Kilroy Electrical Services

Documentation of the Development Process

This website was created as a place for potentional customers of my uncle's business to go to look at previous jobs, request quotes, find contact information, and learn more about the company. It was created to attract people who would be looking for electrical services, and therefore, was designed to look professional and well designed. In the beginning, I was really unsure of how to approach this, but after careful consideration, a lot of research, and some constructive criticism from my fellow classmates, I was able to put together this website. One thing that was extremely difficult for me was the formatting of the CSS to make every thing look as I wanted it to.

Defense of The Final Product

I made many changes from the first Milestone to now. I chose a light blue background, like I orginally had intended, but ended up going with a different shade then I originally planned. I wanted to have the background color go with the theme, but still be subtle enough to look professional. I changed the color of the nav links quite a few times. I started with red, but did not like how it flowed with the rest of the page. I still wanted them to pop, though, so I chose orange as my final color. I also have the nav links turn black when you are on that page as an identifier of what page the guest is on. I chose sans-serif fonts for the bolder stuff to stick out, and draw guests' attention to it. I used serif fonts in the paragraphs because it looked professional and flowed better. Overall, I really tried to create the best experience for the website guests by having certain things pop, will still keeping it simple and professional looking.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

There are many improvements that could be made in the future, as some things I was not quite sure how to do. One thing that I would have really loved to learn is more of the server side of the forms, so that they would actually be useful. I would also add even more styling in the future, and have elements pop even more. I would also like to improve the overall quality of the photo gallery and make it bordered and look more neat in the future, and of course, add more pictures. One other thing that I would change in the future is the map of where we service. I would like to have a form on that page where you could select your state, and it would highlight your state with whether or not we would service you. *Please Note: All images are not my property, and were just found on Google Images.