The Foxy Dachshund

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Dachshund Heaven

Dachshunds are Forever ...

Tell Rosie about a special Doxie in your life !


Heaven's long Angels :

R * I * P Dates Link Photo
Bertha2/14/94 - 8/20/09 * *
Olga2/14/92 - 6/02/09 * *
Barbie2/14/96 - 3/15/09 *
Zorro4/22/93 - 12/13/08 *
Rosie2/14/92 - 11/11/08
Tiny - 11/13/08
Sadie - 4/4/08 *
Pearl - 12/27/07 *
Sidney - 8/24/06
Harley - *
Fritz1998 - 2/22/06 *
Rusty2002 - 9/29/03 * *
Manfred2/6/99 - 10/23/01
Sally2/3/93 - 7/21/01
Red1998 - 5/28/01 *
Schatzie7/29/87 - 1/31/01
Kooky - 1998 * *
Mayer1988 - 4/13/93 *
Braun1985 -1990 * *
Tinker Bell1975 - 1/5/89
Sugar - **
Thor - **
Charlie - **
Your Pet's Name - **


The Gates of Heaven were guarded by St. Peter. Three people approached and stood waiting for permission to enter.

St Peter asked the first gentleman what he had accomplished in life. The man told him that he had trained Golden Retrievers and had put a UD on his dog. St Peter determined that that was not difficult enough and sent the man back.

St Peter then asked the second person, a man, what he had accomplished in life. He said he has trained Border Collies and put a UDX on his dog. St Peter determined that that was not difficult enough and sent the man back.

St Peter then asked the third person, a woman, what she had accomplished in life. She said that she had trained a Dachshund and put a CD on her dog. St Peter smiled and said "come right in--you have already spend your time in hell."

How God Made Dachshunds

by Julie Wrigley Smith

God made a little dachsie
to brighten up our day-

He took a bit of sunshine-
Laughter, love and play-

and rolled it up in a sausage shape
just right for a hug,

With little paws a pattering,
to take it here and there-

and a cold wet nose - but then He thought
"Oh, what about the hair?

Shall I make it long and silky,
or wiry, that's so sweet,

or make it simple, and have it smooth
and satiny and neat?

And what about the color-
how can I pick just one?

Shall it be black or red or brown
or dappled, just for fun?"

He pondered while He made the world,
And all creatures great and small-

And then the answer came to Him-
"OF COURSE! I'll make them ALL!"

So remember that a dachshund
is special, from above-

His coat of many colors
is a sign of God's great love

Dachshund Creation *

~ Author Unknown ~

This story pending permission.

But you can find it in Baby's Story

* Baby's Dachshund Pages

A Dog for Jesus

I wish someone had given Jesus a dog
As loyal and loving as mine
To sleep by his manger and gaze in His eyes
And adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood, his faithful dog
Would have followed Him all through the day
While He preached to the crowds and made the sick well
And knelt in the garden to pray.

It is sad to remember that Christ went away
To face death alone and apart
With no tender dog following close behind
To comfort its Master's heart.

It is sad to remember that Christ went away
To face death alone and apart
With no tender dog following close behind
To comfort its Master's heart.

Well, the Lord has a dog now, I just sent him mine
The old pal so dear to me
And I smile through my tears on this first day alone
Knowing they're in eternity.

Day after day, the whole day through --
Wherever my road inclined --
Four-feet said, "I am coming with you!"
And trotted along behind.

~ Kipling ~

Dachshund Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change-
Courage to change the things I can-
And the wisdom to know the difference...
Plus the Dachshund Determination to deal with it all !

Now I am Famous !

Living Angels

Dachshund Memorial Garden


Canine Loss Bereavement

In Memory of Barbie

The Foxy Dachshund

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