for a while, than went for a little nap so that I'll have energy for the night..to party...mid-nap..someone woke me up....hihihiih mwa* *
Anyways, got updated on what was happening on the IrC, some freakin bastard was advertising a website which featured me and my buddy an edited pic..I was furious.  After some intensive thinking I got to the point where I knew who did this. His only explanation was ^Rubina it was just an ugly joke^ freakin hell if it was...I was in a hysterical state. My day was like fucked up in a few words.  I was angry with the world and with everyone basically. Stayed in wondering what the hell will my next action be.  Took full control of that freakin site hopefully.  Anyway the person involved asked me to link to
this page.....afterwards to end the serata in belezza had also a misunderstanding with my buddy...people are strange anzi this world is strange, how can a person that you know for so long suddenly turns her back at you...well...as always shit happens and I will never again ask for question to which I have no answers. Life is full of misteri...

7th October: Saturday:a.m. uffa I have to go to work  but I don't feel like...uffinaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Went to work, qas kelb ma trid tara jahdem is-sibt... imma nsumma..went to the office in a shitty kind of state ...bidilla like. *Shit HaPpens*
Afternoon came home to stay a tikka online...only to find my pc messed up..windows did'nt load...hmmm fine...okay...allright.
Went to the hairdresser for a change...had a wedding in the evening had fun enjoyed myself looking very ladyish in my longish dress. Recieved an SmS from sHaRk...hmmm*
After the  wedding went to paceville met my friends and my bellino di mamma, he's a very special person in another life I think he was my brother ...or my lover? boh or perhaps my son? well nothing is impossible right!
Went to Roulette and Havana ...I miss The Alley terribly.  I am so happy to see that I am so emotionally free....it took some time but the process was worth it indeed.

8th October: Sunday:a.m. sleep. pm a coffee with *****, agterwards ghal-kafe with the guy. checking mail and other stuff.  Ah what a nice evening...the guy concerned, treats me like a littlke princess....he makes me feel special.MwA

9th October: Monday:a.m. work p.m

KaRaOke NiTe @ Bugibba.  Enjoyed myself, I really did. *wink*
Innocent face......some things are better kept to myself ......

10th October: Tuesday:a.m. work
afternoon: hurray my p.c. is back, workin just FiNe!
work p.m. slept early

11th October: Wednesday:a.m. work
afternoon online dowloaded some new stuff to use tipo....an irc script - 3D image maker..and download accelerator.

Strange how people of the same star sign have different characters...only one thing they have in common...spontanieta...and I like it.

p.m. out! Ta'SoLdI!!! with friends and .... and.............
Foggy night!

Attenzione ShArK!
If you don't know what game you're playing, don't ask what the score is! Le Le!

12th October: Thursday:am: work. Mid morning a coffee with shary shark..lapsus day hihihi
I love complicated people!
out with sharky shark...relaxing nite at bugibba in a quiet bar...a good way to unwind and loosen up...there is some chemistry between us !?!!!!!!!! RiGhT.

13th October: Friday:a.m. Took half day off...went shopping with mummy @ sliema..found some nice stuff. I'm in the purple phase at the moment...all  I buy is purple!
Work at 11.00a.m.
afternoon...went to meet the sweetest guy I know....If only....If only I was another person...or perhaps had another mentality I would definitely do my best to stay with him for ever and ever.  He makes me feel special, as if I was the only girl on earth......It's nice to feel wanted...but there is a limit...I don't like to hurt other ppl's feelings... argh...don't u dare fall in love with me...DaNgEr ZoNe.
Evening went to Punch and Judy with Doyda and Lynne..afterwards to Gianpula.... saw him* *missed who?

14th October: Saturday Slept all Day! No Comment!

15th October: Sunday...Huray Got the email I waited for a long time...EMIRATES hurray hurray hurray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Anything can happy now...I am happy hurray! Evening: Saw him for a while...feels nice to be with him.
Had fun at the channel meeting of #heartbreakhotel... sweety was there.

16th October: Monday: a.m. He woke me up...is'nt he sweet? What a nice wake up call. *mwa*
Work..very busy at the office...i prefer it this way at least I don't get bored.
Sharky shark called...click* * *
Afternoon, stayed online made some research about emirates...chatted to a canadian maltese buddy....hippy kewl!
evening going out with sharky shark for a coffee. 
Quite happy the way things are going...smooth.
Everything is just fine...tutto sotto controllo...
from a simple quitting msg....well there had to be a starting point......
Went to M.I.A. had a nice interesting chat...I enjoy sharky shark's company...ain't no new thing....but some things has to be repeated...just to make myself clear..heq him *cough* hihihihi

17th October:Tuesday:a.m. work *mucho busy*
made myself clear, ora mi sento bene with my kuxjenza! hihihi* Evening serata assai caruccia, went to Fuego with sharky shark, had loads of fun moving to the ritmo della noche...hihi

18th October: Wednesday.a.m.work.

19th October:Thursday:a.m.work
In exactly 5 months, I'be 23...where will I be? no idea..wish I knew, wish I have an idea what to do with my life..which way shall I take...too many questions without a single answer..Why I don't fit with the society?i.e. Why I choose to get away from this island? escapism again..from who..from what I do not know. wishing upon a star....
evening stayed online..just me and my thoughts....chatted with sharky shark and mister sweet..
Better to chat in reality than in virtuality...some people just express themselves with their eyes...like myself..Dunno if someone understands what I try to express imma nsumma!

20th October:Friday:a.m.work *too freakin busy*
afternoon stayed online....even though the sun was shining..well i had to arrange some stuff in my site ....some links.
Listening to Vasco Rossi...reminding me of the happiest time in my life...when I went to Madonna di Campiglio In February 1999....went there for an interview to a job I found online...thank god it was'nt a joke....looking back I'm glad to say I was already a strong person...independant is the word.

Tonite party time @ Liquid..looking forward to a nite of fun with good music.Had Loads of fun at Liquid Music was great, InsideOut, Ray and the Characters...Prezioso.....

21st October: Saturday:a.m. Off from work hurray...slept a lot...woke up sick...really sick..gimme some medicine man! AH what a sore throat...uweee..ugh...I can't even smoke...I miss my ciggy's well better after all I wanted to quit.
Ugh what a weekend...ugh I have to stay in ugh!
For a change stayed online...hopefully I learned some new stuff.. Started my flash lessons *online*, learned some nice photo editing tricks..me like.

22nd October:Sunday..stayed in/online, my status sick.

23rd October: Monday *sick* Afternoon felt better went to meet a friend by the sea..the weather was fantastic..went to the tarot card reader....what if he was right? what if he was'nt?Too many questions..too many answers...illusions perhaps...only time will tell.
What a laugh mado!

24th October: Tuesday: a.m. work
p.m. Out with sharky the shark @ Hanks. cool ;p-

25th October, Wednesday
p.m. cinema Big Momma's House...one hell of a laugh.

27th October: Friday, a.m. work.
p.m. cinema The Scary Movie, me like- enjoyed the company nothing new eh? poor fellow he was sick... I wonder how he got flu.....

28thOctober, Saturday: a.m. Work afternoon out with the boys, met for lunch for some updating!

29th October, Sunday: Boredom totale.

30th October:Monday:a.m. work Busy Busy !
Thinking about a re-shufflement I badly need it.
Dammi spazio che non riesco a pensare. 
Need to be surrounded by positive ppl....seeking positive energy. 
Got an email from a local fellow who just finished his relationship after  5 years with his gf....he said he liked my page and found my diary very entertaining...well not the first time I hear something similar....thinking about it..My life is so funny? My life is so entertaining? Well.. eheheh I love every bit of it....and I make my best to live happily.  I'm all I wanna BE.
I'm  looking forward to tomorrow...another month gone by. Hurray. 
Tonite:Aerobics, afterwards out for a coffee.
Summary: High Impact aerobics great just what I needed...afterwards solved one of my personal reshufflement. If you can't beat them join them....pity not everyone suceeds. I hate people who are egoistic.....one word says it all. It's very true that life is shitty sometimes but we can't throw our problems on others...Hope you will realise your mistake alone, I' m sure you are capable, good luck Bidilla.
FULL STOP capitolo chiuso.  Even Rubina's patience has a limit.
Another one down the drain.
Went to Mia with sharkey shark...is'nt he sweet with his hat on?!! hhihihhi.
Uffa  I can't sleep..too much caffeine perhaps? hmm I think so...

31st October, Tuesday a.m. Work
Pics to be uploaded TODAY!
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