<BGSOUND SRC="timmcgraw-itsyourlove.mid">


I have never been a private man, one to keep secret my emotions and opinions.  At this point in my life much has changed and I see no reason to become such.

Well as you all should know or could very well know by reading my web pages I am a net addict.  And in my history I've had quite a bit of drama.  A major part of my life over the past 2 years has been the online world.  I have gone into great detail regarding the ongoings in it and in my real life so to speak.  I have gone through a severe illness with these people I call friends.  I have vented my pain and frustration and often shared in their's.  And I have loved through this world as well.  Indeed this computer has been integral in my existence and perhaps even more important than my "real" life.

Now for what everyone had been talking about and what seems to be of great concern to some.  The current affairs of my heart.  I think my story is a lesson on love.  The problem is that love does not always go as it is intended nor is it without its faults.  It also seems that a person can and most likely will have numerous loves in their life. (Perhaps this is why cupid keeps so many arrows in his quiver.)  Regardless men and women fall into and out of love, they can have hearts torn and confounded, and hearts can have hesitations and fears.  It may very well be thought of as a fault but it is a genuine fault and rather human. 

So I guess the important thing I wanted to do here was to put the current situation in perspective.  And to give those who read this some context in which to place what has transpired over the past month or so.  But the question has been how and where to start?  And what to say and what to keep quiet?  I guess all in all I am torn between pouring everything into this site to just be mocked.  Or limiting it and doing as little injury as possible while giving those people who put some stock in me something to point to.  It is a delicate line to walk. But I guess it is simply a matter of stating the case as I perceive it.

The story continues as best I can tell it...

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