Made the Cut - A reader's happy response to the "Making the Cut" article

Here is one Buzztowner's happy response to the "Making the Cut" article.

Well, I did it. I had a very encouraging talk with my barber today. He agreed that I should go for a short cut. I'm letting you know because your article "Making the Cut" helped me do something that I probably should have done a while ago.

At any rate, it certainly feels different, and I suppose it looks quite different, although it doesn�t appear to be a radical change. So far, no one has made any incredulous comments.

Around the ears it�s pretty short (I can barely get it between my thumb and index finger), and the rest is less than a half inch almost uniformly. Quite a change from the 1 1/2 inches I had this morning. Where it feels the most amazing is in the back. My barber, who I�ve been going to for 20 years, decided to cut it with scissors, presumably because my hair is fine. So I can't really enthuse about the feeling of the clippers going up the back of my head. However, I like the results. So all in all, it has been a good day.

Well, Buzztown, you've done it again. Thanks! This wasn't traumatic. To some people it probably wouldn't even be a big deal. But you know how it is ... when it's your head.

Thanks for the encouragement.

Three Weeks Later - An Update

About two weeks after my original cut, I was starting to look rather shaggy. Actually, my hair was starting to look like a shorter version of the 1 1/2 inches of fringe I had previously. So I went today (three weeks) and took the next step. I didn't really have to say much. My barber knows me that well. This time he used clippers (no. 3) and I guess you could say it's short. Actually, quite short. Last time, toward the top of the head my hair was a slight bit longer. Not this time. This time there is a uniform length all over. I like it. While I was at it, I asked him what to do with the few straggly hairs I still had on top. The operative word here is "had." In no time they were buzzed. When I got home, I finished off what he started. So, over the course of three weeks, I went from 1 1/2 to 2 inches of "fringe" to less than a quarter inch and nothing in the center on top.

And you know what? It looks and feels great.

And thanks to you too for sending this message to Buzztown. It sounds like you did everything right; you chose a cut that you like and that suits you, you discussed it with your barber, and you took action instead of just thinking about it. Congratulations on making the cut.


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