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Our Own Little Cults

This is my cults page.  It's not like any other cult page you'll ever see.  These aren't what you'd think of as religious cults.  These are the little day to day cults that get us by.  They aren't profound for their spiritual or religious wisdom but they are important for their ability to bring us thru the long and dark days.  And the affirmation and joy they bring during the good ones. 

Our Day to Day Cults

We all have a couple cults from which we draw something significant.  Some of us define our life's entire value on certain beliefs and cults.  While others try to or claim to ascribe to none at all.  But I think from day to day we ascribe to a number of beliefs that make the days, especially the disappointing and monotonous ones, a little easier to wade thru.

The belief that hardwork and dedication will pay off is a commonly held one and widely propogated.  This mentality can be considered a cult.  It offers reassurance that one's effort isn't wasted and that at some point there will be a pay off.  Whether there is a payoff or not is debateable, but it's a belief we attest to and it makes the effort and the toil worth it or at least bearable to people and maintains a civil society. People need the hope that what they do is of some value and will be rewarded they lose this hope on occasion but at least the illusion is enough for some. 

The Cult of Hard Work & Effort

People also maintain a cult of family and children.  It's a popular idea that people draw joy from having children and families.  This cult might be very true.  Children and family provide some sense of completion to many people.  It's a vital role for many people and a strong definition of character.  But I think this cult should be limited because with it goes a cult of protectionism and social limitation.  By all means I encourage people to cherish and enjoy their families but for God's sake don't try and limit me for the sake of the children, cause as a non parent and a grown man I don't have to live for your children.

Cult of Family and Kids

I consider these beliefs systems to be those based on others.  They are the beliefs and the feelings illicitted by having friends and lovers.  The belief goes that a person needs a social structure in which they feel they belong and which encourages them.  A person needs friends and perhaps even a significant other to fully realize happiness and their creative potential.  In certain situations and with certain people a person expects to find themselves and to be able to express themselves comfortably.  It's a feeling of acceptance and of being uninhibited which is liberating.

Cult of Friends and Lovers

Click here to find out a little about my cults.

Or click here to just propose one of your own.

Dana made me do this I swear.  So here ya go hon :x

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