Welcome to Robbs page...enter with caution...

Hey, Robb here.

6ft2in, 210lbs, football player build, broad shoulders, masculine, br/br, glasses, goatee (just chin) & soul patch, Italian mainly, w/some Spanish & Cuban, and single.

Just moved to South Philly

I am an aspiring writer and am currently looking for work...

Check out my stores on

this is for House Boys In Training

Come visit my store on CafePress!

This one is for Rugby players: Gay/Str8, and their fans.

Come visit my store on CafePress!

And another rugby one...

Come visit my store on CafePress!

For Bears In Training and the men who love 'em...

Come visit my store on CafePress!

And another one for Bears In Training...

Come visit my store on CafePress!

Check out these sites-they fuckin' ROCK!

Both November 2005 (more in the gallery below) & game picture from

Ex-college rugby player, went to Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, and now playing for a gay rugby league in Philly, The Philadelphia Gryphons.

If you'd like to know more about me or interested in chatting,

or whatever, drop me a line on my e-mail below or find me on AIM,

my handle is FilmRobb.

E-mail: [email protected]

Wanna know more about me, visit my links below...

Links to other sites on the Web

Robb's Photo Gallery
Gilmore Girls Quoate Page
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Picture Page
September 11th Memorial
Some of my favorite things...

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