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Light Measurement (continued)

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6. With the main switch set at ON, the meter needle will move to indicate the brightness of the subject. Adjust the meter needle to the zero point by turning the shutter speed indicator dial. The meter may require some time to adjust to low light conditions. If the needle continues to move, re-center the meter needle by adjusting the shutter speed indicator dial. The lower the amount of available light, the longer it will take for the needle to come to a final resting position. When conditions are darker than EV 0, allow 2-3 minutes for adjustment. For conditions brighter than EV 0, 10-30 seconds will usually be sufficient for obtaining an accurate measurement.
adjusting the shutter speed indicator dial
7. With the needle centered in the meter window, read the proper exposure time from the portion of the shutter speed indicator dial at the center position of the meter window and then set the shutter speed on the camera's shutter speed selector dial.
  • There will be many cases in which it will be difficult to see the meter needle because of low light conditions. In such cases, illuminate the indicator window by pressing the illumination switch located on the front of the meter.
  • For speeds slower than 1 second, set the shutter speed selector dial to "B" and release the shutter with a cable release. The camera should be mounted on a tripod for all exposures of more than 1/30 second.
the meter illumination switch

Table of Contents Light Measurement (II) Table of Contents
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