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Nowhere Else I'd Rather Be
by Dannie and Rinny

Author's Note: Remember that this takes place in the months after Four to Tango. None of the events after that episode took place. There is no AJ. Blame Dannie for the time it's taken to get this out, she was supposed to edit it... which I might add, she never got around to finishing, so I did it for her. ;) But I still love ya hon. -R

Joey scrambled in through the Dawson's window a few days later and sighed. "I swear if I hear another cry from that baby, I will seriously consider homicide."

"Hey, Jo. Alex teething?" Dawson responded from the edge of his bed.

She sighed and flopped down across the bed. "Yeah, consider me lucky if I can even close my eyes for a minute in that house." She stifled a yawn.

Dawson gave her a funny look and pulled on his shoes. "Why are you so tired? Bessie told me Alex was sleeping through the night now."

Joey felt her face flush recalling last night's sleeplessness. She shrugged, "Worry over the B&B. If this doesn't work out..." her voice trailed off, at least it was partly true.

"Feel free to crash here while I'm gone." He offered.

She sat up quickly. "You're leaving?"

"Yeah, Pacey's been acting kinda... out of it lately. The only times he's left his house has been for school and work. Jack and I decided to go and drag him out of bed for a guys night." He grabbed his coat off the back of his chair. "Hey, you should see what Jen and Andie are up to." Dawson grinned teasingly, "You guys could curl each others hair and do each others nails."

Joey scoffed at this idea. "And maybe while we're at it we can compare crushes and share our clothes. Nah, I'll hang solo then." She turned over onto her back. "What are you planning on doing?" She asked trying to feign disinterest.

"We haven't decided yet, it'll be a miricle if we can get him out of bed. I called over there and his Dad said the only thing he's been doing all week is sleeping. Hey, you guys have gotten pretty close lately, you wouldn't happen to know what happened to him would you?"

Joey shrugged. "They probably discontinued his favorite porn magazine or something." She sat up and picked up Dawson's ET doll, examining it in her hands. "Glad, you kept this around."

"Are you okay, Jo? You seem awfully... melencholy these days." Dawson took a moment to take in her disheveled appearance, the frown lines and the bags under her eyes.

She sighed and stood up. "I'm fine, with the stress of the B&B, school, us..." her voice trailed off.

"If something were bothering you, you'd talk to me about it, right? You're still my best-friend Joey."

She nodded, "Of course, Dawson." She supplied him with one of her patented half smiles and pushed a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

"Okay, then I'm off." He walked out the door and quickly turned back, "You know, Joey, you really should see what Jen and Andie are doing today. Don't spend the whole day alone." He quickly disapeared down the hall before she could answer him.

Joey sighed and flopped back down onto the bed. "Whatever, Dawson," she mumbled.

Pacey lay in his bed, feigning sleep. It was obvious he was a mess and in no mood for visitors. He wore the same rumpled shirt he'd been wearing for two days, a week old stubble was growing on his chin and his blankets were tangled around his torso. He heard his Mom let Jack and Dawson into the house, he quickly covered his head with his pillow and willed himself not to move.

Jack clumsily made his way up the stairs letting Dawson lead the way. Strange, he had known Pacey for nearly a year and his sister had dated him, but he had never been to the guy's house. He glanced around his surroundings wearily. From the way Pacey spoke of his home he was expecting to find some medieval dungeon, equiped with manicales and racks. His house was ridiculously normal though. He stopped when he saw Dawson open the door and head into what was obviously Pacey's room. Jack hung back a bit, almost afraid to walk in. He still felt like a stranger when it came to Dawson and Pacey's friendship.

Pacey heard them enter and remained silent in hopes they'd see that he was sleeping and leave... yeah, right. No such luck.

"Rise and shine!" Dawson called out cheerfully, heading to the window. He pulled back the curtains and raised the window shades. He motioned for Jack to come in.

Pacey groaned and turned on his side, away from the sunlight. "Go away Dawson." He yelled out from under the pillow.

"See, I would, but as you would put it, where would the fun in that be?" he asked, and suddenly pulled Pacey's comforter from him.

He finally lifted the pillow off his head to glared at the two intruders. "What the hell are you two doing here?"

Jack backed away a bit, startled by Pacey's attitude, but Dawson payed it no heed. "We've come to pull you out of the slump you've been in."

"Why?" He asked frustrated, anger glinting in his eyes. "Explain to me why you're even going to bother? Did it occur to you that I just might want to sleep all day?"

Dawson sighed. "Who is she?" he asked.

"Who is who, Dawson?"

"Whoever it is that has you in this funk."

"Go away, Dawson. You can't analyze me, I thought you knew that by now."

"I'm not analyzing you. I know you, this is coming from prior knowledge. I have the misfortune of knowing how that mind of yours works, so spill. Is it Andie?" he asked, his voice softening.

Pacey comptemplated lying, but Dawson gave him an easy out. And it wasn't a complete lie. Andie did have something to do with it. He remained stoically silent. Allowing Dawson to come to his own, however wrong, conclusions.

Jack nodded, he had a feeling it had something to do with Andie. She'd told him the whole story. And even though Andie was his sister, he could see where it was mostly her own fault. The only thing that didn't make sense was why Pacey was so upset. It didn't really add up.

"So, it is Andie..." Dawson, said his voice trailing off. "You can't do this, Pacey. You need to get your butt out of bed."

"Why? What glorious plan have you got? Capeside isn't exacty the capital of entetainment. There's not a whole lot that beats staying in bed all day."

"Andie's not worth it," with that final shot, he exited. "No offense Jack," He said passing the older boy on his way out the door. Jack followed behind him into the hallway. "He's given into the life of a recluse. My friend Pacey, the hermit. He won't even tell me what's wrong." Dawson shrugged helplessly.

Jack sighed, "Maybe I can give it a try?" Dawson nodded his ascent. Jack knocked on the door cautiously and entered.

"I thought I made it clear, to go away." Pacey said icily ignoring the latest intruder.

Jack shrugged. "Obviously, not clear enough," Jack replied, glibbly.

"Say your piece," Pacey said, he figured the sooner Jack made his plea the sooner he'd leave.

"Okay, I figure that whatever is bothering you, be it Andie or something else, you don't want to tell anybody and I don't mind, because I really don't need to know. But Dawson came here with the intent of getting you to go outside get some fresh air, maybe eat, things people need to do to live a happy and productive life. Granted, he didn't go about it the best way, but his intentions were good. Dawson and I aren't the best of friends, but I came with him to see you. His best friend, his only best friend right now. So for at least a couple of hours, put away whatever is bothering you and just come spend time with your friends."

Pacey sighed resigned, "Maybe hanging out with you guys is exactly what I need to forget." He rose from his bed, pulling a pair of dirty jeans over his boxers. "It is going to just be us, right?" He asked nervously.

He nodded. "Yeah, just the guys. The girls are off doing their own thing." He nodded his agreenment, trying to act like it meant nothing to him. Jack nodded. "I'll go get Dawson." He quickly exited the room.

Joey frowned as she headed down the empty sidewalk behind Jen and Andie. She still couldn't believe her horrible luck of running into them upon leaving Dawson's house. She couldn't imagine a worse fate then actually spending the day with Andie. Each word the girl spoke to her was like a dagger to the heart.

"Joey, come on. We'll miss the movie if you don't quit dragging your feet. What's gotten into you?"

She shook her head. "Nothing, sorry." She quickened her pace.

"Is there something in the water?" Jen whispered to Andie. "Everyone around here is acting distinctly off kilter."

Andie nodded. "I've noticed." She whipered her reply. Joey rolled her eyes behind the two, great, they were probably talking about her.

She caught up with them as the arrived at the Rialto. "So, what should we see?" Jen asked. "We've got three choices, Snow Falling on Cedars, Magnolia and The Talented Mr. Riply. I vote for Matt Damon."

Andie perked up. "I second that."

Joey shrugged her shoulders. "Whatever. I'm game."

"Don't act too enthused Jo. Come on, It's Matt Damon!"

Joey shot Jen a look. "Oh, yeah. This is me trying really hard to contain my excitement." She rolled her eyes.

Andie decided to interrupt the two. "C'mon. Let's just buy the tickets and enjoy ourselves. A completely stress free day," she smiled and hurried over to the ticket booth.

"And male free day." Jen added with relish.

Joey nodded and followed them both inside after purchasing her ticket. "Look, why don't you and Jen go find seats and I'll handle refreshments," Joey said, needing a break from the two blondes.

Dawson turned to Pacey and Jack. "So the Talented Mr. Ripley, it is?" he asked turning to them.

"Yeah," Jack nodded, looking to Pacey, who wasn't paying attention. He was looking off into space, conviently ignoring his two friends.

Dawson nudged Pacey with his arm, annoyed with his friend. "Talented Mr. Ripley?"

"Hello? Space cadet?" Jack waved his hand in front of Pacey's eyes. He finally nodded and bought his ticket. Dawson and Jack exchanged a look.

"I want to hurry up and find seats. I hate missing the previews." Dawson stated, glancing around the crowded theater.

Pacey tried to perk up for his friends sake, taking Jack's words to heart. "Don't ever change, Dawson, don't ever change." He said with a small smile.

Dawson eyed him strangely. "Ok..." What exactly was up with Pacey? He shot Jack a confused look and Jack just shrugged. He knew just as much as Dawson did, right now.

"Is that Jack? And Dawson?" Jen asked pointing to the two tall people making their way down the isle. The two boys abstructed her view of Pacey behind them.

Andie smiled cheerfully. "Yeah, it is. Hey, Jack!" Andie called out, waving a hand in the air.

"Hey guys, why don't you join us?" Jen asked as they came near.

Dawson shrugged. "Sounds like a good-" he paused, when he remembered the reason that Pacey didn't want to go, standing right in front of them.

Pacey looked up when he heard Dawson and Jack talking. There in front of him... sitting next to each other were Andie and Joey. 'Life cannot be this cruel,' he thought. He stepped back reflexivly. And mentally caluclated if he'd be able to run back out of the theater without any of them seeing him.

No such luck.

"Pacey, you're here too. How... nice," Andie said, pretending to be comfortable with the whole idea.

Joey groaned. She couldn't last two whole hours around those two. They'd probably cuddle or kiss. She fought hard from vomitting at the thought. Dawson eyed her dubiously. "You okay, Jo? You don't look so good." He eyed his friend with concern.

"Maybe it would be best if I took you home, Jo." Jack offered

"No, Jack, um...Pacey can do it." Dawson interjected helpfully.

"What? D..." Pacey tried to protest, but couldn't speak seeing the hatred burning in Joey's eyes. The shock had left him speechless. At one point there had been so much love in their depths.

Joey's eyes widened. "Um..No, I'll walk by myself. I'm perfectly capable of making it home on my own."

"No, someone should go with you, Joey." Jen said, urging her out of her seat.

"No, really. I can make it on my own."

"Joey, if you're really sick someone should go with you and Pacey is going to go." Dawson stated with a finality. Pacey looked wide-eyed between Joey and Dawson. He was tongue tied, unable to get any of his protests out.

Joey groaned giving in. "Fine. Whatever." She turned to Pacey. "Are you coming?" she snapped, "Or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" Pacey wordlessly followed behind her as she stormed up the isle.

She paused once they were outside. "You can go now, hurry off," she said, turning to him.

"But, I-" he started.

"Don't want to be here, I know." Joey finished for him, "So hurry on back to Andie, she might need a big, strong man to protect her during all the violent scenes," Joey said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Screw Andie," He said, running to catch up with Joey who was already a few strides ahead of him.

"Which part of go away do you not comprehend? I know it's probably a difficult concept for you to grasp, but I don't want you near me."

"At least let me explain..." he tried, knowing what her response would be before he even said the words.

"Explain? Explain what?" She asked, angrily.

"What you saw. Me and Andie." He said softly.

Joey laughed bitterly. "Spare me the details. I already know where this story ends."

"I don't think you have any idea how it ends! You wont give me a chance to explain!" He yelled

She frowned. "Explain. You want to explain?" she sat down on the sidewalk. "You have one minute to explain, so make it quick."

He stood in front of her, "What you saw meant nothing. After you sprang our whole little relationship on Dawson, he and I got to talking. I asked for some advice and he assumed I was talking about Andie. Which was fine. Had he thought I was talking about you, he would have killed me.

"He said I should talk to Andie instead of leaving things in the air. So I did. I tried to reach some closure with her, to talk out our relationship. She thought I wanted to get back together and she kissed me." Pacey said, his eyes pleaded with hers to fogive him.

Joey looked up at him, forgiveness etched in her light brown eyes. "I-" aburptly she bent over and threw up.

"Oh, Jo." He quickly came to her side and lifted her hair out of her face as her stomach recoiled. "Let's get you home."

She stood up shakily, feeling a bit light headed. "I-I'm fine. I can get home on my own. Thank you very much."

"Whether you think you can or not isn't the issue, I'm coming with you." He insisted, slipping his arm through hers.

"I'm not an invalid, Pacey. I am quite capable of-," she passed out.

Pacey suprised, just barely caught her on the way down. Immediatly he checked her breathing and pulse, satisfied that she was alive, he began to panic.

He laid her on the nearby bench... and tried to figure out where to go from there. The hospital was miles away, there were no houses nearby. He paced back and forth a few times, checking on her every few seconds. He debated going back to the theater for his truck, but he couldn't leave her there.

Joey's eyes slowly fluttered open and she carefully sat up. "If you think for one second I'm going to forgive you. You have another-" she vomited once again. She fliped her head back and rested it against the bench. "I hate you." she mumbled.

Pacey ignored what she said and squatted down in front of her, his hands resting on her thighs. "Can you walk?" He asked slowly.

"Sure, I can. I have two legs don't I?" she said, her voice hoarse. She stood up shakily, proud of her accomplishment, before crashing back down on the bench. "Um...Well, normally I can."

"Will you be okay if I leave you here for a few minutes while I run and get my truck?"

Joey shook her head. "No, I can walk." She rose again this time, actually suceeding in the task. She took a few tentative steps. "I told you," she whispered.

"Okay, let's get you to the truck before you pass out again." Pacey said wrapping an arm around her waist and gently tried to guide her back the direction they had come.

She leaned against him, letting her head rest against his shoulder, they walked together unsteadily. She closed her eyes. "I feel so tired," she mumbled.

Pacey kissed her on the head as they walked. "A few more minutes and you can go to sleep." Her body heat radiated from her, he could feel it in the air, like an aura surronding her. His worry increased and he tried to get her to walk faster. "Just a little further, Jo."

"Mmmhmm," she mumbled incoherently. "You smell good," she said, her eyes still closed.

He let a small smile slip out. "You really are sick to be giving me complements when you're this mad at me."

Joey nodded slightly. "Yeah, 'cause you kissed Andie. I love you and you go and kiss Andie," she mumbled, "...and Dawson has a large forehead, have you ever seen it? It's huge."

"I love you too Jo. So much." He muttered, they were close to the theater now. "Joey, honey, sit right here." He lowered her to a bench a few blocks away from the theater. "I'm going to run and get the truck and come straight back for you." He figured he'd be able to get to the truck faster if he weren't leading her along. He recieved a small nod. "I'll be right back."

He took off running as fast as he could.

She nodded, her head. "Yeah, okay." She slowly fell onto her side, closing her eyes. "I'll just rest for a little while."

Pacey reached his truck within a minute of leaving Joey. He fumbled around with his keys, and realized his hands were shaking slightly when he tried to get the key in the ignition. He forced himself to calm down and pulled out onto the street. He pulled up next to Joey and got out of the car. "Come on, Jo. Get up."

She bolted awake and regurgitated again. "God, I must've polluted half of Capeside," she mumbled and attempted to stand up.

"It's okay, you'll be home in a few minutes and then we'll get some medicine in you. Bessie'll know what to do." He said, helping her into the truck. "Please, please, lean out the window if you feel like you're going to be sick." He closed her door for her and sprinted around to his own side.

She nodded and closed her eyes, leaning back against the seat.

Every few seconds Pacey would glance at Joey's profile, his brow furrowed. She was pale, too pale for his liking. He had no idea what was wrong with her... that alone was what scared him most, wanting to help so badly but not knowing how.

Within five minutes they were at the B & B, it had seemed to take forever. "Okay, Jo, we're here." He told her unbuckling her seatbelt for her.

Her eyelids fluttered open. "Okay..." Pacey went to her side and helped her out and into the house.

"Hello? Anybody home?" he called as he lowered her onto the couch. He turned on a few lights and even ran upstairs in hopes that he would find someone there. No such luck.

Joey sat up shakily and began to remove her shirt. "It's too hot in here," she growled.

"Right, right, cool down." Pacey mumbled to himself. He tried to remember what his mother had done whenever he got sick. "Cool bath!" he said. He looked to Joey and cringed, she was already half undressed. "Oh well. Joey, leave your underwear on, I'm going to give you a bath." He left her in the livingroom to go start the bath water running.

She nodded and fell back onto the couch. "I don't feel too good." She groaned and turned over onto her back.

Pacey ran frantically back into the room hearing her announcment. He grabbed nearest thing he could find, a mixing bowl and ran to her side, holding it out in anticiptaion of her heaving stomach.

She leaned over and empty out the last remaining contents of her nearly empty stomach. "Thanks, Pacey."

He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be right now." He kissed her on her burning forhead and rose to dump the mess into the nearest toilet.

Joey grinned slightly, feeling warm all over. "I'm sorry, about the Andie thing. If she makes you happy..." her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes.

Pacey checked the temperature of the water and came back for Joey, who again was asleep. "Joey, Princess, wake up. Your bath awaits." He nudged her gently.

She nodded awakening slowly, with his support she made it to the bathroom.

He sat her down on the toilet seat and helped her remove her socks and shoes. Leaving her shorts, underwear and bra on. "Okay, In ya go, Potter." He said helping her into the tub. He could feel her shiver in his arms when she put her feet in.

"I-it's so cold," she said, her teeth chattering.

"It has to be, Princess. You won't have to be in there long." He fumbled through the bathroom cabinet hoping to fine some asprin or some kind of fever reducer. He did come across a themometer and immediatly took it to her. "Say ah."

She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue. "Aaah!"

He smiled at her, "That's good, Jo." He left and began searching through her cabinet again. He returned with Advil and found that her temperature was over 102. "Oh, Josephine." He whispered to himself, chewing his bottom lip. He forced her to take two Advil and he settled himself next to her on the floor. Every few minutes he'd scoop up the cool water and run it over he head, hoping it would cool her down.

She smiled up at him, letting the water wash over her body and closed her eyes. She felt so tired. Her brain wouldn't cooperate with the rest of her body anymore, leaving her to feel light headed and weak. She closed her eyes and let sleep take over her body.

Half an hour later Pacey took her temperature again. It had gone down a degree. "That's probobly as low as it's going to get." he tried waking her up again.

"Joey?" he was beginning to get worried again. "Joey! " he shook her by the shoulder gently, then more violently.

"Hmmm? What? What? Bessie, go away. I don't want to go to school," she murmured.

"Joey, it's me, Pacey. We need to get you into some warm clothes now." It was then that he realized that that may present a problem.

She stood up shakily on her own, her eyes heavy with sleep, she attempted climbing out on her own, but kept failing. Resting one hand on Pacey's shoulder she finally climbed out and wrapped herself in the towel he had waiting for her.

"Okay, Joey, let's get you into bed." He wrapped an arm around her tightly and lead her to her bedroom. Joey nodded in compliance, resting against him. "Okay, let's sit ya down." He said lowering her onto the edge of the bed. "Um... where do you keep your... underthings?" he asked.

"Third drawer on the left," she replied motioning to the dresser.

"Right," He mumbled, rifling through the drawer, he tried not to look, it just felt wrong. "Okay," he said grabbing the first pair he saw. "Now we need a night gown for you."

Joey nodded and shivered. She wrapped the towel tighter around her. "S-second drawer." He took the warmest looking flannel one and walked back to Joey. She grabbed them. "T-thanks." She had to admit that if she weren't so sick she would laugh at this situation, Pacey was too cute running around the house, like a chicken with its head cut off. She would have to thank him later.

"Do you want help, or can you do it on your own?"

"I think, I'll need help," she tried hard to conceal her smile, she was sick, but that didn't mean she couldn't have fun.

"Uhhh..." he stood standing before her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded and bit her lower lip apprehensively. She looked up at him with big doe eyes. "Uh-huh."

"R-right, sure. I can do that." he said more to convince himself than her. As much as he loved her and wanted her this was one step he wasn't quite prepared for.

Joey dropped the towel, letting it puddle around her feet. She began to unhook her bra.

"Y'know, Jo... you seem to be handling that pretty well on your own. So I'll just, just be wai-waiting outside, okay? Okay." He nodded and bolted from the room.

Joey laughed slightly to herself, she knew he would chicken out. She quickly changed into her pajamas and climbed into bed, feeling much better then she had earlier. "Pacey," she called out. "You can come in now."

He ducked his head around the door and seeing her wrapped up snuggly in her bed he came all the way in. "I made you some tea... extra honey."

Her face crinkled. "Okay, thanks. God, I sound like a broken record, I've been saying that all day," she said sitting up.

"Feel free to keep saying it. I'm betting that by tomorrow you'll be back to you biting my head off as usual." He handed her the warm mug of tea and pulled her desk chair to the edge of the bed to sit on.

She giggled softly and raised the warm drink to her lips. Her hands wrapped around it she blew lightly across the top and took a tentative sip.

"Don't drink to much yet," He said stopping her. "I should take your temperature again. He rose nervously and went back to the bathroom to get the thermometer again.

Joey rolled her eyes. Pacey was such a worrier. "Okay, Mom."

"I'm worried, Joey." He said when he returned seconds later. You passed out twice. I'm pretty sure that gives me valid reason."

Shrugging she turned her gaze to the intricate pattern that marked her comforter. "Shouldn't you call Andie or something, she's probably worried. Wouldn't want you wasting your time with another girl." Her voice came out more harsh then she wanted it to.

Inwardly he winced, not just at her tone, but at her words. "Andie and I aren't together, Joey." He tilted her face up to his. "What you saw was one kiss, a mistake."

She sighed. "You kissed her, Pacey and forget it," she said, raising her hands in protest, "we don't owe each other any explanations. We're not together."

"You're right, we aren't together. And I don't owe you an explaination. But I'm giving you one because I care about you, I want to explain." He held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "Andie means nothing more to me than a friend. And as cliched as this may sound, she kissed me."

Joey looked at him from the corner of her eye, a tight lipped frown on her face. "Well, I don't care anymore. I-I don't. She can have you."

Pacey slowly withdrew her hands from her face. Her words cut through him like a knife. "I think I should go now."

She frowned. "Why?"

"You obviously don't want me here. You wont listen to what I'm saying."

She sighed and looked back at him. "I want you here, but Andie kissed you. What can I do about it?" She shrugged helplessly, her voice melencholy.

"You don't have to do anything about it. You can't change what happened. It's over and done with. Nothing came from it, and nothing will come from it." He added with some bitterness, "Just like nothing is going to come from us."

She smiled slightly. "There goes those circles agains, seems we're doomed to never go anywhere."

Pacey nodded. "Care to go in a few more circles?" Joey gave him a look of utter confusion. "I know we've had this conversation before, Jo. But where are we supposed to go from here? We tried it for a week... and where did it land us? We still ended up here, together, as miserable as ever. Only now we've dragged Andie into it."

She nodded. "I know." She felt her heart breaking into a million pieces. Why did life have to suck so much? Well, one thing she was glad she hadn't done was tell him that she loved him. Why add more to this undying saga.

And why did she always think so much?

He was here, she was here.

Alone. In a house.

With no parental supervision.

No chance of anyone walking on them.

No interutptions and suddenly, he was sitting too close for comfort. She shifted uncomfortably in her spot on the bed and bit her lower lip apprehensively as she studied his lips, wanting to kiss him. Wanting that closeness. She closed her eyes and sighed. Why did she bother?

"What are we supposed to do, Joey? I can't go on pretending I don't have feelings for you." He said still looking into her eyes.

Joey nodded, her gaze transfixed with his and suddenly she was drowning. Her mind caught up in a torrent of different emotions. She recalled their first kiss, their encounter at the supermarket, when he had come to visit her that same night, the fight they got into at the B&B when he accused her of still being hung up on Dawson, earlier today when he had helped her while she was sick, the look of love and concern etched in his features. She smiled softly to herself.

All at once she knew; she loved him. She was absolutely one hundred percent, ass backward in love with Pacey Witter and there was nothing she could do about it. Suddenly, it wasn't about who they would hurt and about repercussions.

It was about them.

Right here.

Right now.

She tentatively raised a hand to his cheek, enjoying the soft, scratchy feel and traced the outline of his lips with her thumb, before pressing her lips to his. She silently delved her tongue into his mouth with surprising skill, exploring it with an added languidness, there was no rush, their mouths coming together in a soulful dance. She pushed herself closer to him, her hands cupping his face, all sane and reasonable thought fleeing her mind.

After a few moments she pulled away, her eyes still closed and her breathing labored, her hands still on him.

Pacey rested his forhead against hers. Stuggling to catch his breath, "Wha- What was that for?" He whispered, planting kisses on her forehead, cheeks, neck, and the corner of her mouth.

"Because I love you," she lowered her head searching for his eyes, her light brown ones gazed into his, expressing all the passion, hope and innocence that she felt. "I love you," she said again her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm in love with you and only you."

Pacey's eyes widened, it was the last thing he had expected to hear from her. "I thought that..." he trailed off. "So, you finally admit it... I'm irresistable." He grinned at her, "I love you too, Joey. With all my heart. And I don't care who knows it." He kissed her soundly and fully on the lips, melting into her. She genlty pulled at his shoulders, urging him to join her on the bed.

She kissed him back, exploring every crevice with her tongue, enjoying every moment before pulling back. Her breathing slightly labored, she rested her head against his chest and absentmindedly linked her hand through his. She closed her eyes, listening to his heart beat and the sound of his breathing as every breath entered and left his chest. A part of her wished that she could stay like this forever.

Pacey caressed her hair with his free hand, playing with it, twirling it between his fingers. His smile stretched from ear to ear, he couldn't help it. For the first time since this all began, things were perfect. He let out a contented sigh. "Hey, Jo?"

"Hmm?" Joey said, looking up at him.

"Are you okay? You feel warm, I think your temperature went up." He pressed a hand to her forehead, worry entering his voice again.

She chuckled slightly. "Of course it would have..." her voice trailed off.

He smiled to himself, "Than my heated kisses are the last thing you need right now." He shifted to move her off of him. Joey pouted, but complied, settling in under the comforter. "Is there anything I can get you before I leave?" He asked her standing next to the bed.

She nodded. "Yeah,"

"And that would be...?" He teased talking a few steps closer to her.

Her brow furrowed as she pretended to mull it over. "You." She smiled.

"I don't think I have a problem with that... but none of my steamy kisses. You may never recover." He grinned slyly.

"Don't flatter yourself."

"No, I've never been able to do that... you're always there to stop me." He sat on the chair next to the bed and took her hand.

She smiled and stifled a yawn. She felt her eyelids becoming heavy with sleep. "I love you, Princess." He said softly lifting her hand with his and kissing her knuckles.

Joey smiled again, softly and shut her eyes. "Pacey?" she whispered.

"Yeah, Jo?'

"Can you hold me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded and smiled in contentment, the love he felt for her at that moment revebrated through ever cell of his body. He removed his shoes and climbed into the other side of the bed. She snuggled up to him, resting her head just under his chin.

"Love you," she whispered, drifting off into sleep, a small smile on her lips.

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