Click on any of the images below to see numerous items for sale with that lighthouse on it.

May 24, 2006
On the Appalachian Trail in Cumberland County PA

Cape May (NJ) Lighthouse
February 2, 2002
A little after 2 PM

Cape Lookout (NC) Lighthouse
June 11, 2002
The flowers in the foreground are no more than 6 inches tall

Something went wrong with this shot. Even with Photoshop I'm unable to salvage it acceptably from the bluish cast on the tower, but since this is my all time favorite light from what could be an amazing view I had to put it on here anywhere. This is screaming for a reshoot as soon as my schedule and the necessary time of year cooperate with each other. Next time more DOF too.

East Point Lighthouse
Heislerville NJ
February 2, 2002

Sea Girt Lighthouse NJ
August 2002

A white bengal tiger at the National Zoo in Washington DC.
I'm not even sure anymore when this was taken.
If I had to guess I'd say '97 or '98.
This beautiful animal is no longer there,
and the future for the white tigers in general is bleak at best.

Click here to view some of my lighthouse pictures from 2001 & 2002.

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