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Family Ties
by Dannie and Rinny

Disclaimer: Holds
Recap: After much drama, Pacey and Joey get together after Four to Tango. After staying out all night, Pacey's father hit him and left a scar across his cheek. He hid it from Joey, when she finally tracked him down, he told her to stay out of it, that it wasn't her business. The next night, Pacey appears on her doorstep horribly injured. She nurses him and leaves him at True Love while she heads off for school.

Joey slowly ambled up the steps of the gray apartment building and entered trying to recall what door belonged to the person she was here to see. She took a few calming breaths as she approached the vaguely familiar doorjamb and she reassured herself that she was doing the right thing. She wanted to help Pacey and this was the only way she knew how. She knocked cautiously, almost planning to chicken out.

She shifted uncomfortably from left foot to right, hoping she was doing the right thing. Pacey and Doug weren't exactly the Brady Bunch of familial siblings, but if he couldn't help her, she didn't know who else would.

Doug Witter fumbled with the buttons on his officer's uniform when he thought he heard knocking over the sound of Barbra Striesand's wailing. Cursing as he tripped over his own shoes, he stumbled to the door.

he jerked the door open, his lips pressed in a fine line; irritated that someone would come knocking on his door this early. His scowl turned into a perplexed frown as he recognized his visitor, "Joey?"

Joey gazed up at him. "Hey Doug." She gave a short wave. "We need to talk."

"I'm running a little late, Joey," he said waving her in and turning off his stereo and continued back to the kitchen, buttoning the last of his buttons as he went. "Coffee?" he offered pouring himself a glass. She shook her head. "Suit yourself. Is this about the B & B?" he asked, thinking of the Police Auxiliary.

She shook her head, wringing her hands. "No. It's not." She looked up at him slowly. "It's about Pacey," she said softly.

Not noticing the pained look on Joey's face he asked, "What'd the juvenile delinquent do now?"

She decided to let that comment pass. "He showed up at my house last night and he was hurt pretty badly. " Her voice trailed off unsure of how to proceed.

Doug's body instantly tensed, the coffee cup froze halfway to his mouth, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Joey. His demeanor was serious as he put his coffee cup back down on the counter. His voice was shaky as he spoke. "How badly?"

She eyed him sadly. "Pretty bad. I think he might have a few broken ribs." She didn't bother saying the cause; she figured Doug already had a pretty good idea of what it was.

His knuckles were white, straining as he clutched the mug. A million questions flooded his mind. Why had Joey come to him? Where was Pacey now? What had possessed his father too... "Where's Pacey now?" he asked urgently hoping he wasn't at home.

"At his boat by the docks," Joey said quietly sensing the building tension in the room.

He visibly relaxed. "Does he know you're here?"

She shook her head again. "No. He didn't want me to tell anyone." She studied her wringed hands intently.

Doug's gaze drifted to the clock as he absorbed all this information, 7:50. "Crap. I've got to be at work, and you need to be in school," he said. "Come on, I'll drive you." He put the mug in the sink and sat on the couch to pull his shoes on. "He'll be safe at the boat for the day right?"

Joey shrugged. "He should be."

"Explain to me what happened."

"He was grounded for not coming home from our date and then he had snuck out..." Joey didn't know what else to say as she struggled helplessly with words.

"Has he been back to the house since?" Doug asked worry seeping into his voice.

Joey shook her head no. "Not that I know of."

Doug nodded relieved. He headed for the door, Joey following. "Dad's going to be pissed. I should be able to handle him. Listen Joey," he said over the roof of the police car. "I'll take care of my dad, and Pacey can move in with me until... until we figure things out. Bring him by after school. In the meantime, try not to worry." He climbed into the vehicle leaning across the seat to unlock her door.

Joey merely nodded and climbed in. "Thanks," she said fastening her seatbelt. "Thanks a lot."

The ride to the high school passed in silence, Doug rehearsing the speech he was planning to give to his father. Joey studying her nails intensively hoping that she had done the right thing. When the car pulled up in front of the high school, Joey gave a hurried good-bye and thanks before rushing out.

Joey made her way down the familiar back streets on her way to the docks. She had avoided all signs of life all day and had nearly bombed a history test because she was so distracted. She turned a corner and the familiar shape of the boat came into sight. She wondered if Doug had shown up yet and whether Pacey would be mad at her when he found out. She pushed to the back of her mind the confessional she had heard earlier when she was pretending to be asleep. She'd worry about that later. Right now, she just had to show him how wrong he was.

Pacey polished the metal lining within the bowels of the boat. He'd given up sleeping hours ago and had begun cleaning the interior, careful not to aggravate his still aching body. The hours alone had given him ample time to run the situation through his mind, searching for solutions. The best he had come up with was to stay with Dawson temporarily, but that would bring too many questions to light.

Dawson would want to know why, for how long. Not to mention it'd be even harder to hide his and Joey's relationship. Then there was school, he couldn't show his mangled face there until he had healed, and he couldn't afford any more unexcused absences. Then there was Joey, he smiled, picturing her face in his mind, there were still plenty of issues that still existed between them that they needed to work out. Overall, the day hadn't been a success. When he tried to come up with solutions, he only found more problems.

Joey sighed as she made her way to the boat. She was surprised at not seeing him around. "Pacey?" she called out cautiously.

"Down here, Jo." He called tiredly.

Joey shrugged and slipped her book bag off, placing it gently on the ground. She climbed up the ladder, shopping bag in hand from the stop she had made on her way there. "I come bearing gifts." She called out with a small grin.

"Gifts? What did I do to deserve presents?" He asked, poking his head out, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well, can it be a 'just because'?� she asked arching an eyebrow.

"Just because, huh? Just because you're wonderful," he said softly reaching out a hand to pull her into the little cabin.

She nodded. "Yeah..." she said quietly. "You're wonderful."

Not wanting to start this debate again, he silenced her with a soft kiss, before sitting down on the small bunk along one side of the boat.

Joey kissed him back and pulled away with a sly grin. "You know, now I feel stupid because you might not even like it."

"How could I not like something you gave me?" He asked with a smile and sat back, a childish look of anticipation entering his eyes. She handed over the shopping she had been carrying in her hand. She watched him intently waiting for his reaction.

Pacey smiled at her, and opened the shopping bag. His smile widened, and he pulled out a jar of pink frosting and a bag of Jelly Belly's. A knowing grin etched on his face, he looked up at her speechless.

She smiled. " like?"

"I can't believe you still remember. It was, what, like, nine years ago?" He asked holding the two gifts in his hands.

She shrugged and smiled bashfully. It dated back to when they were in the third grade, the summer before really. The Ice House was catering a company picnic at one of the state parks. That's where they'd first met, two mischievous 8 year olds on the loose. The clown and games the adults had organized for the children held no interest for them, their target was the desert table. Pacey had distracted the fifteen year old who worked at the Ice House who guarding the deserts long enough for Joey to snag a jar of pink frosting and a bag of Jelly Bellies that were going to be used for decorations. They'd snuck off and devoured the sugar within minutes, leaving them to spend the rest of the afternoon, huddled together under the slide trying to ignore their aching bellies.

Joey sat down next to him. "How can I forget?"

"You even got the right color of frosting," he said endearingly, opening the top and dipping his figure in to get a mouthful.

She smiled. "But of course."

He dipped his finger in and offered it to her, expecting her to rebuff him as usual.

Joey grinned and leaned forward her tongue darting between her pink lips, taking a taste of the sweet concoction. She closed her eyes savoring the sugary treat and gently pulled his finger into her mouth as she lightly sucked off the remaining frosting. She lingered for a little longer then needed and then pulled away smiling. "Still tastes as good, better then I remembered."

Pacey swallowed, and leaned over her seated form to turn off the space heater, the small cabin was rapidly growing warmer.

She grinned inwardly at his apparent nervousness. "What's wrong?" she asked with seamless innocence. "You could have left it on. I'm not hot."

"You, Miss. Josephine, are a tease," He declared, wrapping an arm around her. "A tease, a wench, a princess, an angel, and completely possessive of my heart." He added, nuzzling her neck.

She grinned and let out a low moan. "You're worse then me," she murmured.

"Since when is being romantic a bad thing?"

She grinned. "Because it just makes me want to jump you even more."

"And since when is that a bad thing?" he leered flirtatiously kissing her neck.

She laughed. "Can you stop that? It's hard to think of valid argument when you're kissing me."

"Your wish is my command." He stopped kissing her and settled against her side, content to just be near her, pushing thoughts of the outside world out of his mind.

She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. She waited a few moments before speaking. "Uh...Pacey?"


"Do you love me?" she asked cautiously.

He pulled away from her to better look in her eyes. "What kind of question is that?"

She stared down at her hands. "A valid one," she replied quietly.

"How is that valid? I've told you everyday for the last week that I love you...and you still doubt me?" She didn't answer, and for whatever reason, there was fear in her eyes. "Joey," he directed her gaze to him, "I would give you the sun, moon and stars if you asked. I would kill for you and I would die for you. I love you fully and completely, more than I ever thought possible. To quote Jerry Maguire, 'you complete me'. There, is that a sappy enough confession of love for you?" he ended with a smile.

Her eyes widened. "So...if I tell you something can you promise not to be mad?"

Pacey looked confused and slowly as the realization dawned on him, the look on his face turned to hurt. "You didn't," he said with disbelief.

She nodded. "Yeah, I did. I was worried about you and-"

Pacey shook his head in disbelief, which quickly transformed itself to anger. "I told you not to, Joey. That we could handle this on our own! You betrayed me! I trusted you with this!"

"I know, Pacey and I'm sorry, but I had to do it. We can't handle this. Love isn't going to make everything okay!" she exclaimed eyes already threatening tears.

"Who?" he asked coldly.


"You told Doug? My brother Doug?" He asked his voice raising a few octaves. "You told the carbon-copy of my father, why not just throw me into a boxing ring with him? God, Jo! What were you thinking?"

She stood up angrily. "I was worried, okay? Whom else was I supposed to go to!"

"Me! This is my life; I have a right to decide what happens in it. We were going to figure this out together. Not have the decision forced down my throat! Wasn't it you who told Dawson you didn't want to know him anymore after he forced you into something you didn't want to do?"

Joey wanted to die right there. She had never felt so small and horrible in all her life. She felt the treacherous tears beginning to fall. "I'm sorry," her lower lip quivered. "I was worried about you and I couldn't help you. I couldn't stand by and do nothing. I've never felt so helpless...So I went to Doug and he offered to help okay?" she wiped away her tears. She turned to go and headed up the stairs.

"You couldn't just wait and discuss this with me? You had to go to him? My father's lapdog!" His anger was getting the best of him, clouding his mind. "He's going to drive me straight back to my father. You didn't tell him where to find me, did you?" he frowned finally shooting her a look.

Joey's shoulders slumped. "Yeah...I did. He asked and he seemed genuinely concerned about you too."

"I find that hard to believe. The closet case has never shown any concern for my well being." Pacey climbed out of the boat and down the ladder, grabbing his jacket on the way. "Why the hell would he start now?" Bitterness twined itself around his words.

She shrugged and grabbed her backpack slinging it over her shoulder. "I don't know. Tell you the truth I don't know how anyone can. I'm leaving," she stalked off angrily.

"Shit." He mumbled to himself, not bothering to go after her. It was too much to deal with right now, one thing at a time he reminded himself. And right now, what he needed was to get away. He watched Joey walk away, and headed in the opposite direction. Dawson's.

At least Dawson wouldn't turn him over to his father.

Joey stared frustrated at the work that stood in front of her. She had been staring at her chemistry book for a good hour and she could still not get past the first page. She couldn't believe what had happened earlier with Pacey and how he could be so cruel after telling her how much he loved her. She had thought she was doing the right thing by going to Doug and if it was the right thing why did she feel so crappy about it now? She let out a sigh and flopped her head down onto her desk, too frustrated to think anymore.

"Joey? There's someone here to see you," Bessie said sticking her head in the door. She picked her head up and stared at Bessie eyes red rimmed. "Tell them to go away. I don't want to see anybody," she muttered.

"I think you should, Jo," Bessie said conveying her seriousness through her eyes.

She sighed and got up. "Fine. Whatever."

Doug Witter looked up as Joey entered the living room. "Do you mind if we step outside?" he asked gesturing at the door.

Joey nodded and walked over to the door. She stepped out into the cool night air. She took a deep breath back facing him before turning around. "So?"

"I can't find him," he said shortly once the door had closed behind them.

She laughed bitterly. "That is just wonderful." She sat down on her porch steps. "I don't have any idea where he is. He got angry at me for coming to you with this," she said sadly looking out over the creek.

Doug swallowed visibly. "I can understand that. I haven't exactly given Pacey any reason to put any trust in me."

Joey shrugged. "Well, I didn't think I'd fall in love with Pacey and yet I did," she sighed and stood up. "Look, things happen and people change. So don't stress what happened before because it's not worth it." She turned to go back in. "I have homework."

"Wait, Joey. Where am I supposed to find him? Where do you think he'd go?"

Joey shrugged. "I don't know." She opened the door and turned back to him. "Did you try Dawson's, he might've gone there."

"Not yet. Thank you, Joey. For taking care of him," Doug said before trotting to his car.

She shrugged closing the door behind her. "Someone had to."

Pacey mumbled to himself in frustration as he tried to rewrap the ace bandage around his torso after taking a hot shower. The heat had been a much-needed treatment, easing the strain collected in his shoulders and soothing the pain still prominent in his body. He fastened the bandage, wiped the mirror of condensation, and examined himself.

His black eye had become a sickly yellow-green color, the cut beneath it, pink, after he had washed it. The bandage around his middle couldn't quite hide all the bruises, varying in color for a dull yellow, to a deep blue. His cut lip was red and beginning to bleed again. Overall, his looks had improved since the day before.

He heard the ringing of the doorbell below, instantly he thought of Joey. Hoping it was her; here to apologize and help him get through the interrogation Dawson was sure to give him. He had avoided Dawson's questions when he arrived, begged for couch space and the use of his shower. Pacey had to give Dawson credit; he had simply nodded and pointed to the stairs. He could hear muffled voices drifting up through the stairwell, so he quickly dried his hair and finished dressing. Barefoot he trampled down the stairs, an apologetic smile playing on his face.

Doug shifted uncomfortably as he explained to Dawson that he was looking for his brother. He was glad to find out that not all his searching had been done in vain and that Pacey was at Dawson's just as Joey had said he would be. He turned to the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. He smiled weakly when he saw it was Pacey. "Hey little brother."

Without a word, Pacey turned around and ascended the stairs, leaving his best friend and older brother to stare after him. He ground his teeth and balled his fists. He was screwed, royally. There was nowhere else to run, Joey would turn him in, thinking it was for the best, the same with Dawson and any of his friends. God, his father was going to kill him!

Doug coughed obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. "Pacey, we need to talk. In private."

Pacey froze at the top of the stairs. "Whatever you have to say, you might as well say in front of Dawson, Dougie-dear. I tell him everything anyway. Or don't you want to air our family's dirty laundry?" Pacey asked with malice.

He shrugged. "I really don't care...I spoke to Joey."

Pacey turned to face Doug and Dawson, the latter looked incredibly awkward. "So she informed me," Pacey said coldly his eyes hard.

Doug pretended not to notice. "You're moving out of the house. You're going to stay with me until we settle things out."

"Keep dreaming. Why do you care anyway? You never even blinked when this all began, you just turned the other cheek when he let loose a slap or a kick. You even joined in on the verbal abuse! Why the fuck do you care now?"

"I'm asking myself the same thing, but that Potter girl was right, it's not important. Look, Dad's not going to say anything because I'm not going to let him." Doug eyed him coolly.

"Leave Joey out of this. She made a mistake in going to you," Pacey said venomously.

Doug shrugged it off. "Why? Because she cares about you too?

Pacey shifted his gaze to Dawson, who now wore a bewildered expression. "She cares about me as a friend, and went to you thinking she could help. If she really cared, she would have waited." He denied the fact to Doug and Dawson, but the words lacked conviction behind them.

Doug paused seeing the uncertainty in his brother's eyes, but decided not to press it. "Fine. If you say so." He turned to go and said good-bye to Dawson before leaving. "You know where to find me little brother," Doug said with a parting glance as he stepped out through the door.

Dawson shut the door after Doug, trying to compute this new turn of events. He turned back to the stairs, to find Pacey already gone. So it was Mr. Witter who had beaten Pacey, he should have known better than to believe that he had provoked some jock. Not to mention that it had happened before, God, why hadn't he known? He should have figured it out, the bruises in weird places, the occasional limp he had. He felt guilty, even more so with the knowledge that Joey had known. He climbed slowly up the stairs preparing to comfort, and if need be, confront his friend.

He found Pacey sitting on his bed, waiting for him. Quietly, he entered the room and sat in his desk chair facing his him. They both stayed silent in a stalemate waiting for the other to speak first.

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