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   Some practical advice for support contemnors in the State of Washington.

    A Way to Walk a Mile in a Noncustodial Parent's Moccasins.

        Many people have many excuses for not joining the fight.  "It won't do any good."  "They have all the money and they have all the power."  "We can't get a word in edgewise, the press is against us."  These statements are true to a point:  If you don't join the fight, it is less likely to succeed and it won't do any good.  We are up against a lot of power, but Tim Eyman does not let that stop him.  He comes up with one tax cutting initiative after another.  They get on the ballot, they get voted in.  In the meantime, the Washington Supreme Court is creating at least two precedents that render most of the Revised Code of Washington as having been passed in violation of our state's Constitution.  It prohibits passage of any bill containing more than one subject.  Much of the welfare legislation is exactly that: multiple subject bills!  In fact, as illustrated on the Index page to this Antipeonage Act Web Site, and the dummy briefs listed and linked therein, much of the state's current criminal code is the product of two subject and multi-subject bills, Amalgamated Transit having reversed the essential logic of In re Boot.  If the Eyman Initiatives are two subject, then the omnibus bills are grotesquely multi-subject.

    But for those who are actually in the fight, our complaint is not that we are up against a lot of money and power, or that the press is not on our side, our complaint is that we cannot get the noncustodial parents off their butts when we need them to stand up and be counted!!!

    If we do not stand up for ourselves, no one else will stand up for us.

   Look at the gay rights movement.  No one stood up for gay rights until the gays stood up for gay rights.  That is true for women, blacks, factory workers, slaves, and any other group of people whose inalienable rights were trashed by the authorities.

    "But Mr. Knight, how do we fight back?"  you may whine.

    The way everyone else has had to.

    We need money.  That is true.  But you would be amazed at how little it would take.  The problem is, we have not even had that.  There are noncustodial parents who have the dough.  And they have been treated just as rotten as we have, except the judges do respect, somewhat, what they could do.  Star athletes who make the big bucks.  Hollywood celebrities.  And those who made their fortunes the old fashioned way, by capitalism.  These rich guys, they may view child support and alimony as they view taxes, as protection money.  Which might explain why we cannot seem to get them to "cross the DMZ and march on Hanoi".  Which is how we have to approach this, that is what the gays did.

    But even without the rich dudes, if we had a $10 donation from every noncustodial parent, and from every person who is sympathetic to such parents, we would have a war chest to rival Tim Eyman's.  How could we use the money?  First, advertising.  Tell the people about the Antipeonage Act.  Our ads could list this website's URL. flips the Internet surfer to There are the War Posters that I have been putting on street lamp posts in Seattle that advertise  Most people have never heard of the Antipeonage Act, it would be a tremendous change in the political equation just to inform them.  While we are at it, we can explain in simple terms and with easy to understand examples, the rational basis doctrine, Younger abstention doctrine, the destruction of the irrebuttable presumption doctrine as perpetrated by Justices Rehnquist and Thurgood Marshall, and the other little publicized roadblocks to actually enforcing our Constitutional rights.

  If you want to support me in my efforts, purchasing my novel Neanderthal Return from is a great way to do it.  Check out some of my short stories on my Neanderthal Return website.

    And that is just the start.  After telling folks that an example of the rational basis doctrine is where the Supreme Court found that national security considerations arising from the war with Japan provided a rational basis for the internment of persons of Japanese ancestry, we can ask, if that is wrong, then how can the doctrine ever be right?

    State court judges tend to be elected.  Since some of them inevitably attract challengers, we can go after them with a vengeance.  If campaign finance laws are a problem, we can stay independent of any judicial candidate's campaign and say Buckley v. Valeo, screw you!  In nice legal terms, of course! The Supremes upheld limits on individual contributions to campaigns, but struck down limits on independent expenditures.  We are therefore without any limits on the independent expenditures, if we could just pull together.  All we would have to do is purchase numerous quarter page ads, they are cheaper in the community weekly papers, but a few ad buys in the major dailies could be helpful, where we just quote the language of a judge's decision in an actual case!!!! Post them on a website and then advertise the URL of the website. Then ask the voter, if you agree, vote to re-elect the judge!

   Get what I am driving at?

   If you want the Germans to swear off Nazism, march 'em through the death camps so they can see with their own eyes what is done in their name!!! Same basic idea.

    There is plenty of ammunition to use against any targeted judge!!!!  His own decisions!  Gather them up and post them on a website and advertise the URL of the website.

    You expect me to do this all by myself?  I could use a little help.  I will be happy to link to any such site through my Allies page.

    If a judge gets the labor unions' endorsement, then show the people his actual decisions in labor law cases!!!!  If he gets the police union's endorsement because he is "tough on crime", then show how he shafted a police officer in a divorce!!  If he gets the feminazi endorsement, THAT would count against him, but hey, show how he treated a noncustodial MOTHER!!!  Or a woman who had a good sex harassment complaint.  And of course, feel free to call them PEONAGE CRIMINALS in these ads.  They should be prosecuted for violating 18 U.S.C. §1581!!

  Judge Jim Doerty of King County Superior Court actually implemented this idea by ordering his decisions in the case involving Paul Trummel published on King County Superior Court's website.

    What we have to realize is that people like our Constitutional rights and they do not like them being violated.  They like to believe that the Constitution is there to protect them, and if we can just communicate to them that it is not and WHY it is not, then we can make progress.  If U.S. v. Ballek finds that the duty to support a child creates exception to the Thirteenth Amendment, then there is no Thirteenth Amendment because ALL parents have a duty to support their children!  Yes it is like heating the ocean, it takes a lot of BTU's.  But once the ocean is heated, oh the storms that will blow!!!  Like what Osama bin Laden found out!

    The frustrating thing about this is how LITTLE money it would take!!  For the State of Washington, it would be a smaller budget than Tim Eyman's and Tim Eyman kicks ass!

    Tim Eyman also has a lot of people helping him out, and that is why he kicks ass.

    Just some food for thought, ladies and gentlemen.  It is nice to hear President Bush tell us that the terrorists attack our freedom.  Perhaps it is time we reminded him that we would like some freedom for the terrorists to attack, and that it his duty to enforce the laws of the United States.  Which include the Antipeonage Act.

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