Star Trek The Next Generation Characters

Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard

Jean-Luc Picard is from France. He never married, has an artificial heart (from his wild younger days), enjoys Shakespeare, horseback riding, Dixon Hill novels, and Earl Grey tea.

He was born on July 13, 2305 (Maurice and Yvette Picard) in LaBarre, France. He attended SFA from 2322-2327 ("Conundrum"). According to Star Trek Chronology - The History of the Future, Picard applied to Starfleet Academy in the year 2322, but was rejected. He the reapplied the following year (2323) and was accepted. He was captain of the Stargazer for 22 years. Nine years elapsed between the destruction of the Stargazer and Picard's assignment to the Enterprise-D (which would make Picard's years at captain's rank at least 31 years).

He is responsible for the death of Jack Crusher ("Coming of Age," as well as a few other episodes). The full story is given in the 1991 novel "Reunion" on pages 193-198, where Wesley asks his professor about Jack's death. The Stargazer was going to blow up; Jack and another crewman had to go out and cut through the nacelle; they passed out; Picard went out, but could only save one of them, and Jack was not the one. The novel "Encounter at Farpoint" gives a different explanation.

(Aside: Patrick Stewart left school at the age of 15 because he was "not interested".)

He is 59 years old in "The Neutral Zone" (current year minus birth year), but somehow only 51 years old in "Tapestry" (send back 30 years to age 21).

He resides in deck 8, room 3601.

Jonathan Frakes as William T. Riker

William Thomas Riker is from Valdez Alaska. His mother died while he was young (three?). His father (Kyle) was shown in "The Icarus Factor."

Wil has turned down three captaincies (the Drake mentioned in "Arsenal of Freedom" (and "Encounter at Farpoint"?), the Aries ("Ares"?) in "The Icarus Factor", and the Melbourne in "Best of Both Worlds").

He enjoys jazz music (Frakes wanted Riker's middle name to be the Tholonius (after the jazz musician Thelonious Monk) so Peter David had been using this is his novels), plays the trombone, is a master of poker, and enjoys cooking.

The character was based on Decker. He has a double (Thomas Riker) that was seen in "Second Chances." Thomas is, in every way, the same person, but differs in experience from the point of the accident forward.

Will Riker resides in deck 8, room 0912.

Brent Spiner as Data

Data has an ultimate storage capacity of eight hundred quadrillion bits. His total linear computational speed has been rated at sixty trillion operations per second (from "Measure of a Man").

He was built by Dr. Noonian Soong, who was taught by Ira Graves ("The Schizoid Man"). He was born on February 2, 2336 on Omicron Theta Four, and was at SFA from 2341-2345. He has a brother Lore (who died in "Descent II") and a daughter Lal (born, lived, and presumed dead in "The Offspring"). He and Tasha Yar were "more than friends" ("The Naked Now") or as he said in "The Measure of a Man", "We were... intimate".

The character was based on Questor, from "The Questor Tapes." Data is left-handed (not surprising, since Brent Spiner is). Data dreams.

He resides in deck 2, room 3653.

LeVar Burton as Geordi LaForge

Geordi LaForge is named after a Star Trek fan with muscular dystrophy who passed away in 1975 (George La Forge).

The character LaForge was born blind, given sight by Riker ("Hide and Q") which he decided he didn't want, and decided against a sight operation by Dr. Pulaski in "Loud As A Whisper."

Both his parents are in Starfleet; his father is an exobiologist and his mother is a command officer ("Imaginary Friend").

He was promoted majorly between season s one and two when he was made Chief Engineer (for the first season, they were going through chief engineers left and right).

He resides in deck 2, room 2471.

Michael Dorn as Worf

Worf's parents were killed at Khitomer in a Romulan attack. His adopted parents, Sergei and Helena Rozhenko, (from the planet Gault) were shown in "Family."

He has a brother (Kurn), a dead girlfrined K'Ehleyr, a son Alexander ("Reunion", "Cost of Living", etc.), a bonded son Jeremy Astor ("The Bonding"), and foster brother Simon from the Rozhenkos ("Heart of Glory").

Worf resides in deck 2, room 3118.

Gates MacFadden as Dr. Beverley Crusher

Beverly C. Howard Crusher, MD is a widow and mother of Wesley S Crusher, whose father (Jack) was killed while serving under Picard. She was born October 13, 2334 (Paul and Isabel Howard) in Copernicus City, Luna. She also lived on Aveda Three as a child ("The Arsenal of Freedom") (incorrectly spelled "Arvedda" in the novel "Children of Hamlin") where her grandmother lived.

She attended SFA from 2349-2355 ("Conundrum"). She was head of Starfleet Medical for one year.

(Aside: Cheryl "Gates" McFadden started going by her middle name when she stopped doing B movies.)

She resides in deck 8, room 2133.

Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi

Deanna Troi has a Betazed mother (Lwaxana, daughter of the fifth house, holder of the sacred chalice of Riix) and a human father (Alex ("Conundrum"), Ian Andrew ("The Child" and "According to Star Trek Chronology - The History of the Future"), a deceased Starfleet officer).

She was born on March 29, 2336 on Betazed, and was at SFA form 2355-2359 ("Conundrum"). According to Star Trek Chronology - The History of the Future, Deanna Troi was on the planet Betazed studying psychology at the University of Betazed. This is in the year 2357. She joins the Enterprise in the 2364. So we have to make up information wrt the years. Perhaps the U of B is affiliated with SFA.

She enjoys chocolate, and was imzadi to Riker. She used to have a betazoid cat ("Pen Pals"). She had one child, Ian ("The Child").

Her character was based on Ilia. She is an empath.

She resides in deck 8, room 0910.

Recurring Characters

Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher
Denise Crosby as Tasha Yar
Denise Crosby as Commander Sela
Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan
John De Lancie as Q
Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien
Majel Barrett as Lwaxana Troi
Brian Bonsall as Alexander Rozhenko
Rosalind Chao as Keiko O'Brien
Patti Yasutake as Alyssa Ogowa
Michelle Forbes as Ro Laren
Dwight Schultz as Reginald Barclay
Diana Muldaur as Katherine Pulaski
Robert O' Rielly as Gowron
Tony Todd as Kurn
Barbara March as Lursa
Gwynyth Walsh as B'Etor

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