Making the Cut

Buzztown has received several email messages from happy Buzztowners who have just gotten a great new short cut. These guys write to thank Buzztown for giving them the encouragement to get a haircut that they have wanted for some time. These messages are always very much appreciated. Other guys write to say that they are still getting up the courage to have the haircut that they really want, and that they will do so when they are ready. And that's cool too.

In our lives, we all face many challenges, both long-term and short-term and there are many things in our lives that we can only achieve with a lot of work and patience. Getting the haircut that you want, should not be one of those things. If you want a new hairstyle, why not get it?

The purpose of this site is not to convince every man to get a buzzcut. It is to share information that will help you get a haircut that you are really happy with, whether you are getting your first short cut, or trying to improve your existing cut.

Is now the time?

Why is it a good time to try a new short style?

Styles right now are at the shortest they have been since the early 1960s. In fact, with the current popularity of shaved, and near shaved, heads, it could be argued that styles are shorter now than ever before for Western civilization. If you have wanted to try a super short style for some time, why not do it while it is really in fashion.

If you worry about standing out in the crowd with your new cut, your best opportunity to make the cut is when so many other guys have very short styles too.

Also, in the northern hemisphere, it's summer right now. What better time to try a cool new style.

Why not go short?

If you are procrastinating that new short style, you need to ask yourself why? Are there real reasons that you can't get the style you want? Maybe there are. Some employers in very conservative companies may deem some styles to be unacceptable for their business. However, such employers are rare, and even if there are some limitations, you can probably work out a short style that will be acceptable.

Some guys avoid getting the cut that they want because they are worried about what their family and friends will say. First, think about this and decide whether everyone is really as concerned about your hair as you think. They may not be. And even if they are, it is your hair and you should be able to wear it the way you want to. However, you may need to back off on the cut if it is going to cause a lot of problems at home (and especially if you are a kid living at home with your parents).

If other people are going to be shocked by your short style, remember it may be the sudden difference in your appearance that shocks them, rather than the style itself. In the next section, we will talk about gradually changing your style.

Finally, the reason that you might not have tried that new style, is that you are worried about it not suiting you. The first answer to this is that it is only hair and it will grow back. Secondly, if you have a good barber, you should ask their opinion and advice.

Ways to go short

OK. So you've decided you make the cut. You can just go to the barber shop and get the cut, or, if you aren't sure exactly what you want, or if you are nervous or shy about the new style, you can work your way down to the new style over a series of cuts.

The "big-bang" approach suits many guys - a major change in hairstyles can be great. However, the gradual approach has several advantages. You can try different styles as you get your hair shorter - experiment and have some fun. If you want to aim for a traditional crewcut, you could start off with a taper cut and then get shorter taper cuts, then an ivy league and finally a crewcut. If you find that your hair or head has some characteristics that make it less suited to a crewcut, you can stop going shorter.

To get a really good cut, first find a good barber. If you are trying to find a good barber, ask another guy with a good looking cut similar to the one that you want, who his barber is. Or try one of the shops that your fellow Buzztowners have recommended.

Discuss what you want with your barber and ask for advice and opinions. If you are going to need a little more time in the chair to get some advice, don't go to the barber shop when it is crowded and your barber has half a dozen people waiting to get in the chair.

Cool styles!

A short taper cut is a great cut. You can vary the length on top to suit your head, hair, and tastes.

A slightly shorter variation of this style has been suggested by a barber in Dallas, which is popular in his shop. He cuts the back and sides at either 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch. The top is left just long enough to comb. The edges are tapered and the sides and back and neatly blended with the top.

The barber in Dallas also recommends the ivy league cut, which is very popular right now. It is similar to the style mentioned in the previous paragraph, but the hair over the crown is cut short. The hair on top of the head is cut to get progressively longer from the crown to the front of the head. The hair on top can be brushed to one side, brushed to the front (like a Caesar) or be styled to stand up. The length your barber leaves on top will depend on the characteristics of your hair and your own preference.

Going shorter, you could try a traditional American crewcut. The crewcut is flat from front to crown like a flattop but it is rounded from side to side to follow the contour of head instead of being flat. If you look at the crewcut from the side it will have the same silhouette as a flattop. Another short haircut that is popular has the top buzzed to a uniform length but longer than the sides which are cut very short and blended with the top. Or you could get a buzzcut for the ultimate in short haircuts. The buzzcut is cut to a short uniform length all over. The edges should be tapered for a neater appearance.

No discussion of good short styles would be complete without mentioning the flattop. Available in a range of lengths from a good barber near you.

So, what are you going to do?

If you have been putting off getting a new haircut that you really want, what are you going to do about it? The point of this article is not to push you into doing something that you are not ready to do, but to make you ask yourself if you are ready for it. It's only a haircut. Life is too short to go through it with a haircut you don't like. And if you can take this small step, you may prove to yourself that you can achieve other things that you want in your life.

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