Babylon 5 Characters





Bruce Boxleitner as John Sheridan


Following a failed first marriage in his college years to Elizabeth Lochley, he later married his sister Elizabeth's long-time friend, Anna, who was killed on a mission to the galactic rim in 2256. Commander John Sheridan was the only Earthforce member to successfully destroy a Minbari war cruiser, the Black Star, during the Earth-Minbari War and was awarded a medal of valor for it - although the Minbari themselves refer to him as "Star Killer". He was promoted to Captain of the Agamemnon, the first Omega class destroyer out of the construction yards after the War. He was assigned command of Babylon 5 because the new administration of President Clark thought he would be more sympathetic to their policies than Commander Sinclair. Following a failed first marriage in his college years to Elizabeth Lochley, he later married his sister Elizabeth's long-time friend, Anna, who was killed on a mission. Subsequently he developed a relationship with Ambassador Delenn, has been captured by the alien Strieb, provided limited assistance for the trouble-stricken Narn, and received personal training from Kosh preparing him "to fight legends". He is finally told of his wife's fate and of the re-emergence of the Shadows by Kosh and Delenn before being given joint command with

Delenn of the Rangers on Babylon 5. After the Vorlons were satisfied that he was the right person for the job, he began the campaign against the Shadows as well as EarthGov itself following President Clark's illegal orders to maintain control. When his wife apparently returned to him he accompanied her back to Z'ha'dum where he was prepared to sacrifice his life to stop the Shadows. However, with the aid of the alien Lorien, he survived the experience albeit with only another 20 years to live to return and propose to Delenn, and ends the Shadow War before launching his final campaign against Clark. When Garibaldi betrayed him he was captured by Earthforce agents, and interrogated and tortured in an attempt to make him confess his conspiracy with alien governments to undermine President Clark's authority. After his rescue, he took command of the Agamemnon for the final assault against Earth. When the new Interstellar Alliance was formed, he was appointed President and married Delenn. He and Delenn eventually have a son, David. He declines re-election as President of the Alliance sometime in 2279, passing the task to Delenn. At the end of his life, he makes a final visit to Babylon 5 and finally passes beyond the Galactic Rim to begin a new journey of life.


Claudia Christian as Susan Ivanova


Ivanova joined Earthforce after her brother died in the Earth-Minbari War - she gave him her right earring as a good luck charm and has not warn it ever since. She was assigned to Babylon 5 in 2258 after the departure of original 2IC, Laurel Takashima.  Shortly afterwards, her father, Andrei, died of an illness. Her mother, Sophie, had died some years before as a result of taking telepathy-suppressing drugs, and as a result Susan is wary of telepaths and Psi Corps - as a latent telepath herself she does not wish to suffer the same fate. Captain Sheridan promoted her to Commander, with whom she had served previously, and her first task in this position was to settle an ongoing Drazi ritualistic rivalry. She developed a brief relationship with Talia Winters despite her mistrust of telepaths, which was brought to a sudden halt. Afterwards, she has the affections of Ranger Marcus Cole to contend with, even though she doesn't reciprocate. She managed to recruit the remaining First Ones in the war against the Shadows, and her expertise in providing news reports about the Shadow conflict made her perfect for providing "the Voice of the Resistance" to counter President Clark's propaganda When Sheridan was captured by Earthforce, Ivanova took command of the fleet in the campaign against Clark where she was severely injured in battle To save her life,

Marcus was prepared to give his own. Saddened by Marcus' sacrifice, she was subsequently promoted to Captain and given command of her own ship for a yearlong tour of duty. She eventually becomes an Earthforce General, before Delenn asks her to fulfill the position of Entil'Zha after Sheridan's passing.


A mix-up with her contract deadline with Warner Bros prevented her from returning for the fifth season.




Jerry Doyle As Michael Garibaldi


Garibaldi's father, Alfredo, was a marine with EarthForce under command of General Richard Franklin during the war against the Dilgar. In his time with security, Garibaldi has worked on Europa, Orion 4 and Mars, where he met Jeffrey Sinclair.  He survived an alcohol addiction to develop a love for classic 20th Century Warner Bros cartoons - he even has a poster of Daffy Duck in his quarters.  His inability to trust almost anyone mixed with his love of his job makes him an effective Security Chief on Babylon 5, although all of these things resulted in his eventual split from girlfriend Lise Hampton Although it is unknown what he did during the Earth-Minbari War, he was still undergoing counseling for his "traumatic experiences" by 2259 After he was shot in the back by one of his own men when he discovered a plot to kill President Santiago, he considered resigning his commission.  He also objected when Sheridan detained Morden for no legitimate reason and threatened to resign his commission.  During his readings of the Narn holy book, The Book of G'Quan, he found a possible weapon against the Shadows He even made a significant contribution to the overall content of G'Kar's own magnum opus, The Book of G'Kar He was kidnapped by the Shadows after they converged on Babylon 5, to be subjected to conditioning and interrogation by Psi Corps before he was rescued and finally resigned his commission once and for all. He commenced work as a private investigator to be employed by William

Edgars to smuggle secret goods past Babylon 5 customs before finally returning to Mars to assist Edgars in bringing down Sheridan.  Bester finally released him from his conditioning when he provided him with the information he needed about Edgars. To make up for his behavior, he helped rescue Sheridan and stage the rebellion against Earthforce from Mars. He returned to Babylon 5 to act as a personal security advisor to President Sheridan, to the chagrin of the new station commander, Captain Lochley. His lust for revenge toward Bester is hampered by the fact that the Psi Cop planted within him an "Asimov" - a basic mental block preventing Garibaldi from attacking or killing him.  His frustration at this is vented by his return to alcoholism. When he is suspended from the Alliance for his drinking, Lise offers him joint management of Edgars Industries.  With the power available to him in his new position, he strikes a deal with Lyta Alexander to undermine Psi-Corps.   He marries Lise Hampton shortly before leaving Babylon 5.and makes his first order of business is to investigate Edgars' "black projects" commissioned by President Clark.  He and Lise soon have a daughter, Mary. After the Telepath War, and now free of the "Asimov", Garibaldi began a personal mission to track down Bester to exact his revenge; he finally completed his task in 2271, capturing Bester in Paris to face trial and punishment for his crimes. Even five hundred years after his death, he managed to save the Alliance from being perceived as an oppressive fascist state by human forces during a civil war.




Mira Furlan as Delenn


Delenn of the Family of Mir was an aide to Grey Council leader Dukhat and subsequently sworn in to the Grey Council herself just prior to the outbreak of the Earth-Minbari War. It was her decision, in a moment of anger that led to the Minbari slaughter of the humans, about which she still feels guilty. She acted as Ambassador to Babylon 5 mainly to watch over Commander Sinclair should he recall his encounter with the Grey Council during the Battle of the Line. She attempted to stage a Minbari rebirth ceremony aboard the station on two occasions, and it was disrupted both times. She was offered leadership of the Grey Council but refused determined instead to follow prophecy and transform herself into near human form, later coming to terms with the consequences of being a half-human female Her aide on Babylon 5 is Lennier, who is also her secret admirer. After her removal from the Grey Council, leaving it unbalanced with four Warrior Caste Members and only two Religious, along with their defiance of realizing prophecy to commit themselves to fighting the Shadow War, she disbanded it. She suffered a brutal interrogation before the Vorlons seemed happy with her presence and position to fight in the upcoming Shadow War. After Sinclair was sent back in time, she was appointed as the new Ranger One, a position

disputed by her Warrior Caste rival Neroon Through developing a relationship with Captain Sheridan she eventually got engaged to him and embarked on undergoing several Minbari courtship rituals with him. When it came her time to face the Dreaming, a Minbari ritual to determine her suitability to pursue her relationship with Sheridan, she learned Dukhat's dying words to her: that she was a "child of Valen", descended from Sinclair and therefore in possession of human DNA. To conceal this information from becoming widely known, she was allowed to continue the relationship as a "peace offering" to the humans after the War. She finally reformed the Grey Council, with a majority of Worker Caste members to maintain control, to stop the Religious-Warrior Caste conflicts. She assisted in the final attack against President Clark's forces on Earth before forging the new Alliance and marrying Sheridan. In late 2262, she fell pregnant, with a son, David. She lives for at least another 100 years.




Richard Biggs as Dr. Stephen Franklin


As a one-time galactic hitchhiker, Franklin would exchange his medical services for free passage. He was one of few humans to have contact with the Minbari prior to the Earth-Minbari War, but his personal ethics prevented him from providing any information for Earth to use against them. He follows the Foundationist religion, which takes into consideration all the religions of the various races and tries to find common elements. His father Richard, being an Earthforce General, tended to treat his family more like a military detail, which Stephen resented before finally coming to terms with him. He also managed to successfully find a cure for a long-running Markab plague - only too late. In order to cope with the increased pressures of work in Medlab, Franklin developed an addiction to stimulants (stims) and, when he finally came to terms with the problem, resigned his commission and went walkabout to recuperate and "meet himself" to reason his problems out. Returning to his position, he was sent to Mars on a reconnaissance mission with Marcus where he had a fling with the resistance leader, Number One, before returning again with the Shadow-influenced telepaths as part of Sheridan's plan to use them against Earthforce. He also assisted in rescuing Sheridan from his imprisonment He was called upon by the Interstellar Alliance to advance research in cross-species

medicine, and then later by Earth to head their Xenobiological Research department after the departure of Dr Benjamin Kyle, where he remains for at least another 20 years. He has spearheaded research on Earth regarding the Drakh virus.




Peter Jurasik as Londo Mollari


Londo Mollari served as an ambassador to Earth during the Earth-Minbari War, before his assignment to Babylon 5 - a position considered among his people to be something of a joke. He had three wives, although he was allowed to divorce two of them - but the woman he truly loves is Adira Tyree. He has a recurring dream of becoming Emperor - a prediction confirmed by the prophetess Lady Morella - and of dying in G'Kar's hands. He is a true patriot to the Centauri people, believing that they have the capacity to become a great empire once again. Because of this, Londo allies himself to Morden and his "associates"; the Shadows who help him achieve his goal. He suddenly becomes highly respected amongst his people, drawn into political conspiracies by his friend Lord Refa. He eventually strives to rid himself of both Morden and Refa due to the carnage he has caused. When Emperor Cartagia invites the Shadows to Centauri Prime, Londo conspires to kill him to save his world and free the conquered Narn. He assumes the role of Centauri Prime Minister - and is virtually proclaimed as the next Emperor after the Regent "falls ill”. After he suffers a nearly fatal heart attack, he has an epiphany and apologizes to G'Kar. As he seems destined to become Emperor, he very quickly becomes the target of terrorist attacks, which prompt G'Kar to become his personal bodyguard. After visiting Centauri Prime with his new bodyguard Londo learns that the

Regent is indeed behaving oddly - manipulated from behind the scenes by the Drakh - triggering a war with the Alliance. When the Drazi and the Narn take to ending the conflicts, Centauri Prime is decimated in the attacks - and Londo is proclaimed Emperor in the aftermath, after the death of the Regent. However, Londo is implanted with a Keeper, leftover Shadow technology, which monitors and controls his actions for the rest of his life. He remains Emperor until 2278, and does indeed die in G'Kar's hands as a result of mutual strangulation in an effort to save Sheridan, Delenn, their son, David, and the whole of Centauri Prime.




Andreas Katsulas as G'Kar


G'Kar, as a member of the Kha'Ri, the Narn ruling council, was appointed Narn Ambassador to Babylon 5 to improve his peoples' standing after their oppression by the Centauri. He supplied weapons to the humans during the Earth-Minbari War and maintained a continuing crusade against the Centauri following the death of his father. He is also concerned for the lack of telepaths among the Narn, feeling that it is a disadvantage for his people compared with the other race. He has a wife named Ka'Dal. Following attacks on Narn outposts, G'Kar became convinced that an ancient and powerful race encountered by his people a thousand years previously was returning, but the others seemed not to heed his warning. He had intended to assassinate Centauri Emperor Turhan in protest for his people's plight but was surprised to learn the Emperor wished to make peace. When Narn finally fell to the Centauri, his position from the Kha'Ri and as Ambassador to Babylon 5 was taken from him and he asked Sheridan for sanctuary. Na'Far is sent to replace him but the Narn aboard the station refuse to let him leave. Trying the telepathy-inducing drug Dust, he mentally raped Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari and discovered his association with the Shadows, saw his own fate to die in Londo's hands, before finally receiving something of an

epiphany from Kosh that made him reconsider his philosophies, and he begins to compile a book detailing his experiences. Providing a new Narn security team for Babylon 5 following the disposal of Nightwatch, he was invited to join the War Council against the Shadows. Leaving the sanctuary of Babylon 5 in search of the missing Security Chief Michael Garibaldi, he was captured by Centauri troops and taken before Emperor Cartagia where Londo enlisted his help to dispose of the Emperor in return for the freedom of his people. G'Kar was beaten, whipped and his left eye removed before this was achieved - and he is determined not to let the cycle of hate and pain continue amongst his people. Dr Franklin provided him with a removable prosthetic eye, which proved very useful on Sheridan and Delenn's wedding night. A new prosthesis to match his natural eye color was finally supplied to him a year later. When Londo seems destined to become Centauri Emperor, G'Kar is assigned to be his personal bodyguard in a motion of unity and goodwill for the new Alliance, to the chagrin of many Centauri. Whilst performing these duties, other Narn discover and publish his book and he becomes a new religious icon. However, G'Kar does not want the attention and decides to leave Babylon 5 to wander the universe, taking Lyta Alexander with him. Following his involvement investigating matters on Centauri Prime, he eventually dies as a result of mutual strangulation with Londo Mollari in January 2278




Jeffrey Willerth as Kosh (Naranek)

Ardwight Chamberlain as voice

The mysterious Vorlon Ambassador, who always remains in his encounter suit, not for protection from unsuitable environments, but as we later learn, to protect him from being recognized. He speaks via a translation device on his encounter suit, which has a background of musical tones - could this be the true sound of a Vorlon speaking? He does not speak all that often, but when he does it is always in riddles, which make a strange kind of sense. It is only in retrospect that a great many things he says have real meaning - although some statements always remain as riddles. Moments after his arrival on January 4th, 2257 he became the target of an assassination attempt by members of the Minbari warrior caste intent on destabilizing the entire Babylon Project. Kosh prefers not to become involved in the affairs of the other races, rarely attending meetings of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council. This changes however when John Sheridan is appointed commander of Babylon 5 - Kosh then becomes a regular attendee of meetings, but usually abstains from voting in matters which never seem to be his concern. There is one matter in which he does become involved, and that is when he leaves his encounter suit to save Sheridan's life when he is in danger of a fatal fall from the sabotaged Core Shuttle. When this happens, nearly all the races present

recognize Kosh as an important being from their religious beliefs. The Minbari present see him as Valeria, the Narn as G'Lan and the Drazi as Droshalla and so on - Sheridan appears to see him as an Angel. Following his confrontation with Morden and his Shadow escorts, where he requests them to leave the station, and their obvious refusal to comply, he begins to work closely with Delenn preparing for the battle which lies ahead. Although he has his doubts about her, which eventually lead to his summoning an inquisitor (Sebastian), to test her and also Sheridan. He also enters Sheridan's mind while he is comatose aboard a Streib ship - it is this part of Kosh that remains after he is killed by Shadows. Kosh's last act, after some goading and threats from Sherdan, was to give Sheridan and the fragile alliance a much needed victory against the Shadows, by sending a Vorlon fleet into battle in Brakiri space, despite his insistence that it was not yet time for the Vorlons to become involved. The price was high indeed, as Kosh was killed in his quarters by Morden's escorting Shadows, as an act of vengeance, leaving only the charred and cracked encounter suit behind. While he was being torn apart by the Shadows, he was able to appear to Sheridan in a dream-vision, telling not to blame himself for what happened, and that he had been correct to act as he had in forcing the Vorlons' hand. Following his apparent death, the Vorlon Government sent a replacement ambassador - Ulkesh. It soon became clear however that a part of Kosh had managed to stay alive inside an unknowing Sheridan, urging him to jump into the chasm at Z’Ha’Dum, knowing that Lorien was at the bottom of it, and would have the means to save Sheridan's life and return him (and part of Kosh) back to Babylon 5. This last part of Kosh later emerges in the violent battle with Ulkesh, a battle that results in both their deaths. Amazingly, Kosh manages to send Sheridan a final message from beyond the grave, during the Brakiri "Day of the Dead". This message in typical Kosh style states, "When the long night comes, return to the end of the beginning". At the time it is almost meaningless, but in the last episode we finally understand.




Jeffrey Willerth as Kosh (Ulkesh)

Ardwight Chamberlain as voice


A new Vorlon Ambassador, also named Kosh (they are all Kosh, apparently), arrived on the station to replace him (Walkabout) but, when the Vorlons began to openly attack the Shadows in force, he was killed by the station crew and the remaining piece of the original Kosh (Falling Toward Apotheosis). The sinister Vorlon Ambassador to Babylon 5, replacing Kosh. He also appears to have been ambassador to Minbar and had a role in Jeffrey Sinclair's transition from Earth Alliance ambassador into Ranger One - Entil'Zha. He becomes ambassador to Babylon 5 after the death of Kosh at the hands of the Shadows. The Vorlon government informs Sheridan that the new ambassador is to be called Kosh. The ambassador himself informs Sheridan and Ivanova "we are all Kosh". This Kosh has little or no respect for the younger races, even treating Lyta Alexander as a tool to be used and discarded. There is something very cruel about this Kosh. He seems to have a political agenda all his own. He is eventually killed (season 4) by the remnants of Kosh, who also died in the fight - those remnants that have survived in John Sheridan. His death was necessary, as the Vorlons had begun destroying worlds that had been touched by the Shadows, and he stood in the way of Sheridan's final plans to defeat both Shadows and Vorlons. 




Michael O'Hare as Jeffrey David Sinclair


Jeffrey Sinclair was born and bred on Mars, and his favorite poem is Ulysses by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. His Starfury was one of only 200 ships that survived the Battle of the Line, Earth's last stand against the Minbari warships.  During that battle, he was captured and interrogated by the Grey Council, where they discovered that humans are in possession of Minbari souls - and that Sinclair himself possesses part of the soul of their greatest leader, Valen. Sinclair first met Garibaldi during a mission on Mars. Although he was dating Carolyn Sykes at the time of his appointment to Babylon 5, it soon broke off and shortly afterward he resumed a long running, on-again-off-again relationship with Catherine Sakai, whom he finally asked to marry. It was the Minbari who chose him from a whole list of people to be the first commanding officer of Babylon 5, as he was for two years before being reassigned as Earth Ambassador to Minbar. Not long after his arrival, he was wrongly accused of plotting the assassination of the newly appointed leader of the Grey Council He became Entil'Zha, overall commander of the Anla'Shock - the Rangers - a group of highly trained warriors formed by Valen to fight the Shadows upon their return among the people.he trained were Marcus Cole and Catherine Sakai.When he received a personally-addressed message from Valen, he

returned to Babylon 5 to go on a mission back to Babylon 4, aboard which he would remain while he traveled back in time to the first Shadow War, transforming himself into a Minbari - Valen himself - to guide the Minbari to victory, establish the Grey Council and the Rangers, ready for the future he knew would await them.  This transformation provided the Minbari link with the humans, as well as his descendants possessing human DNA - including Delenn It appears as though Sakai had traveled back in time also, to be with him.  Valen is said to have "passed beyond", possibly meaning that he went beyond the Galactic Rim




Stephen Furst as Vir Cotto


Aide to Londo Mollari who disapproved of his dealings with Morden and the Shadows, The Lon. He sympathized with the plight of the Narn, and when Londo assigned him as cultural attaché to Minbar mainly to keep him safe from the coming trouble, he used his position to traffic Narns to safety before it was taken from him - which, to his relief, also jeopardized his arranged marriage to Lindisty. He was recalled to Centauri Prime by Londo to help him remove Emperor Cartagia from the throne - only to unwittingly end up doing the job himself. He still suffers terrible nightmares from the affair. Londo appointed Vir as his successor as Ambassador to Babylon 5 upon Londo's ascendancy to the Centauri throne. Involvement with a group of Techno-mage initiates led Vir to discover the Shadow Planet Killer that the Drakh used against the Alliance. From here, Vir heads a resistance movement that he dubs the "Legions of Fire", dedicated to fighting against the Drakh influence on Centauri Prime, which eventually succeeds. Finally, as predicted by Lady Morella, Vir also succeeded Londo as Emperor, taking Lord Refa's daughter, the Lady Senna, as his mate.





Bill Mumy as Lennier


Member of the Third Fane of Chodomo clan, serving as Delenn's aide and secret admirer. Delenn herself finds that she cannot live without his wisdom and guidance. Among his many achievements are motorcycle maintenance, barroom brawling, and piloting the Vorlon-Minbari hybrid technology White Star ships. Although Minbari technically do not lie, Lennier finds himself having to do so several times to save the honor of others. In early 2262, in the wake of Delenn's marriage to Sheridan, he decided to leave her employ and join the Rangers. During the Brakiri Day of the Dead ceremony, Morden appeared to him and told him he would one day betray the Rangers. During his Ranger training, he found evidence indicating the Centauri responsible for attacks on the Interstellar Alliance shipping lanes. Despite the fact that he denied this prophecy, it eventually comes true after his love for Delenn causes him on impulse to leave Sheridan for dead, driving him away from her to regroup his thoughts and feelings before he feels able to return and beg for forgiveness. His final fate his ambiguous.




Andrea Thompson as Talia Winters


Telepath rated P5 assigned to Babylon 5 in 2258, replacing Lyta Alexander, with whom she interned with Psi Corps, and was apparently was very close. She was also married for a time to a telepath named Matthew Stoner, an arranged marriage by Psi Corps. Her former boyfriend, Jason Ironheart, visited her on Babylon 5 with increased telekinetic powers due to a Psi Corps experiment. He gave her a "gift" of enhanced powers, as well as cause to reconsider Psi Corps' ethics. When Kosh asked her to oversee a "business dealing" she was unaware her responses were being recorded. Her faith in Psi Corps was further tested when she was persuaded to help rogue telepaths avoid capture. A brief relationship with Susan Ivanova was cut short when it was discovered she was carrying a "sleeper spy" buried deep in her psyche that, when emerged, wiped out Talia's true personality. Bester let slip that she was subsequently "dissected" by Psi Corps.




Patricia Tallman as Lyta Alexander


The females of the Alexander family have been telepaths for generations, many of them high-ranking within Psi Corps. Lyta tried a brief internship with the Psi Cops, including a stint on Beta Colony where she helped Alfred Bester track down a serial killer of telepaths during which she became disenchanted with the Psi Cops' methods and became a commercial telepath. As such, she was assigned to Babylon 5 briefly in 2257, where she was soon called upon to scan the new Vorlon Ambassador Kosh. Shortly afterwards, she was recalled to Earth and interrogated before escaping and joining the Mars rebellion. Developing a deep obsession with the Vorlons, she ventured into their space and was taken in by them - physically modified to breathe their atmosphere and her telepathic abilities heightened. She returned to Babylon 5 where she was employed by Kosh and the new Vorlon to "carry" them. Following the departure of the Vorlons, and after a brief flirt with Security Chief Zack Allen, she was forced to rejoin Psi Corps in name only to earn a living before assisting Franklin revive the Shadow-influenced telepaths and accompanying him to Mars to assist him implement Sheridan's plan to use them against Earthforce. She worked to protect the rogue telepaths living on Babylon 5

from PsiCorps, and fell in love with Byron. After his death, she became determined to carry on his legacy. However, she became so impassioned to the cause that she no longer found it necessary to hide her powers as a specially-created Vorlon Superweapon - she strikes a deal with Garibaldi to bring down Psi Corps and guarantee independence for the rogue telepaths, giving him two years to make the preparations for her while she accompanies G'Kar on his exploration of the Universe. Her telepath Resistance movement grew to spark the Telepath War in the mid-2260's, successfully overthrowing Psi Corps and Bester's rule; however, Lyta herself was killed in the process.




Tracy Scoggins as Elizabeth Lochley


In her youth, Lochley was not averse to reckless behavior: her mother died when she was young, her father was an alcoholic, and she ran away from home to a life of drugs and alcohol herself until one of her best friends died. After this, she finally enrolled in Earthforce to straighten herself out. As a young officer, she rushed into a marriage with one John Sheridan, which lasted all of three months. Captain Lochley fought on the side of EarthGov during the civil war - but despite this, Sheridan felt he could trust her enough to assign her to assume command of Babylon 5 after his ascendancy to Presidency and Ivanova's departure. After the outbreak of the Drakh plague, Lochley developed a relationship with Excalibur captain Matthew Gideon.



Jeff Conway as Zack Allen


First appeared in A Spider in the Web, as one of Garibaldi's security team members. He joined up with Nightwatch for the extra fifty credits a week, but was not entirely supportive of their purpose until he eventually helped Sheridan and Garibaldi dispose of them in the breakaway from Earth. He eventually replaced Garibaldi as Chief of Security after his resignation, and he never seems to find uniforms that fit. His first obligation in his new post seemed to entail trying it on with Lyta Alexander - unsuccessfully. He remains on Babylon 5 for nearly 20 years, returning briefly for the decommissioning ceremony.




Jason Carter as Marcus Cole


Born into the Cole Mining family, which he was later to manage following the deaths of his parents, Marcus just missed seeing combat in the Earth-Minbari War, being drafted very young and assigned to Earth Force intelligence gathering, a role that he hated. A Ranger since his younger brother, himself a Ranger for six months, died during a Shadow attack on the Arisia Mining Colony where Marcus was working, leaving Marcus with nothing but the clothes on his back and a promise to his brother he would carry on his mission. Shortly after this Marcus was assigned to a Drazi world in order to set up a Ranger training camp on the planet Zagros 7.When the Centauri eventually blockaded Zagros 7 at the behest of the Shadows Marcus Cole brought the news to the attention of John Sheridan and Delenn, and presented them with the White Star when they agreed to help resolve the situation, now permanently assigned to Babylon 5. Marcus Cole can also speak at least one Minbari language, a skill necessary for the piloting of the White Star, which he picked up during a period of almost a year that he spent living and training on Minbar. He is very caring, spending a lot of his time assisting the lurkers of Babylon 5's Downbelow and always keeps his promises. While something of a skeptic, claiming to have stopped believing in miracles a long time ago he was quite prepared to accept that David McIntyre was truly King Arthur. When Neroon opposed Delenn's

acceptance of the command of the Rangers, Marcus challenged him to a duel, invoking both Denn'sha and then Valen's name, demonstrating to Neroon that humans were prepared to die for a Minbari while he was contemplating killing one of his own kind, a realization that made him accept Delenn as Entil'Zha. He also does not believe in luck, although was prepared to change his mind when his Minbari fighting pike accidentally knocked open an access panel cover that he was seeking with Susan Ivanova aboard Babylon 4.Despite appearing almost fearless, Marcus does have one terror; arachnophobia - the fear of spiders, a fact that he admitted to Delenn. He fell deeply in love with Susan Ivanova although the"relationship" appeared to be largely one sided, with Ivanova rebuffing Marcus at every turn. Following Susan Ivanova's fatal injury, sustained after the battle with President Clark's Advanced Destroyer Group, Marcus was deeply troubled, believing that like everyone else that he had ever cared for she too would leave him, Marcus hacked into the medical records of Dr. Stephen Franklin, searching for any information that might enable him to save her life, eventually unearthing data on the alien healing machine discovered by Dr. Laura Rosen. With a remote chance of saving her, Marcus uncharacteristically left the fleet before the final battle with President Clark's forces, racing to Babylon 5 as fast as the White Star would enable him, followed by an equally frantic Franklin who had discovered what he intended to do. When Franklin finally arrived on Babylon 5 he found that he was too late; Marcus Cole was in a state of complete metabolic shutdown with no heart or brain activity at all, having made the ultimate sacrifice for Susan Ivanova.





Ed Wasser as Morden


A human archaeolinguist who was employed by Earth Force's New Technologies Division and spent a lot of time exploring the rim. He was assigned to the Icarus mission to Z'Ha'Dum under the supervision of Dr. Chang and along with Anna Sheridan. Like Dr. Chang, the missions' supervisor, Morden was aware of the background to the mission, having theorized that the Shadow Warship excavated from Syria Planum by Dr. Mary Kirkish's team had flown to Z'ha'dum on automatic and then gone dormant as IPX's probe had failed to detect any sign of activity on the planet. Morden became the first known survivor of the destruction of the Icarus when he appeared working as an agent for the Shadows on Babylon 5 by acting as their liaison to Londo Mollari, who was selected as the Shadows' agent of unrest after each of the principle alien ambassadors to Babylon 5 was asked the question "what do you want?" by Morden. While Ambassador Kosh and Delenn refused to discuss the question with him, and G'Kar only wanted the Centauri destroyed and safety for his people, Londo's response was much more grandiose, expressing a lust for the

past glories of the Centauri Republic and a desire to return to having things the way that they were, perfect for what the Shadows wanted. Morden is never alone, at least two Shadows accompany him, both for Morden's protection and to prevent Morden revealing the existence of the Shadows to others, although he is of enough importance to the Centauri that they were prepared to extend him diplomatic immunity when he was arrested at the behest of John Sheridan. Besides liaising with Londo Mollari, Morden also has associations with Lord Refa, members of Psi Corps and EarthGov, most notably President Clark, for whom he helped arrange the destruction of Earth Force One, resulting in the death of President Luis Santiago. Morden narrowly escaped death in the explosion that killed Justin and Anna Sheridan, when the White Star with its cargo of two thermo-nuclear bombs detonated above the Shadows' complex beneath the surface of Z'ha'dum. Badly burnt and scarred by the blast he traveled to Centauri Prime to negotiate the stationing of Shadow Warships on Centauri Prime with Cartagia, also requesting that Londo Mollari be reassigned there as an "Advisor on Planetary Security" so that he might act as liaison between the Centaurum and the Shadows. Shortly afterward however Londo finally discovered the truth about the death of Adira Tyree; that it was Morden, and not Lord Refa who was responsible for her being poisoned. After his initial fit of rage at the ease Morden had manipulated him, Londo had Morden brought before him, demanding that he remove the Shadow fleet from Celini, and when he refused, Londo first destroyed the island and then had Morden beheaded. When Morden's spirit visited Lennier during the Brakiri "Day of the Dead" some months later he revealed that his head was still there and that he had just tried to make people happy, but more importantly that Lennier would betray the Anla'Shok and hinted that Lennier too might soon be dead.




Walter Koenig as Alfred Bester


Born in 2189, Stephen Kevin Dexter lost his parents, Telepath Resistance leaders Matthew and Fiona Dexter, after a final assault on their headquarters organized by Psi Corps director Kevin Vacit (Fiona's father). Vacit named the infant Alfred Bester, after his favorite 20th Century science fiction author, and adopted him as a true child of Psi Corps. Rated P12, high enough to become a Psi Cop, Bester has devoted his life to the cause of protecting his own kind, determined to distinguish telepaths as being far superior to "mundanes". He is very well versed in matters literary and philosophical, mainly thanks to his tutelage by Psi Cop Dr Sandoval Bey. For a while he would willingly volunteer for "deathbed scans" - scanning the minds of those about to die, his mind being with those that do "pass beyond". Such is his fierce loyalty to telepaths that he conspired to assassinate Psi Corps Director Johnston (a normal, and Vacit's successor) due to fears his people are being abused by normals in power. During the course of his work, his visits to

Babylon 5 provide much annoyance and inconvenience to the command staff, to his apparent pleasure. (On one non-canonical visit there he had his buttocks blown off in a terrorist attack. Although he is married with two children, it was a pairing arranged by Psi Corps - he is actually in love with rogue P12 telepath Carolyn Sanderson, who was captured by the Shadows for use in their vessels and to whom he is still committed. He has pledged his indebtedness to Sheridan if he is able to release her from the implants. He persuaded Lyta Alexander to re-join with Psi Corps and was revealed to be behind Garibaldi's conditioning that leads him to betray Sheridan. Evading a vengeful Garibaldi, he failed to recapture a gang of rogue telepaths aboard Babylon 5 after a first attempt, but was recalled by Captain Lochley to round them up again. Under his command, Psi Corps became a powerful force to protect telepaths, and many secret experiments were conducted to improve telepathic abilities. The Resistance grew in strength against Psi Corps until the Telepath War in the 2260's, after which Psi Corps was disbanded and its leading figures, including Bester, placed on trial for war crimes. Bester escaped punishment, fleeing from world to world until, in 2271, he settled in Paris. He fell in love with hotelier Louise Bouet and wrote literary reviews under the name "Claude Kaufman" before Garibaldi tracked him down and captured him. He was imprisoned for life, and eventually died peacefully in 2281.





William Forward as Lord Refa

A former Lord in the Centauri Republic and a representative of the Centaurum who used his alliance with Londo Mollari to further his own ends towards becoming the Centauri Emperor. He was responsible for the murder of Prime Minister Malachi and the one who put the resolution to denounce Urza Jaddo as a traitor to the Centaurum. Lord Refa also controlled Cartagia during the early stages of his reign as Emperor, leading him into initializing conflicts on twelve fronts with the aid of the Shadows to "provide room for expansion". Upon the discovery that he had formed an alliance with Morden, Lord Refa was partly poisoned by Londo Mollari in such a way that the poison administered would lie dormant until a second trigger was ingested, which would occur if he did not disassociate himself from Morden, at which point, the two parts of the poison would meet in Lord Refa's cardiovascular system and "hold a little party" upon which, Lord Refa would be very dead. Londo's argument was persuasive, and Lord Refa arranged the partial withdrawal of Centauri forces, refusing to meet with Morden, much to the frustration of the Shadows, who required the Centauri Republic to continue its advance. Morden's solution to the problem was to have Londo Mollari's lover, Adira Tyree, murdered in such a way as to make it appear that Lord Refa was responsible, with the result the Londo swore to revenge himself on Refa and requested the help of Morden and his associates. Despite this Londo gained his revenge without Morden's assistance, using a complex plot to both destroy Refa and clear his way to eventually becoming the Centauri Emperor, using his knowledge of the fact that Refa had brought a telepath with him when he came to Babylon 5 with Minister Virini in an attempt by Virini to settle their dispute. Supplying his attaché, Vir Cotto, with a false plan that he intended to capture G'Kar on Narn while he was rescuing his own former attaché, Na'Toth, knowing that Refa would telepathically take it from him, Londo then arranged for Refa's ultimate betrayal, ensuring that Refa would be assigned guards loyal to himself by Lord Drigo, the Centauri Governor of Narn. Deep in the catacombs beneath the former seat of the Kha'Ri Refa was turned over to the Narn resistance movement, who had been informed by G'Kar and Londo Mollari that he was responsible for the bombing of Narn and the subsequent creation of work camps, claiming millions of Narn lives. When his body was finally recovered by the Centauri they found a faked data crystal implicating Refa in colluding with the Narn resistance in an attempt to destabilize the Centauri Republic and move his own allies into positions of power, a plan that had clearly fatally backfired.



Wortham Krimmer as Emperor Catargia

The nephew of the late Centauri Emperor Turhan, who became his successor following his death on Babylon 5 in the middle of 2259, chosen for the ease with which he could be manipulated by Lord Refa who would retain control of the real power behind the throne. The best laid plans of mice and Centauri however did not quite work out as expected, Cartagia was in fact quite mad and with Lord Refa's death on Narn he was given free reign to pursue his deluded dreams of becoming a living God, dealing with the Shadows via Morden who he believed were those spoken of in ancient books who had deified the first Centauri Emperors.In return for his apotheosis Cartagia agreed to allow the Shadows to station over one hundred of their warships on the island of Celini on Centauri Prime, silencing the objections of sixteen ministers by having them enter his "Shadow Cabinet" a gruesome collection of severed heads that he kept arranged on a desk and spoke to late at night. This kind of response was typical of Cartagia, who would turn on a whim from one mood to another, usually resulting in an execution, when he became bored or something was not done to his satisfaction. The life of others meant little to Cartagia, who took great pleasure in the torture of the captive G'Kar, to the extent of getting his own hands bloody in pursuit of extracting a scream from the Narn and plucking out an eye because he did not like the way he was being looked at, and even being prepared to sacrifice all of the Centauri people if that was required to obtain the status of a God. Cartagia eventually met his fate on Narn, where he had been urged by Londo Mollari, ostensibly to stage a show trial of G'Kar to demoralize the Narn and demonstrate Centauri justice, but in reality to render him vulnerable to assassination. Cartagia was quick to agree to this plan and swiftly sentenced G'Kar to death by vivisection only to have G'Kar break free from his kirillium bonds, despite the specially weakened chains used by Londo having been replaced, and in the confusion was ushered unnoticed from the throne room by Londo. Before he could be stabbed and poisoned however, a scuffle ensued causing Londo to drop his needle of neurotoxin, only to be accidentally stabbed by Vir Cotto who had followed the pair and was holding the needle when Cartagia stumbled into it. As Cartagia had left no heirs to succeed him, and there was no time to decide on an alternative before the Vorlon Planet Killer arrived at Centauri Prime, Londo Mollari was appointed as Prime Minister of the Centauri Republic.


Robert Rusler as Warren Keffer

An easygoing Earth Force lieutenant and Starfury pilot assigned to Babylon 5 during 2259. He became the leader of Zeta Wing on Babylon 5 following the death of Ray Galus when a Shadow Warship entered hyperspace right on top of their Starfuries while they were involved in rescuing the stricken Cortez, destroying Galus' ship and crippling his own. After regaining power and managing to triangulate a return course from the vector of another Shadow Warship he swore to prove the existence of the vessels, continuing to try even when ordered not to do so by Susan Ivanova. He was himself killed in late December, 2259 while pursuing a Shadow ship through hyperspace in an attempt to gain identification and film of the ship, a recording of which was eventually broadcast by Interstellar Network News after the recovery of his jettisoned flight recorder





Joshua Cox as David Corwin

A Lieutenant, promoted from Junior Grade in 2260, in Earth Force serving as one of the officers staffing the Observation Dome on Babylon 5. Interviewed by Susan Ivanova upon his promotion his staunch loyalty to Earthdome prevented his being made a member of John Sheridan's movement against President Clark, although when John Sheridan decided to secede from the Earth Alliance he remained at his post. Following the civil war with Earth, and subsequent creation of the Interstellar Alliance, David Corwin's role expanded into that of an intermediary between the Earth Alliance and the Interstellar Alliance, although his main role was more akin to that of the station's executive officer following the departure of Susan Ivanova. He formed a good working relationship with Captain Lochley.


Julia Nickson as Catherine Sakai

A Buddhist who was born in Alaska, but moved to Hong Kong with her mother following her parents' divorce, beginning a long running on-off relationship with Jeffrey Sinclair, starting when they were at college and going as far as to live together for a year, during which time she became well versed in the works of Tennyson. From there they seemed to go into a cycle of spending a short while together followed by two or three years of separation while the other had a different partner, then meeting again, talking about old times, family, spending the night together and then one of them leaving in what Sinclair described as "three parts passion, two parts tease". The couple could never agree on anything, Catherine always thinking of Sinclair in the summer while he thought about her in the fall, she thought Sinclair worried too much while he thought she did not worry enough; a perfect combination according to Catherine Sakai. Following the Earth-Minbari War, in which she served as an Earth Force officer and pilot, Sakai purchased the survey ship Skydancer, taking up a career as a freelance planetary surveyor. When she again met Jeffrey Sinclair in 2258, after coming to Babylon 5 with the results of a survey mission, they agreed to give the relationship one last try and this time things seemed to be going well, Catherine using Babylon 5 as a base of operations for her survey missions, including a survey of the planet Sigma 957 for Universal Terraform during which she was almost killed after a Walker knocked her from orbit after ignoring a warning from G'Kar but was rescued by a Narn Frazi class fighter piloted by G'Drog. By the end of the year they were still together, at which point Jeffrey Sinclair finally proposed to her, later announcing the engagement to Michael Garibaldi and Susan Ivanova who were delighted when requested to be best man and maid of honor respectively. Circumstance was almost to force a return to their tradition of splitting up however, for within a few days Sinclair was recalled to Earthdome and ultimately reassigned to Minbar as the Earth Alliance Ambassador.


Julie Caitlin Brown as Na’toth season 1,

Mary Kay Adams season 2

G'Kar's second aide (the first was Ko'Dath, Born to the Purple) who first appeared in The Parliament of Dreams, was played by a new actress as of Points of Departure, and disappeared altogether following Acts of Sacrifice. Two years later, G’Kar found her and Londo imprisoned and forgotten on Centauri Prime, where they worked to send her back to Narn (The Tragedy of Telepaths). And). Julie Caitlin Brown had auditioned for the roles of Delenn and Ivanova.


Marshall Teague as Ta'Lon

Served as a Pilot, Bodyguard and Ambassador. Ta'Lon was a former Narn pilot who was taken prisoner by the Streibs and forced to fight their captives by a device attached to his head as part of an experiment. When forced to fight John Sheridan, who was also a prisoner on the Streib ship, he refused to do so and requested that Sheridan kill him. Instead Sheridan rendered him unconscious and removed the controlling device, although breaking four of Ta'Lon's ribs in the process. Together they managed to escape the Streib ship before the Agamemnon destroyed it. He later returned to Babylon 5 as a bodyguard to Na'Far, making a point of seeking out John Sheridan in order to thank him for saving his life on the Streib ship. After Na'Far returned to Narn, Ta'Lon elected to remain on the station, guarding G'Kar's quarters during his period of incarceration. G'Kar's last official act before departing Babylon 5 was to appoint Ta'Lon as Narn ambassador to Babylon 5.


Gary McGurk as William Morgan Clark

The Vice President under Luis Santiago He took over as President of the Earth Alliance on January 1st, 2259 after the death of Santiago, having conveniently left Earth Force One, less than 24 hours before its destruction at Io, with a viral infection that was later demonstrated by Dr. Everett Jacobs not to have existed. Once in power he was informed of the Minbari explanation for surrender at the Battle of the Line, a reason that he does not believe. As his influence grew President Clark began a series of actions, such as the inauguration of the Ministry of Peace and of the Nightwatch, eventually declaring martial law, That resulted in Babylon 5 and Orion 7 seceding from the Earth Alliance, as well as the walkout of over 3 quarters of his cabinet. Clark suffered from an increasing paranoia, this he countered with the military might of Earth Force, used to put down insurrection wherever he saw it, and through assigning extra duties and responsibilities to Psi Corps.Clark's final act as Earth Alliance President and knowing that he was about to be impeached by John Sheridan's approaching fleet, was to order a policy he had called "Scorched Earth" and then to commit suicide with a PPG. His shrouded body was later adorned with a placard denouncing him as a "Traitor to Earth", an image that was to be broadcast throughout the Earth Alliance by ISN along with the news of his successor, Senator Susanna Luchenko of the Russian Consortium.



Macauly Bruton as Jack

A security officer and aide to Michael Garibaldi during 2258 who he treated like a brother, giving him his trust and teaching him what he knew of working in security. In return Jack misled him on several occasions and finally attempted to kill Garibaldi with a PPG when he discovered the assassination plot to kill the late Earth Alliance President Luis Santiago, in which Jack was actively involved and then proceeded to kill his accomplices to cover his tracks. After Garibaldi's recovery he was subsequently captured and sent back to Earth under the direct orders of President Clark but disappeared en-route, together with all records of the incident after what appeared to be an official transfer from his prison vessel turned out to be bogus.


Johnny Sekka as Dr. Benjamin Kyle

A xenobiologist briefly assigned to Babylon 5 in 2257, but quickly reassigned to Earth as an expert on alien physiology by the Earth Alliance President, Luis Santiago, meeting his successor, Dr. Stephen Franklin en route at Io. Rumors have it that the transfer was because of his contact with the Vorlon Ambassador, Kosh, firstly opening the suit at the request of a desperate Commander Jeffrey Sinclair and then together convincing Lyta Alexander to perform an unauthorized telepathic scan to determine the poison. He kept his oath of confidentiality, only ever revealing that Kosh was a very unusual alien.


Tamlyn Tomita as Laurel Takashima

A lieutenant commander in Earth Force who had been assigned to work Mars Colony security directly after graduating from the academy, where she refused to bow to the corruption that was rife there and as a result languished without promotion for five years which caused her to cease caring and start breaking rules, placing people in danger. She then served under Jeffrey Sinclair during his assignment to Mars Colony during the food riots of 2254 who finally got her promoted and back within the rules, eventually resulting in her position as the initial Vice-Commander of Babylon 5. Following her involvement in convincing Lyta Alexander to illegally scan the poisoned Vorlon Ambassador, Kosh, she was transferred off Babylon 5 and replaced by Susan Ivanova early in 2258. Her new assignment was to be on a classified mission to the rim.



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