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by Dannie and Rinny

Pacey gave a yelp as his hot pad slipped from his fingers and his bare hand clutched the hot metal of the pot he was boiling noodles in. He let it drop with a loud clang back onto the burner, spilling water as he did so. "God damn it," He muttered, turning the cold water of the sink on and holding his hand under the streaming water. He grit his teeth tightly at the stinging sensation.

Joey rolled her eyes as she stepped into the kitchen bearing witness to what had just happened. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and walked over to him. 4She turned off the cold water and grabbed his hand. "Don't do that. You're going to give yourself a blister."

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" he asked bitingly, his injury putting him in a bitter mood.

"Well, if someone wasn't making so much noise..." she said pointedly. She looked down at his hand in hers. "Where's your bathroom? You should probably put some toothpaste on that."

He pointed to the door next to the bedroom, "Toothpaste?" He allowed her to lead him into the bathroom.

Joey nodded as she reached for the container of toothpaste on the sink. "It's so you won't get a blister," she said logically.

"Where do you learn these things?" He asked, a hint of amazement in his voice.

"Well, when you've baby-sat your sister's kid for the better part of your life, you learn these things."

"Oh," he watched her intently as she took his hand in hers and examined it.

She shrugged dabbing a small amount of toothpaste on the burn. "Besides, I use to volunteer at one of the youth centers in Boston. You find out all sorts of interesting things working with kids."

"Hmmm," He didn't speak for a moment, and just allowed himself to feel her fingers smoothing over the burning skin of his palm. "This, uh, feels kinda familiar." He said, his voice rumbling low in his throat.

She smiled and tilted her head a bit. "Want me to kiss it and make it better?" she teased.

"Depends, do you want minty fresh toothpaste all over your lips?" His lips curved in a small smile.

She released his hand. "As appealing as that sounds, I'm going to have to take a rain check."

"I thought so. How long do I have to leave this on?"

"Just for a little while. It might sting a little," she warned.

"Guess that means you're finishing dinner," he said leaning against the bathroom doorway. "Hope your cooking skills have improved in the last 8 years."

"Haha," Joey retorted with sarcasm. "My cooking skills were never that horrendous."

"Suuure," He smiled, "All I have to say is that it's a good thing dinner's mostly done already."

Joey released an exasperated sigh pushing past him. "Ugh, that's it. I am so going to poison your food."

He chuckled to himself, "Ok, fine. I'll leave you alone now." He sat on one of the stools at the island and cradled his bad hand in his good one. "So, tell me more about this youth center."

Joey just shrugged casually, busy at the stove. "Why, what do you want to know?"

"I donno," he mumbled, looking down at his hands. "I just want to know what you've been doing with your life."

Joey sighed stirring the tomato sauce. "Well, it was just for credit for one of my classes at first, but I came to like it and spent most of my weekends there." She smiled in remembrance. "Everyone was really nice. The kids were great. There was this adorable little boy named Andrew that would just follow me everywhere. His parents were out of the picture so it was just him and his older brother...kind of like me and Bessie."

Pacey smiled softly, "You could relate to one another, I bet he really needed that in his life."

She smiled wistfully. "Yeah, his brother was cute too. We dated for a while. He was attending BU on a basketball scholarship. Sometimes, the three of us would go out together and it was just as if we were our own little family."

"Are you still in touch with them?"

Joey shook her head ruefully. "No. Their grandparents somehow got involved in the picture again and wanted custody of Andrew. Kevin wanted to stay with him but in the end he ended up transferring to SCU to be closer to his brother and by that time I had run into Dawson again..."

"And the cycle started over again," he finished for her.

She just shrugged sitting down across from him. "Dawson wasn't always what he is now."

"But he is what he is now," he reminded her.

She stood up. "I think the food's done."

"Okay, the strainer's in the bottom cupboard there," he pointed and there should be two clean bowls there too for the sauce and the noodles." He knew better than to pressure her into continuing with that line of conversation.

Joey just nodded and quickly went to work, her back to him. She had the uncontrollable urge to call Dawson and it scared her. She tried to keep herself busy so she wouldn't think about it.

"So, Potter," He broke the tense silence, "I know you said it was supposed to hurt, but is it supposed to turn this red?" he asked, holding his hand up.

"I don't know. What do I look like a doctor?" she retorted sharply. She frowned and placed the two bowls down on the counter before walking over to him. "Here let me see it."

"Not if you're gonna act like that," he pouted, holding his closer to his chest.

She extended her hand perturbed. "Pacey, stop whining and just let me see your hand."

"Why so you can poke at it? It hurts enough already."

"I'm not going to poke at it. Gosh, you're acting like such a baby."

"You said you liked kids," he countered.

"What's your point?" she questioned and reached for his hand swiftly pulling it away from his chest. She eyed it quizzically. "It's just a little red. You did burn it after all."

He gave her a dirty look. "Yeah, well, it hurts."

She smiled faintly and brought his hand to her mouth lightly brushing her lips against the injured area. "There I kissed it and made it all better."

He felt his heart skip a beat at the innocent gesture. "I- uh," he stuttered slightly and broke the eye contact between them. "Better, yeah."

She grinned awkwardly and released his hand, ignoring whatever just passed between them. "Let's eat before the food gets cold."

"Right," he smiled and moved to the table, bringing some of the food with him.

"So you see my cooking is not that bad," Joey commented after a few minutes of silence.

"For all the cooking you did, a whole ten minutes," he winked. Trying with difficulty to eat right handed.

Joey grinned and observed him. "Should I get you a bib?"

"I'm beginning to think that may be the only solution." He grumbled, slurping at his spaghetti, splattering his face with little red flecks of sauce.

She laughed and grabbed a napkin from the counter. "Here let me get that." She began to wipe off the spaghetti sauce on his face. She reached for his fork and twirled some noodles around the tines before raising it to his mouth. "Maybe it'd just be better if I fed you. You're such a baby."

He opened his mouth wordlessly and let her feed him. He swallowed, watching her the entire time as she then took a bite of her own food, seemingly oblivious to his gaze. "Healing, cooking and feeding me? If you're not careful, I may never let you leave," he smiled.

She stared down at his plate and absentmindedly began gathering food on his fork. "What makes you so sure I would want to?" she asked slyly and slid the fork into his mouth before he had a chance to respond.

He chewed quickly, "Want to leave?" She nodded, "That's almost all you talked about on our way here. I just assumed that's what you wanted." He paused, "But, If you're thinking of hanging wont here complaints from me."

She laughed. "Pacey, we wouldn't last a day."

He checked his watch, "If we can last another... 21 hours...."

Joey just shook her head. "Never happen."

"You have no faith."

"I'm just being realisitic."

"If you say so," He picked up a piece of garlic bread. "We're getting along fine now."

She shrugged. "It probably won't last for long."

"Not with an attitude like that," He countered.

She chewed on her food pensively before speaking. "I want to call Dawson."

He coughed suddenly, choking on his food. "What? Why!?"

She stood up panicked and began hitting him on his back. "Are you okay?"

He cleared his throat, and waved her away. "I'm fine. Why do you want to call him?"

"I don't know. I guess I just need to talk to him."

"I guess..." he frowned to himself, "I can't really stop you."

She sighed. "I just feel like I owe it to him after what happened."

"What exactly do you owe him? It sounds to me like he owes you back about 5 years of your life."

"It's just hard to imagine how different things are going to be now."

"Different doesn't necessarily translate to bad, Jo."

"It's going to be hard."

"Maybe. You might find that it's worth it though."

"I don't want to think about it right now."

He nodded and looked away. "Phone's on the counter, when you want to use it."

"Okay." They continued to eat, a heavy silence hanging over them as she continued to help him eat.

"I'm not going to call him," Joey finally said breaking the silence.

"Okay..." He trailed off, hoping she'd elaborate; fully expecting her not to.

"It'd be pointless," she said bringing the fork to his mouth. "It'll only get us right back where we started."

"Which was where?" he asked, his mouth full of food.

She shrugged. "I don't know but it wasn't a very nice place...Hey, you think Jen still keeps in contact with Jason?" she asked changing the subject.

"Jason?" He gave her a quizzical look, "Jason who?"

"Lindley, as in her cousin." She paused thoughtfully. "He was really hot."

Pacey shook his head, "I haven't the faintest." He swallowed, then gave her a sly look, "Looking for fresh meat already, Potter?"

"Ugh. You make me sound so crude...Besides I am a single woman now it's okay for me to be attracted to other guys."

"And it's okay for me to tease," he said with a smile. "I suggest looking around your own neighborhood first though. Who knows where that Jason character is now."

"Or maybe I should just give up on relationships altogether. Haven't had much luck with them."

"Come on, you've had to have had a few good ones."

"Oh yeah, I can count them all on one hand."

"I can count all the relationships I've had on one hand," he said, "That doesn't tell me much."

"Okay," she said reluctantly. "I've had a total of two good relationships and one was in high school so that's not saying much."

"What about that Kevin guy?" he asked, hedging away from thinking about the high school relationship.

Joey looked at him jadedly. "He's already one of the relationships."

"You shouldn't give up on love. You were lucky enough to find it twice, who's to say you won�t find it again?"

"I don't need encouragement right now. What I need is for you to just nod your head and agree that men suck."

He chuckled and nodded his head. "Men suck."

She smiled. "Thank you."

"Welcome." He opened his mouth and she fed him the last bit of his spaghetti, "It's the least I could do."

She grinned and placed the fork down on the plate. "There, all done."

"You know, you didn't really have to do that." He said, eating the last of his bread, it wasn't so difficult to maneuver as the noodles.

"Well, it was either that or bear witness to your nauseating eating habits."

"Ha ha," He looked down at his hand, "Can I take this stuff off now?"

She brought her finger to her lips and licked off a spot of spaghetti sauce, waving him away with her other hand. "Fine. Go rinse it off now."

He rose from his seat, "Does it matter what temp the water is at?" He asked as he took his plate with him into the kitchen.

She shook her head, following behind him with her own. "Nope."

"Alright," he turned the water onto warm and held his hand under it, gently washing the mint toothpaste away. He then rinsed his plate and loaded it into the dishwasher, doing the same to hers. "So, you'll stay here tonight?"

"Seeing as I currently have no other place to go...Looks like you're stuck with me."

"Oh darn." He smiled, "In that case, you get half of kitchen duty. You wanna clear or load?"

"Hmm...I'll load."

They finished doing the dishes in companionable silence. The sun was just beginning to set as they sat down on the couch, the dishwasher humming lightly in the kitchen. "Ok, so what's it gonna be? TV or movie?"

Joey raised a hand to her mouth to mask a yawn. "A movie?"

"Okay," he got up from the couch and scanned the mahogany bookshelf that contained his video collection. "Do you want comedy? Action? Drama?"

She shrugged sitting back on the couch. "You choose. I don't think I have the energy to follow a plot anyway."

"Hmmm...." he ran his finger along the titles. "He pulled out a worn video case and held it up to her, "My Girl?"

"Can you suggest something that won't make me cry?"

He smiled, "Sure." He slid the tape back into its place. "Umm... The Little Mermaid?"

"Dare I even ask what you're doing with a Disney cartoon?"

"It was Chelsea's. Her favorite," he said softly. "Um... we have all the Star Wars...Cruel Powers..."

Joey raised an eyebrow. "Porn, Pacey? You suggested a porno?"

He felt a blush creep up his neck. "No, I said I had it. Doesn't mean I suggested it."

Joey grinned and crossed her arms in front of her chest in amusement. "Why don't you put one on?" she suggested challengingly settling comfortably in her seat.

"Are you serious?' He asked her, his eyes brows arched in her direction.

She brushed the question off. "Why not? I'm bored," she answered smugly.

"Hmm, alright." He said, walking to slip the tape into the VCR, calling her buff.

Joey smiled a little uneasily and shifted in her seat, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear. "This should be interesting."

He gave her a sidelong look as he sat down beside her and pressed play on the remote. The background music, something with a Latin taste to it played during the opening credits, it wasn't long before the sounds of women moaning joined the sensual music.

Joey bit the inside of her cheeks, already flushing a faint red. She kept her eyes glued to the screen though as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. She tilted her head to the side and her eyes widened as one of the women on screen displayed her incredible flexibility. "Is that even humanly possible?" she stated in amazement.

"Apparently, 'cause she's doin' it." Pacey replied, watching her reactions to the movie with thinly veiled amusement.

"Haha," she muttered and sat back in her seat. After a couple of more minutes, she brought a hand to her face shielding her eyes from a particularly...vivid scene. She peeked out through her fingers. It looked kind of painful.

"Is this a little much for little Joey Potter?" he teased.

Joey glared but said nothing dropping her hands down to her sides. She could handle this maturely.

He paused the video, at an unfortunately close shot, "You don't have to watch this, Jo."

She felt the first stirrings of anger uncoil in her stomach. "You didn't have to stop it. It was just getting entertaining," she lied.

"Entertaining? Watching strange, circus-worthy, models going at it, attempting to further some insanely weak plot is entertaining? You really have changed."

"Yeah, well it's been known to happen," she muttered.

"Alright, it's your funeral," he handed her the remote and walked away, heading for the hallway.

She scowled and slumped in her seat turning the television off. She sighed and tilted her head so it could rest on the arm of the chair. She yawned and shut her eyes for a few moments. Whoever said things are easier when you're older was definitely lying, she mused silently.

"Hmh, didn't last long, did ya?" He stood over her, holding an extra blanket, pillow and sheet in his arms.

Her eyes gradually fluttered open and she gazed up at him warily. "It lost its luster." She sighed again feeling sorry for herself.

"Or maybe it just bored you to sleep," He smiled softly. "Come on, up." He extended his hand to her, "You need to get some sleep, Potter. It's been a long day."

She grimaced. "Why should I bother?" she said pathetically. "Tomorrow will just be another painful reminder of what I don't have."

"Correction: It's a reminder of what you're free to find," he said, dropping the bedding on the couch, he hit her lightly on the behind. "Go brush your teeth."

"Yeah. Yeah," Joey mumbled standing up. "Keep talking and I'm stuffing a pillow down your throat." She continued disappearing to the bathroom.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," he called after her, unfolding the sheet and blankets to make a bed for himself. When he'd finished that, he walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly on it, "You need something to sleep in?"

"That would be nice," she called out making a face at her reflection in the mirror. She felt like crap and even worse, she looked like it.

He straightened up his bedroom as he entered, trying to make sure she'd be comfortable there. He pulled out a pair of flannel boxers and a large t-shirt for her to wear. He exited the room, after making sure it was acceptable once again and tapped lightly on the door.

Joey opened the door a crack and extended her hand through the slit. "Hand them over."

"Naked already?" He teased, slipping the clothes through the gap in the door.

"And you'll never know," Joey retorted grabbing the clothes and pushing the door shut.

He laughed aloud and went back to his room, changing out of his clothes and into a pair of old flannel pants and a dark wife beater.

Joey came out of the bathroom a few minutes later feeling slightly ridiculous at wearing Pacey's clothes.

Pacey opened the door to his bedroom and walked into the living room to find Joey spreading the sheet over the couch. "What're you doing, Potter?" He asked, putting his hand over hers as she reached for the blanket.

"What do you think I'm doing, Pacey?"

"It looks like you're getting ready for bed." He quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Exactly because that's what I'm doing."

"Yeah," He agreed, "but you're not sleeping here."

"I'm not?"

He shook his head and pointed to the bedroom, a faint smile of amusement on his face.

Joey smirked. "I've been single less than twenty-four hours and you're already trying to take advantage of me."

"So is the nature of man," He smiled. "Besides, I wouldn't dare, Potter. I like my manhood too much."

Joey made a face. "And surprisingly, just like in high school, your jokes still fall flat."

He sighed dramatically as he took the blanket and spread it over the couch, "Too true. Fortunately for me, however, I'm like fine wine. Everything else about me grew better with age."

Joey snorted. "That's a joke right?"

He winked at her, "You'll never know."

Joey rolled her eyes and wondered if he had gotten any better at kissing. She pushed that thought away.

He tossed the pillow haphazardly onto the head of the couch and turned to her, "You need anything else before you go to bed?"

She shook her head. "Wait-no, I'm not going to take your bed."

"And why not?"


"That's not an answer, Jo."

"Because it's not fair. It's your bed."

"No, it's not. Tonight, it's your bed."

"No. It's not. It's your bed."

He gave her a wary look, "For tonight, just take it."

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch when you have a bed," she said defiantly.

"And I'm not going to let *you* sleep on the couch when I have a bed."

"Stop being so stubborn."

"I'm not. You are. You're the guest, you get the bed," he said firmly.




"Yes!" He sat down defiantly on the couch. "I'm not moving."

Joey glared. "Why are you being so impossible?"

"I'm being polite; you're being stubborn."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I am not."

"Then go to bed..."

She pouted using a different course of strategy. "No."

"Yes. I'm just trying to look out for you. After a day like today, you need a good night's sleep and you're not liable to get it tossing and turning on the couch."

Her eyes watered and she pouted some more. "But I don't want to."

"Why not?" He asked, his voice softening.


"Now you're the one acting like a baby." He sighed and reached out for her hand, pulling her to sit on the couch beside him. "Come on, now, tell Uncle Pacey all about it."

Joey cast him a sideways glance. "You're just going to laugh at me."

He wiped the small smirk off his face and gazed into her eyes, "Try me."

"I don't want to sleep alone," she mumbled.

"You don't want-what?" He hadn't quite heard her.

"I said," she began reluctantly. "That I don't want to sleep alone. Go ahead. Laugh at me."

"What's to laugh about?" He spoke, his voice low. "You're entire world's been turned upside down in the space of a few hours. It's understandable that you don't want to be alone right now."

She smiled faintly. "So I'm not acting irrational?"

"Naw," he shook his head. "As long as you don't become scared of the dark, you'll be perfectly okay."

She laughed and then smiled. "Thanks...for putting up with me."

"You're welcome, Potter," he said sincerely putting his arm around her shoulders and pulled her to his side, he kissed her forehead softly.

Joey tilted her head and gazed at him honestly. "I mean, it really, if it weren't for you today would have definitely sent me to the razor." She felt her eyes become watery just thinking about it.

"Don't say things like that, Joey. You're stronger than that, I know you are." He insisted.

The tears began to spill down her cheek unheedingly. "No. I'm not."

"Yes, you are." He wiped away her tears as best he could. "You walked away from him."

"I let him get away with it in the first place."

He shook his head, "Doesn't matter." She looked away and said nothing. "It doesn't," he insisted. "You're here now and you're not going to marry him. That's what matters."

"You know when I left Capeside, I had finally thought that I had left my less than stellar reputation behind. Boston was a chance to start over and now...And now instead of being known as the girl from the wrong side of the creek. I'm the girl who was too stupid to realize her fianc�e was cheating on her."

Pacey didn't say anything for a moment; slowly he withdrew his arm from around her and rested his elbows on his knees. "So don't go back," he mumbled looking down at the carpet beneath his feet.

Joey smiled wistfully. "I wish."

"You don't have to you know," he said looking back at her. "You probably shouldn't, not with Dawson there."

"It might be a good idea," she said thoughtfully. "But only temporarily. I can stay with Bessie."

"Yeah, I know, for a fact, she's missed having you around." He agreed, smiling lightly at her. "At any rate, there's little point in worrying about it tonight."

She sighed. "You're right."

"Of course I am," he cracked a smile and rubbed her arm lightly. "Ok so sleeping arrangements? I can sleep on the floor beside the bed."

"Or you can sleep on the bed."

"You're not sleeping on the floor, Potter," he warned.

"We can share the bed," Joey offered.

He scrutinized her face carefully. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked slowly.

"What's wrong with it?"

"I--I guess nothing." He shifted his eyes away from hers, "It's're in a fragile state right now, I wouldn't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you."

She smiled. "Maybe I'm trying to take advantage of you."

He laughed, relieved that she'd lightened the atmosphere. "Like you'd even know how."

"You'd be surprised."

He snorted, "Su-ure I would. You forget, Dawson already let out that little secret of yours."

"Oh, so I can't be sexual and alluring because I'm a virgin?"

"Uh, no...I know for a fact you can. You've proven that well to me in the past. I just don't think you know just quite how to use it," he smiled, arching an eyebrow at her.

"That's what you think."

He eyed her warily, "Is that a challenge?"

"And if it is?" Joey countered.

He blinked, "It depends, is it?"

"It might be."

"Than I might have to do something about it." He replied cockily.

"Hmm...and what would that be?"

He studied her face for a moment. This shouldn't be happening... she'd just left Dawson. He was supposed to be with Jen. He couldn't feel this way... "I just might have to *let* you seduce me." He said the words before he'd even thought them.

She smiled shyly almost nervous but not quite. "Then will you *let* me kiss you?"

He smiled, "I might." His voice dropped to a low whisper "Like I said, it all depends."

"On what?" She ran her tongue over her lips uncertainly a knot of tension building in her stomach.

"On whether or not," he paused, his eyes devouring the sight of her pink tongue darting out between her full lips, he swallowed, "it was a challenge."

"I think it was," she breathed, nodding her head slowly despite her unease. "You?"

"I think," his voice was husky as he leaned closer to her to look into her eyes. "You're lonely. And I think right now you need something that you wont accept - not from me... not right now." She opened her mouth to speak, and he held his index finger to her lips to silence her. "Everything else, I'll give to you." He removed his finger and replaced it with the warmth of his mouth, kissing her gently. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away to see her reaction.

Her eyes remained shut, the initial shock wearing off, replaced with an unfamiliar pleasant feeling that warmed her body. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled faintly at the inquiry in his blue eyes. Her hand curled around the back of his neck and she brought his lips to hers again.

He caressed her cheek as their lips molded to one another. She radiated warmth, and that indistinctive scent that was just purely Joey. He sighed against her mouth as his tongue gently sought entrance into the recesses of her mouth. He knew this wouldn't mean anything to her, he was just sex - no, not sex. He was comfort. Maybe that's all he'd ever be, he pushed the thought from his mind. She needed him, and that's what mattered. He could deal with the consequences later.

She hesitantly brought her hands between them sliding them under his shirt wanting to touch him and feel him under her fingertips. He tensed at the feel of her fingers running over his skin. After a few moments he relaxed, and let her fingers work their magic while he began to venture tentatively up her shirt. He moved his hands slowly, drawing light patterns over her soft skin, learning the contours and the texture, taking his time for her.

She moaned softly against his lips and pulled away breathing heavily her warm breath mixing with his. She leaned forward and kissed his neck raising her mouth to his ear, her words a decisive murmur. "Take it off."

He watched her eyes carefully. "You sure?" he muttered huskily.

She nodded carefully soft, silky strands of her hair barely brushing his cheek. "Yes."

He caught her lips with his again, kissing her languidly as he ran his hands up her sides, pulling her shirt up. His fingers brushed the sides of her bare breasts and he broke away from her to lift the garment over her head. Blushing slightly, she brought her mouth back to his in another fiery kiss. He traced the lines of her rib cage as they kissed, drifting upwards every few seconds until he reached the underside of her breast. His hands froze there cupping her, feeling the delicious weight of her. Deliberately he brushed a thumb over one of her nipples.

She released a quiet moan from the back of her throat at his touch and shivered involuntarily. She kissed him harder in response. He smiled softly against her lips and began to circle her nipple, his other hand entangling itself in the soft, silky strands of her hair. He shifted, sitting up so she wouldn't become aware of his growing erection. Gently he moved with her so they lay across the couch; he hovered over her, his hands braced on either side of her. He kissed her hotly again, his tongue diving into her mouth to massage hers.

She sighed and pressed herself up against him. Her hands tugged at the end of his shirt urging him to take it off so she could feel his skin against hers.

He reluctantly broke away from her to comply with her silent request. He threw his shirt across the room, not caring where it landed. He looked down at her for the first time it seemed. Her hair dark hair was spread across the pillows in wild abandon, her lips were full and warm, parted slightly as she waited for him to return to her. Her eyes were dark, glazed slightly in her arousal. Her cheeks were flushed from warmth, and if he wasn't mistaken a hint of embarrassment. Her nipples were distended with desire. She lay frozen beneath him, her legs parted slightly where his knee sat between hers, and the swell of her chest rose and fell as she inhaled the heated air between them.

She was a goddess. He raised his hand and brushed his thumb over the smooth skin of her kiss-swollen lips. The ones she kissed him with so willingly much to his surprise. He lifted his eyes back to hers, seeing the mild curiosity at his immobility there. He bent over her again; his skin was set afire as his chest met hers. He kissed her lightly before moving his lips to her ear. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

She froze self-consciencsly not sure of how to respond. He felt her tense beneath him, and he shifted to look into her eyes, "Are you okay?" She nodded and raised her mouth to his to kiss him again, this time less assuredly. He broke away from her, sensing her unease. He ran his hands through her hair as he spoke, "Whatever you want, Jo. I'll do. Whatever you need, if you need me to stop right here, we can." He kissed her forehead.

She smiled and shook her head. "I don't want to stop, Pacey," she said quietly, her brown eyes open and sincere.

"Tell me what you want," he whispered huskily against her mouth.

"I want to kiss you," she breathed. "I want to touch you. I want to taste you." She ran her tongue lightly over his lips. "I want to feel your skin against mine."

"We can do that," he replied, his tongue darting out to meet hers. "We can do whatever you want." He kissed her hungrily, taking his time to enjoy the feel of her in his arms.

He shifted his body downward, his mouth leaving hers to devour the sensitive skin of her neck. His tongue drew little circles along the hollow of her neck; he smiled as he heard her whimper faintly. Taking a deep breath, he inhaled the seductive scent of her perfume and something that was indefinable except to call it Joey. She turned her head to give him better access and his lips followed readily, he began to suckle lightly on the vulnerable skin of her neck, then with more pressure.

She bit down on her lower lip and shut her eyes, her breathing labored just concentrating on what he was making her feel. He pulled away and gently blew on the cool mark he had left, smiling has he felt her shiver beneath him. He kissed her neck again, working his way down to her chest he felt her inhale deeply has his mouth hovered over one distended nipple. He blew on it gently, watching as it hardened even further. She whimpered quietly, his name passing her lips in a breathless whisper and she arched her back involuntarily.

He gave into the desire to taste her; his mouth enveloped the succulent skin. He felt her hands tangle in the short length of his hair, holding him to her. His tongue moved in circles around her areola, bathing her nipple with the warmth of his mouth. A faint gasp escaped her lips and her mouth fell open drawing in a ragged breath. She shifted beneath him her leg brushing against his erection. He moaned and began to suckle on her breast, his only thought, to drive her to new heights. She whimpered and chewed on her lower to keep from crying out.

He shifted, and looked up to her, her eyes burst open as she realized he'd pulled away from her. He smiled at her, dropping small kisses across her chest as he moved to her other breast, paying it the same attention he had the first. She sighed contentedly raking her nails over the muscles of his back. His left hand began tracing the elastic of her boxers, teasing her skin. He took his time to see if she'd resist. She smiled up at him encouragingly through a pleasure-induced haze.

He dipped his fingers beneath the band of elastic, tracing light circles on her abdomen. He moved lower his fingers teasing the curling hairs at the apex of her thighs. He brushed his hand over her outer lips. She drew in a sharp breath at the unexpected touch and she thrust her hips up, her body aching for more of his intoxicating touch. He kissed her leisurely, his tongue invading her mouth as his fingers dipped between the folds of her body. He groaned into her mouth as he felt the slick heat of her vagina. Her eyes widened in surprise before falling shut again, tension building within her.

He felt her tensing beneath him and he slowed his pace, kissing her neck as he moved his fingers in and out of her at a frustratingly slow rhythm. Joey whimpered at this delicious new torture her eyes begging him to let her find some kind of relief. He withdrew his hand from her, sitting back as he did so. He watched the disappointment flood her face.

She propped herself up on her elbows her eyes questioning and a bit fearful, afraid that he had changed his mind and didn�t want her. He held out a hand to her. "I thought maybe we'd go somewhere more comfortable," he said his voice low. "You can't be very comfortable there."

She offered a small smile a wave of relief washing over her. She placed her hand in his. "Okay," she said softly. He kissed her lightly as they stood; he wrapped an arm around her waist and led her to the bedroom. He gently guided her body down on to the mattress as she pulled him down with her. Touching and kissing him had become addicting and she didn't want to stop.

He slid his hands over her body, teasing her, touching her. Setting her on fire, or at least, he hoped just as she set his body aflame. He began to feast on her body, kissing ever inch of exposed flesh, drawing faint murmurings and gasps from her as he did so. She tasted of sweat, perfume and powder.

Hooking the elastic of her boxers he slowly pulled them down her long legs, he threw them and her underwear to the side. He took in the beauty of her, sprawled naked and wanting across his bed, fire flickering in her eyes. Within seconds he covered her vulnerable body with his, his hands exploring, his lips sucking and biting her flushed skin as she arched her body closer to his.

"Pacey," she whimpered quietly in a hushed whisper, her body begging and pleading for something she couldn't voice.

"Hmmm," he mumbled against her skin, his voice sending vibrations humming through her body. He lavished attention first on one breast, then the other, her incoherent mumblings added to his own desire. He could feel his erection straining against the fabric of his pajamas.

"Pacey," she gasped breathing heavily, clutching his shoulders. "I want you. Inside of me. Now."

He moved along her body, to whisper in her ear. "Not yet." His tongue darted out to touch the pulse point behind her ear as he murmured huskily. "I want to taste you first." He kissed her lips roughly, then her neck, moving to the valley of her breasts, and further south. She groaned. Oh god, he wanted to kill her and he was certainly doing a fine job of it.

He dipped his tongue into her belly button as his hands parted her legs; his fingers stroked her inner thighs with the barest of touches as he shifted down her body. His breath fluttered over the glistening curls at the apex of her thighs. He breathed in the heady scent of her before running his tongue along her slit once.

Joey gasped and her fingers clutched at the sheet beneath her. "Oh god," she murmured.

His warm hands slid underneath her butt, cupping her, holding her in place as he flicked his tongue over her clit. She groaned and writhed under his skilled hands and mouth. Her mouth fell open, her breath coming out in short ragged gasps, the tension growing with intensity.

He slowed his ministrations, sensing she was nearing her orgasm. He pulled away from her, kissing her abdomen, her stomach, up her rib cage to her breasts. He dropped soft kisses along her neck before lying beside her on the bed, his head propped up on his elbow. He took a few deep breaths as he tried to bring his own rising passions under control.

She turned her head and captured his lips in a sensuous kiss. She worked her hand up his thigh massaging him through the thin material of his pants, never breaking contact with his mouth.

He groaned involuntarily at her fevered touch. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as her tongue tangled with his.

She broke the kiss, beginning to trail light fluttery kisses along his jaw line. She grinned impishly as she strung one leg over his form and straddled him. With a small smile, she lowered her mouth to his chest, gently blowing on the light splattering of dark hairs there, watching as they fluttered in the welcome breeze. She placed large wet kisses along his broad chest, running her tongue around his dark brown areoles, tenderly pinching on the hard nipples. "You know, I haven't got to taste you yet," she murmured huskily cupping him through his boxers firmly, stroking his hardness with deft fingers.

He laughed, his voice strained as he arched against her hand. "And you won�t, not if you want me to be around for the grand finale." He grit his teeth as her fingers tightened around him.

She pouted mockingly her hand increasing in tandem. "You're no fun."

"I know I'm not." He rolled them over so she was beneath him. He held himself over, staring intently into her eyes, silently asking her permission to continue.

She quietly nodded her head and smiled. He swallowed and rose from the bed, shedding his boxers.

He positioned himself above her locking eyes with her and searching for any sign that she wanted to stop this. She leaned forward kissing him gently, closing any remaining distance between them.

Silently he positioned himself at her entrance, her legs fell further apart, giving him full access. He kissed her languidly as he inched into her tight passage, groaning into her mouth as her velvet warmth encased him. He felt the first signs of resistance and paused there, letting her become adjusted to the feel of him before pushing on.

She tore her mouth away and hissed harshly burying her face in his neck. He froze still inside her, cursing himself for not making absolutely sure that she was ready. She thrust her hips against him prodding him on; afraid she had done something wrong.

"Shh." he caressed her cheek, holding himself motionless above her. "Wait a minute and it'll pass." He kissed her deeply, his tongue dove deep into her sweet mouth to coax a response and make her forget the pain he had caused.

He stayed completely still, his discipline in threads now. He took deep ragged breaths to try and make himself slow down. She needed time to adjust herself to his invasion, but damn, it was killing him not to move. She was so hot, and tight and wet and perfect. He knew he'd hurt her, and he hoped to God the pain would soon be forgotten.

The pain had taken her breath away, but it receded almost immediately. The feel of him thrilled and frightened her. He made her throb with desire for more, but Pacey wasn't moving, and he seemed to be having trouble breathing. She began to worry she hadn't pleased him.

"Pacey?" she whispered his name, letting him hear the fear in her voice.

"It's all right, Jo. Just don't move...just let me...ah hell, you moved..."

She had shifted slightly, then gasped, shocked by the incredible sensation the movement caused. A burst of raw pleasure coursed through her body so intensely she cried out. She tried to lie perfectly still, but she couldn't control the fire burning inside her now. She moved again and the pleasure intensified.

He groaned in reaction. He was planted solidly inside her, yet still he tried to temper the demands of his body. She moved again, raising her hips to his and the battle to stay motionless was lost. His discipline vanished and he withdrew from her slowly, and then sank deep inside her again.

She thought that was the most amazingly wonderful thing he had ever done. She became intoxicated by the erotic feelings he was generating within her. Instinctively she drew her legs up to take him deeper inside. They found a rhythm quickly, rocking together slowly, letting the heat and pleasure reach a boil. She hugged him to her as tightly to her as she could, until she was mindless for anything except finding a release to the burning sensations.

"Pacey...Pace..." She gasped his name over and over again, clinging to him when the first tremors ignited, squeezing him tightly inside her.

Terrified by the magnitude of her climax, she tried to stop it, but he wouldn't let her retreat. He stroked the fires of passion with each gentle thrust. She cried his name as wave after wave of ecstasy consumed her, and only then, after he was sure she'd found her fulfillment did he give in to his own. With an almost violent shudder, he came deep inside her.

He didn't move for long minutes. The only sound was their harsh panting as each tried to recover. Joey was overcome by what had happened. She continued to hold him as she tried to calm her racing heart.

Pacey wanted to kiss her again, but couldn't seem to gather the strength to move. "Good Lord," he mumbled huskily. He shifted to lay beside her, his body still slick with their mingled sweat. She curled against him, her hand resting over his heart.

He pulled a blanket over them both, settling into its warmth. "Goodnight, Pacey." She whispered sleepily into his shoulder.

"'Night, Jo."

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