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The CD of the Week is "
Of Truth + Reconciliation" by Staple. So be sure to
check it out.

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CD of the Week
Mindless Dribble (Issues I'd like to see addressed)
Part 2:Genre-izing
I'm tired of this genre slapping obsession everyone seems to have recently obtained.  I have thus forged the hyphenated word "Genre-izing." It seems to me, every time a new album comes out now we have to make up a new genre to slap on it.  Post Grunge, Hippycore, Folk Metal... what are these?  That leaves me more confused than it does help me.  Name 3 "Hippycore" bands.  Can't do it? Well neither can I, And I listen to a TON of music. So I have a proposal to make.  Lets simplify the genre thing, because soon we'll have more genre's than Albums.  Here it is...Any genre that has the word metal in it such as death metal, metalcore, or thrash metal lets just call it Metal.  And how about we go back to Hardcore, Rock, and Punk to classify the rest of Rock music?  Is anyone gonna cry because we can't call a band Spazz Metal kittycore?  This whole genre-izing came about to describe the music.  But what we've done is try to encompass a whole band into a one or two word genre label.  If you want to know what a band sounds like, how about you LISTEN TO THEM.  If someone says to me "Hey check out As I Lay Dying, they're a sweet Metal Band."  I'll check them out, and I'll realize they don't sound anything like the metal that Black Sabbath and Led Zeppellin made some 30-40 years ago.  But they're still metal, and just like everything else Metal changes over time. The fact of the matter is that no two bands are exactly alike, and this is why music has branched off into so many different styles. So instead of coming up with a new name for every branch lets just call it Metal....or Rock, or Punk, or Hardcore.

-HarderThanRock Chief Editor
speak it son. im with you.   07/11/07
Mindless Dribble (Issues I'd like to see addressed)
Part 1:No More EMO!
If your a fan of the worst genre rock has ever seen...I do not apologize, this is meant to knock some sense into you.  The Emo scene needs to come to it's long awaited end.  This (what I like to call) Mall-Metal has plagued my ears for far too long.  Unfortunately the music world will always have its earsores (example: Emo's predecessor, the Boy Band), but please, don't call yourself Rock n Roll.  Emo is NOT Rock its Teenie Bopper Pop.  So if you have an equal disgust towards the genre that has replaced the Boy Band, and continually sells itself out to the 15-year-old and younger female crowd, please voice yourself here by voting for the worst Emo band name you have heard. 
Worst Emo Names
Panic! At The Disco
Fallout Boy
My chemical Romance
Taking Back Sunday
Cute Is What We Aim For
Hello Goodbye
Mindless Dribble (Issues I'd like to see addressed)
Part 3: Random thoughts.
-Why do people hate breakdowns? I love em.

-If you say tomato and I say tomoto and tomatoes are a fruit then what do you call vegetables?

-At some point someone will visit this site and at some point they will leave.

-Starflyer 59 is definetly the greatest christian band of all time and I dare someone to challenge me on that.

-If a picture is worth a thousand words then what is a motion picture worth?


-I should quit while I still think I'm ahead.
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