Bijyo ga Yajyu ( beauty is the beast ) By Matsumoto Tomo

On-going Series

Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 |

"Alright, in 2 days time, you can move in."
(My new life is going to start from here.)
The administrative staff inform Eimi to hand the admissions form over to her dorm warden (I know it sounds funny, but I just can't seem to find a better term at the moment!! (^^;). The reason for moving in states that Eimi's dad has been transferred due to his job. 2nd year, 2nd class, Yamashita Eimi.
"Ahh... I've heard about you." The teacher in charge of her dorm actually asks her for his gift, grumbling that kids nowadays have no manners at all, and that she should have brought a gift of snack of some sort (^^) (there's a label beside him - bad warden) Eimi apologises in SD mode

Eimi sees the dorms and is thrilled!! "Wow...!" It's gorgeous! And looks so luxurious!"
"Have you stopped drooling? Let's go." says the warden.
"Eh? Where are we heading? Aren't I supposed to stay in the dorm?" a puzzled Eimi asks. "Dummy, those are the guys' dorms, the girls' dorms are over here." He points to a humble looking structure. Eimi sweatdrops as she asks if its for real?? (wooden & mortar??!) (^^;)

We reach the common hall where some girls are dealing cards. "Hey! I heard that a new person's moving in."
"That's right! You heard about it too? The mission this time is gonna be wild!"
The warden slides the door open and we spot 3 girls in the midst of a game of poker. (^^;) He looks at them with a bored/disgruntled expression and sarcastically asks why the common hall looks like a casino. The girls are all freaking out ("ge... it's Sawaguchi!!") hurrying to hide their stuff and they ask if it's a spot check!! (^^) "Idiots...! I don't have that kind of time to spare." he replies

Sawaguchi asks if Kurokawa Misao is in the dorm. A lovely girl with dark hair heads over and Sawaguchi introduces Eimi as Misao's new roomie. Misao says hello to Eimi and Eimi thinks, wow! She's a beauty!
Sawaguchi:"You imps, stop coming up with all those weird missions. You should know the consequences for breaking the dorm rules hmmm??"
The girls sit in silence, sweatdropping.
He turns to Eimi. "Come along, come along, now to show you to your room."
So the 3 of them (Sawaguchi, Eimi & Misao) head for Misao's room. Sawaguchi opens the door and there's a HUGE....! poster of 3 women in a dramatic dance pose, sexily dressed in leotards. (apparently, this is a dance group, with very sexy and beautiful members, that is very popular with Japanese young men) Sawaguchi seems to have turned to stone and he wonders how Misao got her hold of that commercial sized poster. (^^) He spins around and heads for the door, telling Eimi that's her room and to get along with her new roomie, Misao.

An SD Eimi looks kinda panicked "eh?" She turns to Misao and attempts to start a conversation
Eimi: "Do you enjoy appraising a lady's figure?"
The background labels Misao as the full effect of her fettish. She's glassy-eyed as she replies Eimi. (^^;;) Misao: "Yes. Just looking at the poster gives me a sense of peace. The harmony and contrast of firm skin and music makes one sink into it somehow."
Misao: "Do you dislike the decoration of our dorm?"
Eimi:"No... you get used to it after looking at if for awhile."
And Eimi thinks (it shouldn't be offensive to answer in such a way, should it??)

There's a knock at the door and a short-haired girl enters the room, letting Misao know that she's back. She says hi to Eimi and Eimi scratches her head, grinning foolishly in SD mode as she introduces herself. (wow...! they're both beauties!! She thinks) Misao introduces her as, their neighbour from the next dorm, Suzu.
Suzu tells Eimi that she's heard rumours about the mission for her this time is to break into the boys' dorms. Misao agrees that the mission this time is pretty wild, and she looks worried.

Eimi has no absolutely no idea of what they're discussing about and Suzu fills her in, telling her that her so called "mission" is some sort of an initiation dare. Eimi still looks stumped. ^_^
Suzu explains:" In other words, it's an underground welcome sorta initiation dare for new lodgers. The 1st day a new lodger arrives, there'll be a test of guts. But each time, there'll be a different theme. Rumour has it that the theme this time requires you to break into the boys' dorms to steal some nameplates. Haven't you heard?"
An SD Eimi has broken out into cold sweat! "No....none of it.."
Suzu:" Don't worry. You have the freedom to choose the route you prefer to take and the methods used. You're also allowed to gather resources from others. But if you fail in the mission, you'd probably get kicked out of the dorm. Ahhaha....."
Misao is silent and looks worried as she offers her help. Suzu looks surprised as she smilingly asks Misao what's up, as Misao's usually not good with strangers. Misao explains that she's afraid she won't be able to find another roomie who'd agree to the decorative theme of their dorm, so she doesn't want to lose Eimi!! (^_^)
Eimi and Suzu are silent, as they both think (indeed...!)

The next day at school, Eimi's classmates check if she's indeed moved into the dorms. They wonder why she looks so glum and Eimi explains that she feels a little uneasy about her new lodging. Her friends are perplexed and tell Eimi that she, being so amiable should have no problems fitting right in. Eimi replies that she hopes so, as she reaches out to open a door. A guy with a hooded pullover just happens to head out at the same time and walks past Eimi.
She remarks on his being so tall and wonders out loud what he eats to achieve such height. (Eimi's real petite) Her friends hurriedly shush her as they inform her that he's Wanibuchi kun from Class 1 and she'd be in trouble if she offends him. A teacher had warned them to stay away from Wanibuchi, telling them that he'd been in a corrective boys' home before, due to a brush with the law. "Wouldn't you know just by looking at how he's built? It's like there's some mean vibes he's giving out. It's best to have nothing to do with him. Girls stay away from him, but the guys have some sort of respect for him."
A grinning Eimi remarks in SD mode:" I understand, it's just like the feeling Black Coffee gives you right? Ahhahah..... only guys would dare drink it."
Eimi's 2 friends are sweatdropping asking her what she's talking about? (^^;)

Suzu and Misao are busy gathering info to aid Eimi. They have some difficulty obtaining the map with the floor plans for the guys' dorms. A blushing girl (obviously a fan of Suzu's) offers to help them get it, and is delighted when Suzu thanks her. Misao comments that Suzu certainly has her strengths in certain departments. And Suzu asks her what strengths?? There's an arrow pointing to Suzu stating (dense in that department) ^_^
They wonder about how to get hold of the entry code to bypass the security at the boys' dorms. Misao simply approaches a guy and requests for it. The nervous, blushing boy stutters out the code for Misao. And Suzu silently looks on and thinks (took 3 seconds....she's strong in certain ways hmm...)

Eimi sweatdropping with determination, hands Sawaguchi a gift (bribe) as he silently looks at her with evil eyes. (^^) He shows her the detailed floor plans as well as the safest and quickest routes to take.
Eimi is surprised by the information that Misao and Suzu have managed to gather for her and grinningly tells them she'll do her best!!
Back in the dorm, the girls are collecting bets on whether or not the mission would be a success. "Isn't she the pint sized new lodger? I don't think she'll make it." some laughingly say.

It's Started!! Eimi maintains a connection with Misao and Suzu with her handphone as they instruct her on the way.
Misao & Suzu:" Be careful on your way out! If Sawaguchi sees you.."
Eimi:" Ah! Don't worry about Sawaguchi. He said he'd turn a blind eye for just 15 minutes."
Misao and Suzu are stunned.(^^) They tell Eimi to head for the side door to the dorms as the main gate is really high and difficult to climb. Eimi effortlessly scales the gate and leaps over the top, causing the other girls who are peaking from the windows to gawk and exclaim if what they saw really did happen, or if Eimi was some sort of reincarnated creature. (^^;)
Eimi heads to the instructed room 201 and sees the nameplates, Wanibuchi and Inui. She thinks that Wanibuchi's name sounds familiar. Unfortunately, she's spotted by some guy who's heading out to the toilet. And the door to room 201 suddenly opens. They stare at each other for a beat and we hear that silly guy who spotted Eimi exclaiming that he was sure he saw a girl wandering about the premises.

Wanibuchi tells Eimi to get in and she slips into his room. She thinks to herself (it's the guy from today... can't be wrong, him being so tall. What a surprise... I thought that a gangster would look bad and evil... who would've thought...)
Wanibuchi folds his arms as he studies Eimi. "So what now? You voluntarily entering my room should mean that you'd follow my every wish right?" he asks Eimi. There's a scene showing Eimi and Wanibuchi standing in the shadows in the room (there's just me and the beast)
The door opens and Inui is back! He introduces himself to Eimi and offers her tea. (^^) An SD Wanibuchi tells Inui that there's no need to bother with her. There's a knock on the door, they're checking every room for the intruder. Inui opens the door and denies having seen any intruder, as Wanibuchi coolly lights up a cigarette beside the window. They're instructed to lock their doors as the warden turns to check the other dorms. We next see Eimi dangling outside, hanging on for dear life and Wanibuchi tells her that she'll fall if she doesn't hold on tight.
"Umm.. excuse me..." eimi goes (this guy must be a saddist! There's no other reason why he'd seem to be enjoying himself) Her foot slips and Wanibuchi grabs her by the wrist. She looks up in surprise as he tells her to go by the fire escape route and asks him why he told her. He tells her it's a moment of madness and Eimi smiles and thanks him, telling him that he's very kind as she turns to leave.
"Are you very kind?" Inui comments. "You're very kind hmmm....? You're very kind hmmm.....!" he continues, causing Wanibuchi to snap at him, asking him how many times he intends to repeat that?!(^^)

Back at the dorm, the girls are wondering what's taking Eimi so long and if she's failed in her mission. Eimi enters and they ask if she's alright, if she was discovered etc... She tells them they were very nice, and even helped with the mission. They can't believe that she's talking about Wanibuchi and Eimi adds on that he was semi-nude, only had track pants on and looked real sexy! The girls are all sweatdropping and more than a little freaked! (^^) Misao and Suzu celebrate Eimi's success with some snacks back in their room and Eimi wonders about the great difference between the condition of the girls' and guys' dorms. (Somehow, my new life is gonna begin from here) That night, an SD Eimi has problems sleeping, facing Misao's gigantic poster of those sexy dancing models. (^^)

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Translations done by Rin 2004
All rights reserved to Matsumoto Tomo and Hakusensha Inc

Chapter 2 Under Construction

Matsumoto Tomo's Series Mainpage

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Translations done by Rin 2004
All rights reserved to Matsumoto Tomo and Hakusensha Inc

Chapter 3 Under Construction

Matsumoto Tomo's Series Mainpage

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Translations done by Rin 2004
All rights reserved to Matsumoto Tomo and Hakusensha Inc

Chapter 4 Under Construction

Matsumoto Tomo's Series Mainpage

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Translations done by Rin 2004
All rights reserved to Matsumoto Tomo and Hakusensha Inc

Chapter 5 Under Construction

Matsumoto Tomo's Series Mainpage

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Translations done by Rin 2004
All rights reserved to Matsumoto Tomo and Hakusensha Inc

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