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How to Use the Canon Booster

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The Canon Booster is an auxiliary light meter that can be attached to the PELLIX QL, FT, or FTb 35mm cameras for measuring the light reflected from subjects under extremely dim lighting conditions.

Table of Contents

Controls (I)
Diagram illustrates the controls of the Canon Booster, as viewed from the left side of the meter.
Controls (II)
Diagram illustrates the controls of the Canon Booster, as viewed from the right side of the meter.
Technical Data
Summarizes the specifications of the Canon Booster meter.
Preparations and Attachment
This section (five pages) tells how to load batteries in the Canon Booster meter and attach the booster meter to the camera.
Light Measurement
This final section (three pages) describes proper use of the booster meter to obtain precise exposure measurements in all conditions.

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